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What activities do you and your familiy do together?

Who? My sister

He forces me
My mother let me permisson,
Permissition for what? Have parties in the haouse
Who is helping? We
Who’s presuading? My mother

My mother lets me listen to music

My sister makes me go to church

My brother has me cook dinner

Complete the next phrases

The teacher lets me arrive late

My parent doesn’t let me arrive late

My boss makes me to be punctual

I help my sister with her homework

I have the house cleaner do my laundry

Get to (persuade)
Want to (demand)
Ask to (favor)
Tell to

My sister got me to go the movies yesterday

My mother wants me to be happy

My best friend wants

My brother sometimes

My father is always telling me to do exercise

My girlfriend wants me to be romantic

My father is always telling me to arrive home early

1. let
2. go
3. get
4. use
5. want
6. get
7. have
8. help
9. be
10. let
to help him with his homework
arrive early
to play videogames
to go to movie teather
talk with strange
do my homework
out late
do the laundry
to watch some series
(to) gripe

I usually gripe when i lost my match

Backseat driver its a person

Tom: he is always pressed

Marina:Her father dont always telling her,,,everywhere
Pedro: his father telling him to arrive early
Mae: Her kids always stay in the computer
Eduardo: his roometes dont want clean the house
Sue: Her husband dont lets her the remove TV
Mahmet: His wife its a backseat driver
Homework page 143 part A:
1. I want my childre to make good decisions for themselves.
2. I don’t let my kids play computer games before bedtime, It makes them sleep
3. I usually make my teenagers clean up the kitchen after meals.
4. I want to get my kids to eat well. They’re always eating junk food.
5. I usually tell my kids to do their homework before dinner, but I don’t help them do
6. I’m always asking them to turn off the lights in the house.
7. I have them shut down their computers at night.
8. I’m always tellig my kids to be careful when they go out.
9. I’m always have my kids write thnak-you letters when they get a gift.
10. We often help our sons study for exams. We make up games for them.

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