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Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768

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Topical Review

Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke: Presentation, Risk Factors,

Evaluation, and Outcome
Laura L. Lehman MD a, Michael J. Rivkin MD a, b, c, *
Department of Neurology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
Department of and Radiology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts

BACKGROUND: Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke is as common as large vessel arterial ischemic stroke in adults and
leads to significant morbidity. Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke is the most common identifiable cause of cerebral
palsy and can lead to cognitive and behavioral difficulties that are amortized over a lifetime. METHODS: The
literature on perinatal arterial ischemic stroke was reviewed and analyzed. RESULTS: Risk factors for perinatal
arterial ischemic stroke include those that are maternal, neonatal, and placental. The most common clinical signs
at presentation are seizures and hemiparesis. Evaluation should begin with thorough history acquisition and
physical examination followed by magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, with consideration of magnetic
resonance angiography of the head and neck, echocardiogram, and thrombophilia evaluation. Treatment beginning
early to include physical, speech, and occupational therapies including constraint-induced movement therapy and
close cognitive and developmental follow-up may be beneficial. Future treatments may include transcranial
magnetic stimulation, hypothermia, and erythropoietin. CONCLUSIONS: Perinatal arterial ischemic stroke comprises
a group of arterial ischemic injuries that can occur in the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal periods in term and
preterm infants with different types of perinatal arterial ischemic stroke having different clinical presentations,
risk factors, and long-term outcomes.
Keywords: neonatal, perinatal, presumed perinatal, ischemic, stroke
Pediatr Neurol 2014; 51: 760-768
Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Introduction cerebral blood flow secondary to arterial or cerebral venous

thrombosis or embolization, between 20 weeks of fetal life
Neonatal stroke remains incompletely understood. through twenty-eighth postnatal day confirmed by neuro-
Similar to stroke in older children and adults, neonatal stroke imaging or neuropathologic studies.”1 Thus, the clinical en-
may be either hemorrhagic or ischemic; however, the pre- tity of ischemic perinatal stroke includes focal or multifocal
sentation and etiologies of stroke in neonates differ from ischemic injury to the central nervous system of either
those of both older age groups and, in many cases, remain arterial or venous etiology that can occur during the prenatal,
unrecognized. A workshop convened by the National In- intrapartum, or postnatal period. This review focuses spe-
stitutes of Health addressed ischemic perinatal stroke. cifically on arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) in the neonate that
Ischemic perinatal stroke was defined as “a group of het- investigators have consistently defined as a pattern of
erogeneous conditions in which there is a focal disruption of ischemic brain injury in an arterial distribution.2-4
AIS during childhood occurs most frequently in the
perinatal period. The incidence of AIS in the neonate is
Article History: similar to the incidence of large artery AIS in adults and is
Received December 5, 2013; Accepted in final form July 25, 2014
17 times greater than the incidence of AIS in children.5 In
* Communications should be addressed to: Dr. Rivkin; Department of
Neurology; Boston Children’s Hospital; Pavilion 154; 300 Longwood term neonates, AIS is the most common recognized cause of
Avenue; Boston, Massachusetts 02115. cerebral palsy and is the second most common underlying
E-mail address: etiology of neonatal seizures.6,7

0887-8994/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L.L. Lehman, M.J. Rivkin / Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768 761

First, we will discuss the classification and the epide- TABLE 1.

Risk Factors for Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke
miology of perinatal AIS. Next, we will describe the known
maternal, placental, and neonatal risk factors associated Type of Risk Factor Risk Factor
with perinatal AIS. Then, we will review the common clin- Maternal Thrombophilia
ical presentations and imaging findings and discuss the Infertility
recommended evaluation and treatment. We will conclude Prolonged rupture of membranes
with a discussion of outcome after perinatal AIS. Preeclampsia
Intrauterine growth retardation
Classification Infection
Maternal fever
As mentioned previously, perinatal AIS refers to a distinct
pattern of ischemic brain injury in an arterial distribution Fetal Thrombophilia
Congenital heart disease
that occurs during the prenatal, intrapartum, or neonatal
period. Perinatal AIS can be subclassified according to the Hypoglycemia
time of diagnosis as fetal, neonatal, or presumed perinatal Perinatal asphyxia
AIS. Fetal AIS is diagnosed before birth through the use of Infection
fetal imaging methods or in stillbirth on the basis of Need of resuscitation
neuropathologic examination that reveals a pattern of Apgar score of <7 at 5 minutes
ischemic brain injury in an arterial distribution. Neonatal Placental Chorioamnionitis
AIS constitutes an acute presentation of encephalopathy Placental infarcts
manifesting as seizure, altered mental status, and/or Placenta weighing less than tenth percentile
neurological deficit between birth and the twenty-ninth
postnatal day for which a pattern of ischemic brain injury
in an arterial distribution is evident by clinical neuro- factors to be independently associated with neonatal AIS.
imaging. Presumed perinatal AIS is diagnosed in individuals One study using multivariate analysis demonstrated that
>28 days of age with focal neurological deficits and a cor- neonatal AIS in the term infant was associated with
responding chronic infarct in arterial distribution in whom maternal fever during delivery.13 Another study determined
it is presumed (but not proven) that the ischemic injury that maternal smoking was the only maternal risk factor
occurred between the twentieth week of fetal life through associated with neonatal AIS.14 In the International Pediat-
the twenty-eighth postnatal day but was not detected ric Stroke Study (IPSS) cohort, maternal risk factors were
during that period.1-4 Neonatal AIS can be further catego- uncommon except gestational hypertension and/or pre-
rized as a term or preterm clinical event depending on the eclampsia, which occurred in 10% of mothers.17
gestational age of the infant. Preterm neonatal AIS is Fewer studies exist that examine maternal risk factors
defined as an AIS occurring in a preterm infant variably in preterm infants with neonatal AIS. Golomb et al.
defined by investigators as less than 35 weeks to 37 weeks examined infants with preterm neonatal AIS and found
of gestational age.5,8,9 that 30% of the mothers had a history of maternal
infection, 22% had a history of gestational bleeding, 17%
Epidemiology had a history of maternal smoking, and 9% had a history
of maternal drug use.2 Benders et al.,9 on the other hand,
The incidence of neonatal AIS in term infants has been was not able to demonstrate any relationship between
reported to reside between one in 2300 and one in 5000 preterm neonatal AIS and any known maternal risk
live births.7,10,11,12 AIS occurs even more frequently among factor.
preterm newborns. Benders et al.9 found that preterm AIS Even fewer studies have examined maternal risk factors
occurred at a rate of seven per 1000 infants born at or before in presumed perinatal AIS. Golomb et al.18 found that most
34 weeks of gestation. A male predominance occurs in term of the children diagnosed with presumed perinatal AIS had
neonatal AIS but has not been observed in preterm neonatal maternal histories of preeclampsia, maternal infection,
AIS.2-4,12 Studies on the incidence of presumed perinatal bleeding during pregnancy, or gestational diabetes.
stroke are scarce. One study, which combined hemorrhagic Moreover, in a study examining maternal-infant pairs
and ischemic presentations of presumed perinatal stroke including infants with either presumed perinatal or
found an incidence of one in 2307 live births with a female neonatal AIS, 78% of the dyads possessed at least one
predominance.11 thrombophilia risk factor. In this cohort, factor V Leiden
heterozygosity, protein C deficiency, and antiphospholipid
Risk factors antibodies carried significant risk of stroke compared with
Risk factors for perinatal AIS comprise maternal, Neonatal risk factors include congenital heart disease
neonatal, and placental conditions (Table 1). Maternal risk (CHD), prothrombotic abnormalities, 5-minute Apgar
factors include infertility, preeclampsia, prolonged rupture score of <7, hypoglycemia, and infection.11,13,16,19-22 Me-
of membranes, maternal smoking, intrauterine growth chanical force applied to the newborn’s head and neck
retardation, maternal fever, thrombophilia, and cho- during labor may also lead to injury of craniocervical ar-
rioamnionitis.5,13-16 The risk of neonatal AIS increases as the teries increasing risk of arterial dissection and stroke.23 A
number of the pregnant mother’s risk factors rises.5 Many recent study using multivariate analysis determined that
different studies have demonstrated different maternal risk hypoglycemia, an Apgar score of <7 at 5 minutes, and
762 L.L. Lehman, M.J. Rivkin / Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768

early-onset sepsis and/or meningitis were independently Abnormal placental pathology has become a focus of
associated with neonatal AIS.13 Similarly, Kirton et al.17 interest as a cause of perinatal AIS. An evaluation of
using neonatal data from the IPSS in which 92% of the in- placental pathology in infants with cerebral palsy and
fants were born at term found that among neonates with neurological impairment found that severe fetal cho-
AIS, 30% received perinatal resuscitation, 23% had systemic rioamnionitis, extensive avascular villi, and diffuse cho-
infection, and less than 20% demonstrated prothrombotic rioamniotic hemosiderosis were independently associated
or cardiac abnormalities. with neurological impairment.36 Severe fetal placental
Perinatal AIS occurs in the setting of CHD. Neonates with vascular lesions including fetal thrombotic vasculopathy,
CHD have been found to sustain arterial stroke in patterns of chronic villitis with obliterative fetal vasculopathy, cho-
arterial occlusive or watershed injury. Furthermore, AIS has rioamnionitis with severe fetal vasculitis, and meconium-
been found to occur in the preoperative and intraoperative associated fetal vascular necrosis are also significantly
and/or postoperative periods. Further, it is not infrequently correlated with neurological impairment and cerebral
clinically silent in its occurrence.24 Characteristics of CHD palsy.37 Few studies exist that specifically examine placental
and its management such as the presence of an intracardiac pathology in relation to perinatal AIS. However, a recent
right-to-left shunt, preoperative ballon atrial septostomy, study of placental pathology in 12 neonates with either AISs
transposition of the great arteries, or single ventricle or cerebral sinovenous thrombosis demonstrated that all
physiology have been associated with neonatal AIS.19,25,26 five neonates with AIS had placental abnormalities. Of the
Further, operative features such as duration of bypass, age five neonates with arterial ischemic stroke, three had
at surgical correction, and need for reoperation may also be chronic villitis, three had distal villous immaturity, two had
associated with the occurrence of AIS in neonates with a placental infarct, and two had a placental weight less than
CHD.27 Diagnostic procedures such as cardiac catheteriza- the tenth percentile.38 Placental pathology has also been
tion and the more recent use of ventricular assist device as a found to be significantly more common in infants with
bridge to cardiac transplant from extracorporeal membrane neonatal AIS as compared to those with presumed perinatal
oxygenation have been associated with the occurrence of AIS.11 Interestingly, among preterm neonates, no difference
AIS.28-30 Finally, evidence of subtle white matterebased in placental pathology was present between those with AIS
cerebral injury attributable to the prenatal or perinatal and controls.9
period has been reported in adolescents with d-trans-
position of the great arteries.31 Clinical presentation
Thrombophilia and genetic factors remain associated with
AIS in the neonatal period. Prothrombotic risk factors Newborns who sustain AIS present 58-68% of the time
including elevated lipoprotein (a), MTHFR mutation, factor V during the neonatal period.39,40 The remainder presents after
Leiden, prothrombin gene mutation, and protein C de- 28 days of age usually because of detection of a focal
ficiencies have all been associated with neonatal AIS.32,33 In a neurological abnormality which, in turn, leads to discovery of
study by Gunther et al.,32 thrombophilia was evident in 68% an old cerebral infarct that is classified as presumed perinatal
of infants with neonatal AIS compared with 24% of controls AIS. The most common presenting feature of neonatal term
with an odds ratio of 6.7. Along with prothrombotic genetic infants with AIS is seizure. Seizures constitute the initial sign
risk factors, other genetic risk factors may contribute to in 69-90% of the term newborns with neonatal AIS.17,39,40 The
neonatal AIS. A recent article by Gelfand et al.34 found that first seizure occurrence after 12 hours of life, especially one
patients with neonatal AIS were more likely to have the with focal features, has been reported to distinguish those
apolipoprotein E ε4 allele than controls but because of small days AIS rather than generalized hypoxic-ischemic brain
sample size lacked statistical significance. Apolipoprotein E injury.41 Further, most of the seizures associated with
ε4 is a gene expressed in the central nervous system and neonatal AIS occur within the first 3 days of life.13,39,42 Other
involved in lipid transport, the metabolism of which has common presentations include encephalopathy, apnea, and
been associated with cerebral palsy and adult stroke. tone abnormalities. In a cohort of 248 neonates, 63% pre-
Preterm neonates who develop AIS have similar risk sented with diffuse neurological signs including change in
factors to term infants. In a patient study of 31 preterm the level of consciousness (39%) and abnormal tone (38%).
infants with neonatal AIS, a multivariate analysis deter- Notably, focal neurological signs were present in only 30% of
mined that twin-twin transfusion, abnormal fetal heart rate patients, 95% of whom demonstrated a lateralizing hemi-
pattern, and hypoglycemia were independent risk factors paresis. Respiratory and feeding difficulties were present in
for the occurrence of AIS. Although, only 11 of the 31 neo- 26% and 24%, respectively.14 Similar characteristics were
nates had a thrombophilia evaluation, two of the 11 were found by Chabrier et al.41 who found that 46% of 100 neo-
found to be factor V Leiden heterozygotes, five harbored an nates with neonatal AIS presented with abnormal tone and
MTHFR mutation (two homo and three hetero), whereas 36% with decreased level of consciousness.
one had an increased lipoprotein (a) level.9 Preterm neonates with AIS present differently from term
Little is known about the risk factors in children found to infants. Preterm infants with neonatal AIS are commonly
have a presumed perinatal AIS. Nevertheless, the occur- asymptomatic and are diagnosed by routine head ultra-
rence of an inherited thrombophilia has been evident to be sound.9,39 Seizure occurrence is less common as compared
more common among children with presumed perinatal to term infants with neonatal AIS. Golomb et al.43 found
AIS compared with those with neonatal AIS.35 Conversely, that most of the preterm infants with neonatal AIS pre-
perinatal asphyxia appears more frequently in children sented with respiratory difficulties or apnea (83%), whereas
with neonatal AIS compared with those with presumed 30% presented with seizure, 26% with abnormal feeding,
perinatal AIS.11 and 22% with abnormal tone.
L.L. Lehman, M.J. Rivkin / Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768 763

Presumed perinatal AIS usually presents after 2 months initial injury.50,51 Dudink et al. studied term infants with
of age with a median age of presentation of 6 months.18,39 neonatal stroke in the first postnatal weeks with MRI to find
Most infants (81-86%) with presumed perinatal AIS pre- that T2W images revealed a high signal intensity in affected
sent with early hand preference or fisting.8,15 Less common cortical gray matter and white matter during the first week
presentations include seizures (14-15%) and gaze prefer- of life, whereas T1W imaging revealed a low signal intensity
ence (5%).11,17,18,39 in the involved cortical gray matter. From 1 week to 1
month after birth, cortical gray matter signal intensity was
Imaging high on T1W imaging and low on T2W imaging. After 1-
2 months the infarcted area evolved into areas of tissue loss
Clinical suspicion of neonatal AIS is confirmed by neu- and cysts (Fig 3).51
roimaging. Cranial ultrasound is the most convenient but In all types of perinatal AISs, the majority are unilateral,
also the least sensitive of available neuroimaging modal- occur in the left hemisphere and in the middle cerebral
ities.44,45 Cranial computed tomography offers higher image artery (MCA) territory. In a recent study of preterm and
resolution than ultrasound but exposes the infant to x- term neonatal AIS and presumed perinatal AIS, Lee et al.
irradiation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides the found that 87% of strokes were unilateral. The majority
highest anatomic resolution and the best sensitivity to occurred on the left side (53%) compared with those on the
detect acute ischemia but requires transport of the patient right (35%) alone. MCA territory was exclusively affected in
to an MRI scanning suite (Figs 1 and 2).46 Specific sequences 74% of patients.39 Other studies have confirmed the pre-
important to obtain when imaging the neonate with MRI dominance of left hemispheric (58-64%) and MCA territory
include diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), T1- and T2- locations (75-90%) of AIS found in preterm, term neonates,
weighted imaging (T1W and T2W), and susceptibility and those identified as presumed perinatal AISs.9,13,18
weighted imaging. A magnetic resonance angiography The location of AIS within the MCA territory varies in
(MRA) of the head and neck should be considered to look term and preterm neonates. Term neonates usually
for craniocervical arteriopathy because it can easily be demonstrate cortical branch strokes (59%) within the MCA
added to the initial MRI evaluation. Vascular imaging has territory while lenticulostriate branch infarcts are
not been studied as much in neonatal stroke as it has in commonly observed in preterms (39%).9,13 Main branch
older children and adults. Nonetheless, patient reports and MCA strokes occur with approximately equal frequency in
series have demonstrated the ability of MRA to detect cer- term and preterm infants. Interestingly, the arterial
vicocephalic arterial dissection and asymmetry of cerebro- involvement in the preterm infant was evident to change
vascular trees in neonates found to have AIS.23,47-49 with gestational age. Most of the infants with preterm AIS,
Different MRI sequences are helpful to identify perinatal <28-32 weeks of gestational age, had lenticulostriate
stroke depending on the timing of the imaging from initial involvement compared with older (32-36 weeks of gesta-
injury. DWI is used to see cytotoxic edema and in neonates tional age) preterm infants with AIS, in whom the majority
is sensitive within hours of the initial injury, similar to had cortical branch infarcts.9 These results correlate with
adults. Visualization of the lesion using DWI is best findings that most of the term neonatal MCA territory AIS
observed within the first 2-4 days from the time of the reflects cortical branch involvement.13

Comparison of head ultrasound (HUS) and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of neonatal arterial ischemic stroke in a 1-day-old term infant who
presented with a right focal seizure. (A) HUS reveals hyperechogenicity in the left cerebral hemisphere (indicated by white arrow) concerning for ischemic
injury. (B) Axial MRI diffusion-weighted trace image of the same patient observed in (A) reveals well-defined hyperintensity (indicated by white arrow) in
the left middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. (C) Diffusion-weighted image apparent diffusion coefficient map of matching slice observed in (B) reveals
corresponding hypointensity (indicated by white arrow) in the left MCA territory.
764 L.L. Lehman, M.J. Rivkin / Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768

Comparison of cranial computed tomography (CCT) and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for demonstration of neonatal arterial ischemic stroke in a
1-day-old term infant who presented with a right focal seizure. (A) An axial CCT image reveals hypodensity (white arrow) in the left middle cerebral artery
(MCA) territory consistent with acute infarction. (B) Axial MRI diffusion-weighted trace image of the same patient revealed in (A) reveals clearly demarcated
area of infarct as a region of hyperintensity (white arrow) in the left MCA territory. (C) Diffusion-weighted image apparent diffusion coefficient map reveals
region of signal hypointensity and restricted diffusion (white arrow) to match area of signal hyperintensity observed in (B).

Evaluation recurrent event. Occurring at an approximate rate of 2%,

recurrent events have been associated with prothrombotic
Patient evaluation after perinatal AIS focuses on identi- disorders, CHD, and arteriopathy.52,53 Therefore, evaluation
fication of etiologies that may increase the risk of a should include laboratory testing for thrombophilia, an

Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of a patient with acute neonatal arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) compared with MRI of a patient
with presumed perinatal AIS. (A) T2-weighted (T2-W) axial image obtained in a 1-day-old term infant who presented with seizure reveals hyperintensity
(thick arrow) in gray matter cortex and underlying white matter with loss of gray and/or white matter differentiation in the left middle cerebral artery
territory (thick arrow) consistent with acute infarction compared with the normal right side with dark cortex (thin arrow) and normal differentiation of the
white and gray matter. (B) T1-weighted axial image, obtained in the same patient at the same time as image in (A), reveals signal hypointensity in cortical
gray matter (white arrow) matching the area of hyperintensity observed in (A) consistent with a diagnosis of acute neonatal AIS. (C) T2-W image obtained in
a 3-month-old infant with an unremarkable neonatal history who presented at 3 months of age with a prematurely appearing right-hand preference reveals
an area of hyperintensity and cystic change (thick arrow) with cystic septations (thin arrows) typically of chronic infarction.
L.L. Lehman, M.J. Rivkin / Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768 765

echocardiogram to evaluate for intracardiac thrombus, guidelines recommend use of anticoagulation after stroke
right-to-left shunt or structural features contributing to only for the neonate who has a documented cardioembolic
cardioembolic stroke, and vascular imaging of both head source or who is homozygous for protein C deficiency.60 In
and neck to evaluate for craniocervical arteriopathy. this regard, data from the IPSS registry on neonatal stroke
The hemostatic system in the neonate undergoes rapid revealed that 21% of patients with a symptomatic neonatal
physiologic change during the first year of life.54 Protein S stroke were treated with antithrombotic therapy, mostly
and protein C reach adult levels at 6 and 12 months of life, with anticoagulation. A univariate analysis revealed that
respectively. If the levels are slightly low and the infant is there was an association between antithrombotic treatment
otherwise asymptomatic, a repeat level should be obtained and presence of either thrombophilia or cardiac disease.17
later in the first year of life. In addition, a child should be Because a majority of neonates with stroke present with
evaluated for factor V Leiden dysfunction, homocysteine seizures, antiepileptic medication should be considered to
elevation, prothrombin gene mutation 20210, and lipopro- prevent further episodes of seizures. Studies on the impact
tein (a) elevation which have all been associated with of seizure on outcome in neonatal stroke do not exist.
neonatal stroke.32,33,55 Antithrombin 3 deficiency has been However, the association of poststroke seizure with poorer
associated with stroke in older children and should also prognosis and greater in-hospital mortality is concerning in
be included in evaluation of thrombophilia in a child with adults.61,62 In addition, animal models have demonstrated
a neonatal stroke.56 The thrombophilia evaluation should that poststroke seizures significantly increase ischemic
also include testing either the mother or the child for lesion volume.63 These results may be applicable to neo-
antiphospholipid antibodies including lupus anticoagulant, nates with AIS who present with seizures and who have
anticardiolipin, and anti-b2 glycoprotein antibodies recurrent clinical or subclinical seizures, thereafter. Kirton
because these antibodies have also been associated with et al.17 found that most of the neonates with neonatal AIS
perinatal AIS.16 Table 2 lists thrombophilia laboratory tests were treated with antiepileptics (67%) initially. However,
associated with stroke in children and neonates. only 2% were discharged from the hospital on antiepileptic
CHD is a known risk factor for stroke in the neonatal medication, suggesting that treatment duration with anti-
period, but there is no published literature on the preva- epileptic medication is usually short.
lence of cardiac thrombus or right-to-left shunt in perinatal Early implementation of physical, occupational, and
AIS. It may be helpful in the case of perinatal stroke without speech therapy may be helpful for maximizing outcome after
known CHD to evaluate for a cardioembolic cause of peri- neonatal stroke. Research in the efficacy of early therapy is
natal AIS stroke with echocardiography. A bubble study minimal. Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT), a
should be performed to evaluate for a right-to-left shunt type of occupational therapy, consists of constraining the
that may be missed by Doppler study alone.57 unaffected arm to allow the patient to focus on using the
Vascular imaging with an MRA of the head and neck will affected arm. CIMT has been revealed to improve enduring
assess for craniocervical arteriopathy. Arteriopathy in motor function in adults and reveals considerable promise in
childhood stroke has been evident to have a 5-year recur- its application to children who have sustained a stroke.64-66
rence rate of 66%.58 With research significant for only pa- CIMT has been demonstrated to be feasible in children less
tient descriptions, arteriopathy has been reported in than 18 months of age with unilateral cerebral palsy.67,68
neonatal AIS including moyamoya disease and dissection Another emerging therapy for perinatal stroke is gait
because of traumatic delivery.23,25 training using various forms of supported walking including
treadmills, ramps, and ground. Gait training is affective in
Treatment cerebral palsy with children of younger ages at the time of
therapy demonstrating greater improvements. Yang et al.69
Because recurrence rates are low, treatment of perinatal recently demonstrated feasibility of gait training in children
AIS in the acute setting has been largely supportive. Data are with perinatal stroke less than 2 years of age.
lacking to support prophylactic treatment with an antith- Besides CIMT, recent research has demonstrated that
rombotic after stroke in neonates. The American Heart As- transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), hypothermia, and
sociation guidelines state that anticoagulation may be erythropoietin merit further consideration as potential
helpful in patients with perinatal AIS who have either a treatments for infants with neonatal AIS. In adults with
prothrombotic state or CHD.59 Similarly, the CHEST stroke, repetitive TMS has been revealed to improve motor
function.70,71 A recent study by Kirton et al.72 demonstrated
that TMS is safe in treatment of pediatric stroke and
Thrombophilia Laboratory Tests
improved hand function temporarily. Similarly, therapeutic
hypothermia may improve outcome after neonatal AIS. Its
Thrombophilia Laboratories use has been associated with absence of neonatal seizures in
Antithrombin functional assay
neonates with AIS and may improve outcome after stroke.73
Protein C functional assay
Protein S functional assay Rodent models of adult AIS have demonstrated that hypo-
Factor V Leiden functional assay or factor V Leiden gene mutation thermia decreases infarct size and improves outcome.74
Prothrombin gene mutation Finally, treatment with erythropoietin in neonatal rat
Serum homocysteine level models decreases cerebral volume loss, increases both neu-
Serum lipoprotein (a) rogenesis and oligodendrogenesis from precursor cells, and
Serum lupus anticoagulant improves outcome after stroke.75,76 In adults, erythropoietin
Anti-b2 glycoprotein 1 antibodies, IgG and IgM
significantly improved circulating endothelial progenitor
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies, IgG, IgA, and IgM
cells and 90-day clinical outcome after acute AIS.77
766 L.L. Lehman, M.J. Rivkin / Pediatric Neurology 51 (2014) 760e768

Outcome postnatal periods in term and preterm infants. It includes

neonatal AIS and presumed perinatal AIS. These different
Death after neonatal AIS is uncommon. The mortality rate types of perinatal AIS have different clinical presentation,
after neonatal AIS is 0.16 per 100,000 live births.78 Recur- risk factors, and long-term outcomes. Evaluation should
rence occurs in only 2% of neonates, the majority of whom include a search for etiologies that would place the infant at
have prothrombotic disorders, CHD, or arteriopathy.52 increased risk for stroke recurrence. Treatment consists of
Long-term sequelae from neonatal AIS can include mo- physical, occupational, and language-based therapies to
tor, cognitive, or behavioral difficulties, as well as epilepsy. maximize developmental outcome. However, the roles for
Between 48% and 59% of neonates with AIS have long-term more recently developed therapies in this important clinical
motor deficits.39,79,80 Imaging can be helpful in predicting group such as CIMT are promising and carry the possibility
motor outcome. MRI evidence of AIS involving basal of more effective therapy in the near future.
ganglia, cerebral cortex, and posterior limb of the internal
capsule in term neonates has been reported to correlate References
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