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A Write 3 pointsof Lytton commission report 3

2 Why theLow didnt take stronger actions against Japan 3

3 Yearof MarcoPolo Bridge innciolent A
4 Whatwerethereasons ofweakunswear of theUSA towards Japanese expansion 3
5 Yearof oilembargo imposed byUSA on Japan
6 Ten andMonth of Japanese attack onPearl Harbour

hiii is iiiisaottnea
2 Manchuria shouldn't be
recognised as independent state

A France had colonies in indochina
2 GB consider that their own bussines is not in danger
3 Countries were still facing the results
of great depression

3 MarcoPolo bridge incident 1937

I.IE i
2 USAhad trades and economic
in Japan

a USA didnt have credible Navy in

might be for us

5 1944 Panfil
6 December4949

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