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Richard Zhou

Best Relative Award goes to….

My mom!
In my opinion, my mom should get the Baldwin School
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Best Relative Award. The PTA
should give my mom this award for a few reasons. My first reason
is that she is generous. My second reason is that my mom is
helpful and helps me do a lot of things. My third reason is that
she is very caring.

My first reason is why my mom should win the PTA Best

Relative Award is that she is generous. She would try to give my
grandparents money when they come to our house. They don't
come to our house that often. Most of the time when they come,
they try to give each other money. She would also never accept
money from my grandparents. She wants them to keep their
money to spend on what they want. She also likes to give food to
my grandparents like potatoes, yam, bananas, tomatoes, and
apples. She’s always thinking about them.

My second reason why my mom should win is that she is

helpful. She helps me with projects. A project she helped me with
before is an animal diorama project. She helped me build trees
and a tiger. She also added a rock in the center and I glued one of
the tigers onto the rock. She also checks my homework so it's all
correct. She would tell me if I got somthing wrong and then I
could go fix it. If I fixed it and it's still wrong, she would help me
understand how to make it correct.

Lastly, my mom is caring. She would cook food for me and

the family. If ever I was sick, she would stay home to take care of
me and take me to the doctor. She would also feed me medicine
when I had to take it. If she didn't have the medicine I needed,
she would go get it for me so I wouldn't be sick anymore. Another
example is when I fall down and hurt myself, she would take care
of me. If I ever started bleeding, she would put a bandage on the
place. She takes care of me a lot.

To conclude, My mom should win the (PTA) Best Relative

Award for a few reasons. My first reason is that she is generous.
She would always want to give my grandparents stuff like money
and food. My second reason is that she is helpful, she always
helps with homework so it's right. She is caring and always makes
sure I feel better when I'm sick.

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