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1.0 Knowledge Management and Type of Knowledge....................................................................2
2.0 How Having Knowledge About Health Status, Chronic Disease, Physical Activity and Health
Technology Can Contribute to a Healthy Lifestyle................................................................................4
3.0 Example Managing Knowledge in Health Technology is Able to Impact the Health Industry to
Become More Competitive....................................................................................................................6
4.0 Managing Knowledge In Health Technology Can Give Impact For Employee And Employer.......9
5.0 Compare various health technology tools used to promote users to be physically active..............12
6.0 Experience Health Technology Tools Used To Monitor Your Health...........................................15
7.0 References.....................................................................................................................................17

1.0 Knowledge Management and Type of Knowledge

Identification, categorization, archiving, and dissemination of information inside an

organisation is known as knowledge management (KM). When knowledge is difficult to
acquire inside an organisation, it may be extremely expensive for a firm since valuable time
is wasted looking for pertinent information rather than doing task-focused activities.

A knowledge management system (KMS) makes use of the organization's pooled knowledge
to improve operational effectiveness. A knowledge base is used to support these systems.
They frequently play a key role in effective knowledge management by offering a central
location to store information and making it accessible.

Companies with a knowledge management strategy get quicker business results as a result of
enhanced organisational learning and team member cooperation, which speeds up decision-
making throughout the company. Additionally, it streamlines additional administrative
procedures like on boarding and training, which is said to increase employee retention and

Knowledge serves as the foundation of your complete business. All business operations,
including selling goods or services, employing new staff, attending daily meetings, etc.,
include the acquisition, transmission, and application of knowledge. Because of this,
knowledge management is essential to the success of a business.

Examining the various forms of information in further detail is crucial if you want to create
an effective knowledge management strategy for your company. You may determine the
most efficient methods for recognising, obtaining, transferring, and using relevant knowledge
and information inside the organisation by knowing various forms of workplace knowledge.

Sharing knowledge empowers employees to produce better work, improves how consumers
utilise your good or service, and promotes workforce development. But you can't find
knowledge gaps in your business if you don't comprehend the variations among different
forms of information. So let's take a closer look at the most prevalent sorts of knowledge.

Explicit knowledge is recordable, communicable, and, most crucially, teachable to outsiders.

Any knowledge that is simple to communicate and comprehend qualifies. The most crucial
aspect of knowledge management at work is undoubtedly the transmission of explicit
information. This kind of information is frequently utilised when a new employee joins a
company. An internal wiki or knowledge base is an example of how you may manage and
arrange explicit knowledge. Documents, libraries, books, videos, whitepapers, and other
written or spoken communications are all places where explicit information is kept. When
information is successfully transmitted, company processes go more quickly and encounter
fewer obstacles, such as a lack of the required knowledge or expertise.

Implicit knowledge is a more complicated idea that comes from practical experience. It may
be recorded and communicated, and it is acquired via experience. Contrarily, tacit
information is more difficult to describe; nonetheless, we will discuss this type of knowledge
later in this essay. For your team, implicit knowledge is a valuable advantage. It is not
sufficient to just provide clear knowledge and information when onboarding new staff. They
need to comprehend how and why it functions as well. You want to give them the freedom to
use this knowledge to learn new skills and spot industry standards that will boost their
productivity. Implicit knowledge is all about this.

Through experience, tacit information may also be acquired, but how is it distinct from
implicit knowledge? Let's imagine you chose to put what you learned about how to
pronounce the French "r" into practise after seeing a video instruction. You've acquired
implicit knowledge after you've worked out how to pronounce the sound. However, how does
something like a pronunciation get recorded and transmitted? A different illustration is
learning to ride a bike. How would you respond to that now? It is impossible to adequately
describe how this expertise was acquired, and it is challenging to impart to others. Tactic
knowledge accurately explains this. Information gained via experience that a person cannot
recall or communicate is referred to as tacit knowledge. Similar to implicit information, tacit
knowledge cannot be documented or stored. Does this imply that sharing of tacit knowledge
is impossible? It doesn't; it's simply harder and more complex. One-on-one mentoring is a
powerful tool for transferring tacit knowledge. Sessions for work coaching and interactive
ongoing training facilitate the transfer of this kind of knowledge from one person to another.

2.0 How Having Knowledge About Health Status, Chronic Disease,
Physical Activity and Health Technology Can Contribute to a
Healthy Lifestyle

Undoubtedly, a lot of individuals in our modern day are curious about how to live a healthy
lifestyle. This is due to the fact that we are frequently taken aback by news about Malaysians'
health issues that is not very nice to hear. For instance, the rising incidence of serious
illnesses including diabetes, cancer, and other linked disorders as well as heart disease. It is
presently believed that Malaysia has a significant obesity issue. In this nation, four out of ten
persons over the age of 18 are either overweight or obese. So that we may avoid these health
issues, we must learn how to live a healthy lifestyle.

The desire of every person in the world is to live a healthy, happy, and safe life. A healthy
lifestyle is a step that should be taken in order to realise that ambition. Malaysians are
becoming more and more conscious of the value of adopting healthy lifestyle practises as a
way of life in order to fulfil their desire for a better, happier, and safer existence. The
cornerstone to human well-being is leading a healthy lifestyle. A healthy individual may
undoubtedly actively contribute to the growth of their faith, community, and nation. Based on
societal and community factors, healthy lifestyle is described as a physical, mental, and social
condition that is healthy, fit, intelligent, and free from any sickness. According to this
definition, a healthy lifestyle is supported by components that are physically, mentally, and
socially fit, healthy, and unaffected by diseases that can harm individuals.

There are many strategies to live a healthy lifestyle, some of which include maintaining a
nutritious diet, engaging in leisure activities, avoiding self-stress, keeping the home and
environment clean to avoid getting caught doing things that are harmful to health, and
scheduling routine medical exams. A balanced diet is the most crucial component of leading
a healthy lifestyle. It addresses the intake of various food kinds based on the food pyramid
advised by the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM). Foods having a high carbohydrate
content, such rice and grains, are among the most essential foods or should be consumed in
accordance with the dietary pyramid. This is essential because carbs provide our bodies the
energy they need to perform a variety of everyday activities. Following that, the food
pyramid encourages consumption of foods like fruits and vegetables.

Exercise and leisure activities are two more ways to have a healthy lifestyle that are
beneficial to our bodies. You may concurrently burn calories in the body and lessen the issue
of weight growth by constantly practising balanced eating, regular exercise, and leisure
activities. At least three times a week can be dedicated to exercise and leisure activities. Each
exercise and leisure session is expected to take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete.

The following habit is maintaining a clean home and surroundings. This is to prevent getting
captured or exposed to harmful substances. They include areas where mosquitoes can flourish
and spread dengue disease. There should be a dedicated location for the disposal of all trash.
Garbage disposal into drains outside the house or into rivers is also not permitted since it
might pollute the environment.

The majority of the populace often visits a doctor only when they are ill. But they overlook
the fact that leading a healthy lifestyle necessitates routine physicals. A government hospital
or a private hospital can do this health examination twice a year. Knowing where we stand in
terms of health allows us to take specific precautions to keep it that way.

3.0 Example Managing Knowledge in Health Technology is Able to
Impact the Health Industry to Become More Competitive

Technological advancements have significantly changed healthcare, from anaesthetics and

antibiotics to magnetic resonance imaging scanners and radiation. While technologies (new
pharmaceuticals and treatments, new equipment, new social media support for healthcare,
etc.) will drive innovation, human aspects will still be one of the fundamental restrictions of
advances in the healthcare industry. No forecast can please everyone, but in order to help us
think more clearly about how to go where we want to go, this essay investigates snippets of
the future.

Things that once required human labour are now automated and expanded by technology.
Before the invention of infusion pumps, nurses occasionally had to administer injections; the
infusion pump technology automated that. Now that the nurse's time is freed up for other
tasks, the manufacturer—who undoubtedly employed technology in the infusion pump's
creation—can lower production costs for precisely the same reasons. Millions of infusion
pumps can be manufactured using a plastic moulding technique just as simply as a single one,
and once one infusion pump has been digitally programmed, programming the rest of them is
practically free. Using technology to create technology means that costs are reduced, market
share is increased, and profit margins are increased, all of which enable the manufacturer to
make investments in more clever production and distribution systems.

It is crucial to note that these advantages do not apply to unique or uncommon issues that
cannot be mass-produced. This implies that a technology, such as an MRI scanner, that can
scan everybody effectively will be considerably more popular than a system that needs to be
tailored to a specific patient's requirements.

The underlying principles of mass manufacturing are already evolving. Today's 3D printers,
for instance, can create products of any shape. Although they are slightly less efficient than
traditional mass manufacturing, the costs of certain types of personalised objects have
decreased dramatically. The proper size and form titanium implants may now be made to
order. Further, it is commonly believed that personalised medications will be created,
according to the condition and genetic profile of the patient. Although it appears that patients
will benefit greatly from this, there are risks. A tailored medicine, for instance, may be
incredibly successful, but its negative effects would also be specific to the patient, making
them more difficult to identify and treat. There is an intriguing technology need for personal
healthcare. If healthcare can be personalised, producers will be able to sell to people rather
than professionals, creating markets that are a thousand times larger.

Patients produce a ton of data, including X-rays and the results of blood tests, which is kept
in patient records. Patient treatment is made simpler and more productive by using electronic
summaries in place of paper. Future advances in genomics (and the enormous genomics of
our symbiotic bacteria) and personalized medicine will result in a dramatic increase in the
amount of information available, and as more patient data is gathered, more insights will
become accessible.

Data on patient illnesses, treatments, and results collected by computers automatically yields
useful information on the efficacy of certain therapies or relationships between side effects
and patient characteristics across whole populations. Big data refers to the collection of
enormous volumes of data. The additional cost of adding one more patient will be almost
nothing once the infrastructures have been put in place, and this economies of scale will drive
further technological advancements. Big data will help epidemiologists immensely, but the
advantages to individuals will be less clear, unless big data helps advance medical research
more broadly in the long run.

Computers are already quite good at preventing people from visiting hospitals in the first
place and giving individuals the tools they need to take care of themselves and their families.
But when patients gain more control, is their newfound information beneficial or boosting
their expectations unreasonably? There is no reliable way for anybody to tell today's internet
from snake oil, and patients have no means to tell from sensible therapy from misplaced
optimism. There will always be a lot of answers vying for the patient's money. The provision
of reputable, high-quality information is one technical answer to this issue. Improving
education is one cultural approach. The overwhelming amount of unreliable information and
social media on the internet shouldn't be something someone encounters for the first time at
the age of 40 after suffering a knee injury. If they had been exposed to sensible approaches
since preschool, their ability to manage their condition—whatever it may be—would be
greatly enhanced.

The enormous array of anticipated and major technological advancements cannot be

completely covered in this article due to space constraints. Consider some of the potentially
game-changing research that is already underway: exoskeletons, networked sensors,

nanohealth, brain implants, artificial organs, and artificial organs. Some of these technologies
have the potential to revolutionize how we think about health and sickness as a whole, much
like the introduction of anesthetics in the eighteenth century altered how society viewed pain
morally. Previously, pain and suffering were unavoidable; now, we want to believe that we
have a right to painless operations, which has affected everything from how we treat patients
to how we treat animals (the question "why should animals suffer?" is a fairly contemporary
one). It will be difficult to predict the ethical consequences of new technologies like
nanohealth. Sometimes it will be difficult to tackle ethical difficulties since they won't
become obvious until after someone gets things operating and has a business-driven

4.0 Managing Knowledge In Health Technology Can Give Impact For
Employee And Employer.

The healthcare industry is living in exciting and important times. The significance of
healthcare as a public institution is being questioned more and more. Improved patient
outcomes, increased utility of our health data, and advances in drug discovery and medical
device development are all being sparked by new technology.

In probably 90% of our discussions about health technology, the patient is front and centre,
but there is another significant way in which technology supports the healthcare sector. It all
comes down to the workers who perform the challenging, fulfilling, and important work in
our hospitals, clinics, and physician offices.

Recent studies have examined the low levels of employee involvement in the healthcare
business as a whole. One of these research discovered that the healthcare sector was the least
engaged among 17 industries in terms of workers' commitment to their jobs. These are
extremely risky numbers, in case that has to be disclosed. Men and women who require
compassion and prompt treatment during some of the toughest chapters of their life are at
risk, and their chances of survival are even in jeopardy.

This kind of cultural failure can be linked to two causes. The first is the long-term stagnation
of wages for all workers along with the disproportionate financial burden of a costly private
insurance system. The second is that healthcare has lagged behind other industries in
implementing cutting-edge technologies that could streamline daily operations and get rid of
common sources of annoyance.

Healthcare technology affects employee engagement by enabling employees to do their

duties more successfully and by facilitating their interaction with work-related tasks, such as
hospital or clinic administration systems, more readily. However, audio and video-based
communication makes it simple for doctors to check in with patients as well as staff, even
when they are separated by distance. Healthcare technology also helps employees
communicate more successfully with one another in the following ways. Hospitals may use
location-based technology to control which employees get different alerts and messages,
ensuring that an appropriate person who is nearby is informed of any crises that may be
occurring. Regarding patient privacy and data stewardship, the regulatory environment,

especially HIPAA, has grown increasingly complicated in recent years. Hospital staff
members don't want to have to worry about what information may and cannot be
communicated in compliance. The uncertainty involved in safely communicating about
patient situations is eliminated by unified, secure, and compliant healthcare communication
solutions. OSHA data show that between 2002 and 2013, workplace violence in the
healthcare sector was four times more prevalent than in any other sector. The capacity to
speak instantaneously with any other party inside the building is vitally essential in any
number of circumstances, such as when patients start acting violently or when a stranger
threatens harm (NathanSykes, 2020).It turns out that healthcare is no different from other
industries in that it might benefit from more timely and seamless communication.

A vital area of healthcare technology worth investigating is education. The typical healthcare
worker has a hectic schedule full of obligations, making it difficult to seek certificates,
accreditations, and other professional advancement opportunities after getting their foot in the
door. Employees in the healthcare industry don't have to take time off from work or
significantly rearrange their schedules in order to pursue additional certificates in more
lucrative roles and advancement opportunities, just like it's done elsewhere.

A wide range of technologies and businesses will undergo significant change as a result of
the internet of things and, shortly, 5G connectivity. Some of the benefits in the healthcare
sector may be recognisable while others will seem a little more unique.

In addition to housing a wide range of patients at various stages of recovery, hospitals and
other institutions also house labs, storage facilities, and other spaces, each of which has
specific needs in terms of lighting, temperature control, air circulation, and purification,
among other things. Homeowners are aware of how difficult it may be to manage different
climate zones and conserve energy in a single-family house; now imagine multiplying that
difficulty by hundreds of patient rooms and employee-only spaces in a typical hospital.

Administrators of healthcare facilities and maintenance personnel now have the resources
necessary to customise and automate HVAC performance and lighting based on room
occupancy. When parts need to be changed, when a piece of equipment is ready for
replacement, or when an unauthorised person moves or takes a hospital asset, smarter, LAN-
connected infrastructure and equipment may also notify employees.

Although we were promised Holodecks, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)
aren't quite there yet. Because they put crucial medical information directly in the doctors'
peripheral view during patient consultations, augmented reality (AR) gadgets like Google
Glass are gaining traction—even in smaller clinics. This heads-up display (HUD) makes sure
that no crucial information is missed and aids in establishing and maintaining communication
between the parties.

Even more significant are other uses for augmented and virtual reality. Even today, devices
like Microsoft's HoloLens and Google Glass provide surgeons a means to more thoroughly
plan complicated operations. These tools, which may even be worn by the surgeon during a
procedure, assist in achieving the best results by superimposing a digital model of the
patient's anatomy, which includes the routes taken by vital organs and blood vessels. This
view gives the surgeon a level of assurance and steadiness that simply wasn't before possible.

5.0 Compare various health technology tools used to promote users to
be physically active

Technology has two sides to it. For instance, computers encourage sedentary leisure activities
(e.g., playing seated computer games). However, technology has also been used to encourage
exercise and alter people's exercise habits. Heart rate monitors, accelerometers, and
pedometers have all been employed as motivating aids for many years. Global positioning
systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), interactive video games, and
persuasive technology are some of the more recent technologies and strategies being utilised
to encourage physical exercise. Experts also advise physicians to employ Internet-based
physical activity programmes to encourage and alter exercise habit. These interventions will
be more successful if they make use of multiple behaviour change techniques, especially
planned behaviour theory, and multiple methods (like text messaging) for interacting with

The amount of steps taken during the day is recorded and tracked using pedometers. Most
pedometers offer a somewhat accurate way to track how many steps you take when moving
about, such as while you're walking, jogging, or running. Caloric expenditure calculations
and estimated walking distance are less precise. Some more recent devices also give an
estimate of the overall time spent when walking continuously for periods lasting 10 minutes
or longer while exerting a modest amount of exertion. However, certain pedometers may be
carried in a shirt pocket, jeans pocket, or bag kept close to the body. Most pedometers require
attachment to a strong waistline to produce precise step counts. Others can be put in a shoe or
worn around the ankle. Studies reveal that some pedometers accurately measure steps taken
during constant- and variable-speed walking for both healthy and overweight adults when
worn around the neck, on the sides of the waistband (back and sides), or in the shirt pocket;
however, wearing the pedometer in the pants pocket or in the backpack reduces accuracy
(GIBSON, n.d.).

Accelerometers capture minute-by-minute data on bodily acceleration, giving precise details

on the frequency, length, intensity, and patterns of movement. To calculate energy use,
accelerometer counts are employed. The U.S. population's compliance with physical activity
recommendations has been measured objectively using accelerometers. Accelerometer data
showed that less than 5% of individuals in the United States exercised moderately for 30
minutes per day, five to seven days per week. Compared to the self-reported value (49%)
from national polls, this is significantly less. According to accelerometer data, just 8% of
teenagers met the target of exercising for 60 minutes per day, five to seven days a week. The
use of accelerometers in large-scale physical activity interventions is constrained by their
comparatively greater cost (about $300 U.S. per unit) compared to pedometers ($10 to $30
U.S. per unit). In the future, additional affordable units may be created and employed in
community-based treatments and nationwide surveys. A 7-step, 3-phase approach is provided
by Heil, Brage, and Rothney (2012) and is based on industry standards for collecting,
processing, and communicating accelerometry-based physical activity data.

Accelerometer technology is already making its way into more recent classes of smartphones
and waist-mounted pedometers. The vertical hip acceleration is detectable by the
piezoelectric mechanism. These new piezoelectric pedometers have data storage capacities
that range from 1-day periods over 7 days to 1-minute periods over 60 days and 1-hour
periods over 200 days. A USB cable can be used to transmit stored data to a computer. An
indentation in the midsole of the shoe has been specifically engineered by Nike to house a
piezoelectric pedometer that measures speed, total distance travelled, and energy expenditure
based on the amount of time the foot is in touch with the ground. These data are sent by radio
waves to a middleman device (such as an Apple iPod nano) where they can be viewed,
stored, or eventually downloaded to a computer.

Heart rate monitors are mostly used to gauge and track the level of exercise intensity. These
tools are particularly helpful for tracking exercise intensity in highly skilled, competitive
athletes and people participating in cardiac rehabilitation programmes. Heart rate may be
used to gauge an individual's workout energy expenditure because it is linearly connected to
oxygen uptake. However, variables including temperature, humidity, dehydration, and
emotional stress may have an impact on estimations of energy expenditure based on heart

When heart rate monitor data is combined with accelerometer measures of physical activity,
the estimate of energy expenditure during exercise is 20% more accurate. Measures of
children's, adolescents', and adults' physical activity in free-living situations can be obtained
using devices that simultaneously track heart rate and movement. See the article by Intille
and colleagues for a thorough discussion of the future directions of multisensor data
synchronisation and data fusion.

In order to interface between the human body and physiological factors, textiles are being
researched; these "smart" materials show promise for merging electrical and computational
capabilities with covert monitoring. Such clothing-integrated wearable monitoring
technologies track physiological responses during normal activities and sleep remotely. Baek
and colleagues (2012) successfully and discretely measured beat-to-beat ECG heart rate and
blood pressure while their subjects were dressed casually and without skin-to-sensor contact.

Modern technical ideas known as wireless body area networks (WBANs) are used to assess
physiological reactions while people go about their regular activities. WBANs use medical-
grade sensors that are positioned on or near the skin's surface to monitor things like brain
waves, oxygen saturation, motor unit recruitment, blood pressure, temperature, inertia, and
location. These numerous sensors send physiological information to a discreet coordinator
node that is worn on the body. Data fusion and integration are the responsibility of the
coordinator node. These integrated data can then be communicated wirelessly to a central
data repository using current Internet technology or a mobile device (such as a smartphone
with Bluetooth technology).

6.0 Experience Health Technology Tools Used To Monitor Your

GPS technology calculates geographic coordinates and precisely tracks a particular action by
using 24 satellites and ground stations as reference points. For instance, while trekking, a
portable GPS device offers data on altitude, distance, duration, and average velocity. There is
also a graph that shows the terrain's incline and decline. Accelerometers and GPS can be used
to measure and track physical activity. Some models are able to calculate calories burned.
GPS devices are unable to record indoor locations because they require direct line of sight to
detect satellite signals. There are now GPS devices that may be worn on the wrist, upper arm,
or waist. These devices are being looked at to see if they can reliably measure outside
walking sessions that last at least three minutes. In a proof-of-concept research, it was
discovered that using a smartphone GPS with accelerometry technology and Bluetooth
transmitters is an affordable way to non-intrusively track the temporal and spatial patterns of
daily movements both indoors and outside. As technology advances, GPS and the world's
telecommunications networks may be utilised more often to monitor and encourage physical
activity. However, any future study endeavour utilising GPS technology should show inter-
and intra-unit validity and dependability.

A computer system called a geographic information system (GIS) is used to store data about
locations and their surroundings. The impact of the environment (i.e., its structure and
design) on physical activity may be evaluated using GIS. There is comprehensive material
available on using GIS to evaluate the environmental supports for physical exercise. The built
environment (such as sidewalks, open spaces, bike paths, nighttime illumination, and
population density per block) has an impact on physical activity and the walkability index in
a neighbourhood in Houston, Texas. GIS was crucial in this analysis. Developers and
municipal planners will have the chance to create areas that are more favourable to walking,
bicycling, and active play if environmental feature data and demographic data are combined.

Based on date and time, GPS and accelerometry data were synced and integrated. This
combined information was subsequently overlaid with GIS coordinates indicating highways,
structures, land uses, and residence addresses. The use of this combination of technologies

was successful in determining that the youths engaged in more physical activity than the
required 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity per day, but it was unable to determine
the specific forms of exercise. Based on the day of the week, differences in their geographic
locations and levels of free-living physical activity were also noticeable. Given that the
majority of the moderate- to vigorous-intensity exercise took place close to homes and
schools, it may be advantageous to use those settings for future health behaviour

7.0 References
GIBSON, V. H. (n.d.). humankinetics. Retrieved from TECHNOLOGY CAN BOOST PHYSICAL ACTIVITY

NathanSykes. (9, 2020). healthworkscollective. Retrieved from The Impact Of Healthcare Technology
On Employees:


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