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English For Academic Class L Task

Tim 23 :
1. Eka Putra Warsita (22//504803/PN/18111)
2. Aisha Razita Khairani (22/506101/PN/18211)

Conversation With Foreigner

On Monday, March 27, 2023, Aisha and Eka went to the canteen of the Faculty of
Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University to look for foreigners. After a while of searching,
they finally found a foreigner. They greeted him and asked permission to converse with him.
After getting permission, They started the conversation with the foreigner. His name is
Marcus. He comes from Canberra, Australia. He finished his bachelor's degree at Sydney
University with Indonesian studies, history, and politics major. After that he wants to
continue to learn more about the Indonesian language. He heard that INCULS (Indonesian
Language and Culture Learning Service) at UGM, is one of the best programs to learn the
Indonesian language. He did six-month language training with his wife.
Mr. Marcus had a scholarship called ACICIS, which stands for Australian Consortium
for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies. After he graduated with his bachelor's, he applied for this
scholarship and the application process takes about 7 months with very intense competition.
This scholarship will help him to organize his study component. Mr. Marcus received this
scholarship to pay for his study and life in Indonesia for one year.
Mr. Marcus has a very big interest in studying the Indonesian language, history, and
politics. The reason behind this is very heartwarming. When he graduated from high school
he went to Indonesia for the first time to meet the child that he sponsored. He sponsored an
Underprivileged child in Pati, Central Java. He feels very touched when he meets the child
because the child’s condition is not good. But, he can not speak Bahasa Indonesia at that
moment and the child can not speak English. So, there is a language barrier between them.
But, he want to help more. At that moment, Mr. Marcus decided to study Indonesia. He hopes
that when he understands Indonesian society and culture he can communicate with
Indonesian people and hopefully make a difference. He thought that to understand the society
and culture of Indonesia he should study its history.
Besides that heartwarming story, his interest in studying Indonesia can also be seen in
his thesis. His thesis is about the separative movement of Aceh, which is Gerakan Aceh
Merdeka. He also wrote an essay about PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia) and NU (Nadhratul
Ulama) in Aceh. To learn about Indonesian society and culture, Mr. Marcus lives in a rented
house in Jl. Bantul, specifically behind the PASTY (Pasar Satwa dan Tanaman Hias
Yogyakarta). He chose to live there because the community is so beautiful. He wants to have
more Indonesian experience from living in “kampung” where the people cannot speak
English and learn the culture.
Mr. Marcus has several culture shocks in Indonesia. When he first lived in Indonesia,
he was surprised when people around him wanted to talk to him like Where are you going?
What are you doing? they are very interested in his life, but in Australia, there is no culture
like that and he thinks that Indonesian people are very friendly. He was also surprised when
he found out that in Indonesia there are many scooters that sell everything like vegetables and
chicken. He has a favorite food in Indonesia like tongseng, pecel, and ayam geprek. He likes
to go to beaches where he can surf such as the beaches in Pacitan, Bali, and Lombok. Apart
from nature tourism, he also likes to go to cultural or historical sights such as the Kraton in
Yogyakarta and Kesultanan in Aceh.

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