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178 INIT Ga Grammar: Relatives | RELATIVE PRONOUNS subject of the following verb {cannot be omited) people who/that He is the actor. He was ‘warded the Oscor He is the actor/who/that was awarded the Oscar. things/animals which/that I bought a camera. t ocan’t work properly: | bought @ camera which/ ‘that doesn't work properly. RELATIVE ADVERBS time when (= in/on which) ‘object of the following ver {can be omited) ‘whom/who/thot (inf) There's the man, We met him yesterday. There's the man Wwhom/who/thar) we met yesterday. which/that Here's the dog. | found it in the aboot Here's the dog (which that) 1 found in the sree! The doy when he first met Jone was the happiest of his fie place where (+ in/at/on/to which} Thal’s the cenire where the conference is being held. reason why [= for which) His laziness was the reason why he was dismissed. Notes possession {cannot be omitted) whose That's Mr Brown. His wife died last month That's Mr Brown, whose wile died last month, whose/of which (forml] There’s the camera. Hs ians 4s broken. There’s the camera whose fens/the fons of whichis broken. That can replace when, or be omited in an informal syle. Ill never forget the day (when/*tha the eorthquoke happened. That can replace where, or be omitted only alter the words somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere, place. Have you go! a place fwhere/that) I can store my schoolbooks? That con replace why or be omitied only after the word reason. That's the reason (why/that) he lied to you + Thotis never used after commos or prepositions That's the place in which I wos born. not That's the place imthat | was born. This is Paul, who you spoke to last week rot This is Poul, shat you spoke to last week. 9a Grammar: senbees DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES ‘defining relative clause refers to the preceding noun. It gives essential information about it and connot be omited, a this could obscure the meaning of the main clause. A defining relative clause connot be placed between commas. People are arfss. (Which people? Everyone?) People who paint are artists. NON - DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Annondefining relative clause refers fo the preceding noun and gives extra information about it. Therefore, it can be onited without couse or confusion or changing the meaning of the main clause, and must be put between commos. ‘My brother, who is studying medicine, will be 24 nexi week. Reltives with Prepositions The preposition is putin front of whom or which {formal English]. However, it con be put at the end of the relative louse, thus whom becomes who. In this cose that (less formal] is more commonly used instead of who/which. I is ‘uu, though, fo omit who/which/that in everydey speech end pul the preposition atthe end of the reltive clouse. That's the man with whom I wont to France. {formal} Thor's the man who/that ! went to Fronce with. (less formal) Thor's the man I went fo France with. (infermal) whore: 0 preposition + which Le which/ihul + clause + preposition ¢ clause + preposition [no relative) Thot's the house where we lived for ten years. «That's the house in which we lived for fen yes. That's the house which/that we lived in for ten yeors. € That's the house we lived in for ton yoars. CONVERSATIONAL GRAMMAR 1 Choose the correct item. 1 "He looks femilior.” “He's the author... A which B of which novel became a bestseller. C whose D whom. when: a preposition + which that » clause + preposition © 10 relative, no preposition 196d is the year when | was born 1964 is the year in which | was born b 196d is the year that! wes born in, ¢ 1964 is the year | was bom. 2 “Hi Nick. | break bad news. Natalie and James broke up agein.” “I know, but itis Jomes ....... 1s to blame this time, not Natalie.” A for whom © who B whose D which 19 180 (2a, Grammar: Relatives 3. "Wendover? Never heard of that town before." "Well, actually i's the town I spent my taan years.” A where © when B who D which 4. "Whet are you reading?” “A review of the film ‘was on television last night.” A which it C that it B where D which 5. “Which wos the mest disoppointing moment in your career?” “It was the moment ....... realised thot my pariner was giving eway company secrets fo our rivals.” A which © when B where D on which 6 Children olways want to know the F8080M soe things ore os they are A whom B why 7 “Is there @ problem with the leer?” c which D who "The person save this letter is addressed no longer lives here.” A who C to who B to whom D whom 8 Indio is the county ....... he spent the eorly years of his life. A ot which: C where B that D on which 2 Fill in the blanks with the correct relative pronoun or adverb, Indicate where the relatives can be omitted. 1 Our new neighbours, who live in the flat is ust below ours, own the gollery . is showing the Picasso exhibition 2 Two weeks ogo he went to Chicago he met the mogazine editor for...» he will be working .. ho finishes his taining, 3. Kevin Sedgewick, .. _ stors inthis fil, comes from the small town Mived . | was studying in England, 4 twas ot the dinner on Sotveday 7 Gary told us about the woman claimed that she was his kindergarten teacher. 5 | bolieve that vitamin C relieves colds quik, is @ point many doctors disogree on 6 Angela is @ parent \ me! atthe schoo! last week. Angela, is s0 interested in children, gave up o succeuthl career to campaign for their rights, is certainly praiseworthy. 7 Thot young man .. to al the conference wos the one mother is the country's best heart surgeon. 8 My Bobe Ruth baseball card, vole has hipled since | bought i Aeenty years ogo, wat bought by a collector. lvesin the house | grew up, 9 Just as we were gotiing oul of our cor, Mis Wiliams, _ fives two doors away, come with a police officer and asked us ifwe had seen he couple to... soon she had rented a Hl 10 Yesterday wos one of those doys.. I couldn't find any free parking spots, ‘wos frustrating considering all the clients | had meet. you were speoking 3 > Join the following sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs 1._John and Joe are brothers. They own the café down the street. 2. He bought those trousers at a second-hand aon His best friend owns it. . 3. Thot woman is a wealthy heiress. She is weoring dork sunglasses, 4 His article was accepted by the editor. He wrote t last week... 5 Jim and Maureen are our neighbours. Ther daughter has just got married... & The cinema has recently been renovated. It was dosigned by o famove architec... - STRUCTURAL CONVERSION ~- 1 Thie the building whare the meeting wil rtm pln This is the building in which the mesting will ake place. This isthe building the meeting will icke place in She sent her kindest regards, which was thought of he. Inwas thoughiful of her fo send her kindest regards She is rather childish, which can be irritating, Ihean be ieritting that she’s rather childish Jt was a shame that you. weren't able to attend the performance. You weren't able to attend the perfarmance, which wes 6 sheme She received a gift which was totaly useless. The gift she received was totally useless, The actor | met was extremely talented | met an actor who was extremely talented. That's the Queen. Her reign began in 1953. That's the Queen whose reign began in 1953 Whose pon is this? Who does this pen belong to? To whom dows this pen belong? Who ts the owner of tis pen? sage 9a Grammar: Relat 0 Ha grab nicl idl I gat crt He spoke quickly, which confused me. 10. Many shdents graduate every year. Most of them come rom abroad. Many students, most of whom come fom abroad, ‘graduate every year 11 Shakespeare wiote the play Cielo. Othello is 0 play (which/that) Shakespeare wrote 12. Dante was bora fn that house. That's the house Danie wos born in. That's the house where Dante was born 13. icant see any reason for their behaving like that. 1 can‘ see any reason why they behaved like that 14. The doy when | got maried was the happiest of my fie The day on which | got married was the happiest of my lite The doy | got married was the happiest of my life. 4 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given, 1 Can you tell me who the owner of that car is, please? belongs Can you tell me sesvsesneeunene coe | plese? 2 This is Thomas Hardy's birthplace. town This. 3. Irwas generous of her to donate so much money to cherity, ‘amount ‘She donated was generous of her. 4 This is the deg which won first prize ot Crufts last week, cowarded This is the dog last week. 5 He recommended me for the position, which was very nice of him kind t - forthe position 6 fs unfortunote that the construction of the building will not be finished as originally planned. longer The construction of the building sennnnnnnnnnnne unfortunate, 7 Was childish of him not to accept my cporogies. refused He .. eo . of him. 8 He was bom in london fifty years ago. city London . . fifty years ago. 9 The newspaper editor only accepted one ofthe ten ‘articles | wrote. by | wrote ten orticles, . the newspaper editor. 10 The writer I raally admire won the Nobel Prize for Literature ‘admiration The writer won the Nobel Prize for Literature. 181 \ on English in Use 182 5. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. DISAPPEARING WORLD. The destruction (0) oF the rainforests is © pressing problem of our times (1) . rot cone that is regorded equally seriously by everyone. The 2)... affluent nations regard the issue cs). of preservation; detorestation must stop. When it comes fo the poorer countries, the issue is not so cut and dried, (4) ...... wesegeee these people, the rainforests represent © source of economic prosperity, a point that obviously tckes precedence @) ‘ecological concerns. A solution must be found (6) the damage caused by the deforestation that is destroying the rainforests becomes irrevocable. Deforestation is carried out by (7) . involved in the timber industry and olso by migrant formers. The latter occupy an area of land, sp it, farm HIB) cs its natural mineral supply is used up and then move on. The land is lef useless and exposed and a process of erosion (9) into effect, washing soil into rivers thereby kiling fish and blocking the water's natural course. The land is not the (10) vietim. Rainforests ‘are a richly populated habitat. In the rainforests of Madagoscar there are at (11) 150,000 individual species of plants and animals which cre found nowhere (12) in the world, and more are being discovered all the (13)... __. Furthermore, approximately 50% ofall endangered onimal species lve in the world’s rainfores's. The desivuction of the forests effectively represenis a complete removal of all these plants and animals. Deprived (14) their natural environments, they will disappear altogether. Again, this process is irreversible, Man, no {15} how powerful he considers himself, does not have the power to reestablish the species he is so wilfully destroying, PHRASAL VERBS 1 © Look at Appendix 1 and fill in the missing preposition or adverb from the box below, thea give a synonym for each phrosal verb. * chead * onto * back * for * after * up @ out for # to # up to ® over * down on. on # at # into * out © Looking back on my life I realise I've been very fertunaie. 1. In 1917 the Russian working classes rose agains their masters. 2. She looks nn ... Mis Brown's chien three days a week. 3 This Firm looks employees who hove iniotve 4 Robert looks people who ore not as educated as he is 5. The police are looking hoping to find a solution soon Look | There's @ car coming 7 HO 100KS ne his older brother ond follows his example in everything B Lock... soe this manyseript and tell me what you think of i 9 Le’s make on appointment to look the house thal is for sale. the moter 10 The hotel room looked the swimming pool. 11. Passersby looked os he cirews possed through fown. 12. They looked him to provide Funds for the new mogozine, 13 We've been looking new flat for months but we haven't found one yet. 14. You'd beter look «en the dates in the oncyelopaedio. 15- I'm sorry; | haven't had time to look .. your composition yet. 16 Have you looked sx @t what you'll be doing in hwo yeors’ time? 17 Could you please go to the station and look se my grandmother? 18 He was led ... by her flatry but soon discovered how insincere she was. 19. I don't think we con rule «this possibly fier all,

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