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This resource pack was made by FloBoi. You do not have my permission to repost this
resource pack anywhere publicly without giving original credit to me. Reposting
this pack using any money earning ad link such as “” is also prohibited. If
you would like to modify this resource pack and post it, please ask for my
permission by contacting me at (!

If you downloaded this pack from a community and the user’s name who posted it
is/was not “FloBoi” or “FloBoiPVP” then please report it to the moderators of the
website, and/or report it to me by contacting me at (

If you run into any problems while installing this pack, I would be glad to give
you help. Please contact me at ( if you need assistance
with installation!

Regarding the lack of support: I am incredibly sorry an update took this long. I
have now found an easier method to continue updating this pack. As long as my
photoshop works, I will keep updating it. :)

Let me now if you would prefer the pack to be more saturated!

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