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Séance 17 : Contrast past and present

Corrigé ex f séance 16
1. Inuits used to live in igloos.
2. Inuits didn’t use to go to school.
3. Inuits didn’t use to have mobile phones.
4. Inuits used to paddle kayaks.
5. Inuits used to hunt whales.
6. Inuits didn’t use to speak English.

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le contraste passé / présent

On utilise used to pour mettre en lumière une action du passé révolue coupée du présent

ex : My ancestors used to live in igloos and didn'use to go to school. (avant mes ancêtres
vivaient dans des igloos et n'allaient pas à l'école)


On utilise sujet + no longer + verbe pour mettre en lumière une action qui n' a plus lieu dans
le présent
ex : The Inuit adults no longer hunt whales (les adultes ne chassent plus la baleine)

On utilise sujet + don't /doesn't + verbe + anymore pour mettre en lumière une action qui n'
a plus lieu dans le présent
ex Inuits don't live in igloos anymore ( les inuits ne vivent plus dans les igloos)

On remarque que no longer et not anymore ont le même sens mais qu'ils ne se construisent
pas de la même façon.

à recopier trace écrite sur le texte

The document deals with the life of a young Inuit . He lives as many Inuits ,in the Northern
part of the Canada . We can notice on the photos that Akisha is dressed with very warm
clothes made partly of fur (fourrure) he is talking in this article about the changes in the
ways of living of his people (son peuple) the Inuits .

Inuits used to live in igloos or tupiks and live a nomadic life . They used to fish and hunt .
They didn't use to go to school as traditions were transmitted by families

They no longer live as nomads , nowadays ,they live in houses in town .

they have lost a lot of traditions as they don't learn any more about their inuit culture ,
tradition and language .
AKisha is worried about his future as he will have to move from his land to get well paid job
opportunities .

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