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List: It is the most efficient way of presenting information in

a precise manner.
Types of List in HTML:
➢Unordered List/Bulleted List
➢Ordered List/Numbered List
➢Description List

Unordered List:
It is used when the items(elements) are not to be displayed
in any particular sequence. It is also known as Bulleted List.
The list starts with<ul> tag and ends with</ul> tag.

<li> tag: It is used to add items in the List. It is an empty

<title> Creating Unordered List</title>
<font size="5" color="green">
<ul type="square">
3 types of Unordered/Bulleted list:
➢Disc (filled Circle)

Ordered List :
It is used to display the list of items in a
specific order. It is also known as
Numbered List. The list begins with<ol>
tag and ends with</ol> tag.

The start attribute specifies the start value of the first list
item in an ordered list.
This value is always an integer.
5 types of Ordered/Numbered list:
➢<ol type=“1”>
➢<ol type=“A”>
➢<ol type=“a”>
➢<ol type=“I”>
➢<ol type=“i”>
<title> Creating Ordered List</title>
<font size="5" color="green">
<ol type="I" start="3">
Description List:
It consists of a term followed by its definition. It is used to present
glossary, list of terms etc. The list starts with <dl> tag and ends
with</dl> tag.
Inside <dl> tag, two more tags are used.
<dt>: Definition Term
<dd> Definition Description
<title> Creating Description List</title>
<font size="5" color="green">
<dd>stick for hitting ball in games</dd>
<dd> a mammal</dd>
<dt> orange</dt>
<dd>a round juicy citrus fruit</dd>
<dd> a color name</dd>
They are an attractive and effective way to present
information in the form of rows and columns. They are used
to make comparative analysis of data.
Each table begins with <table> tag and ends with </table>
Each row begins with <tr> tag and ends with </tr> tag.
Each cell begins with<td> tag and ends with </td> tag inside
Each column heading begins with <th> tag and ends with
</th> tag.
<tr>: Table Row Tag
<td> Table Data Tag
<th> Table Heading Tag.
<title> Creating Table</title>
<tr><th>S.No.</th><th>Name</th> <th>
<tr><td> 1.</td><td> priyanka</td><td>
<tr><td>2.</td><td> pardeep</td><td>
<tr><td> 3.</td> <td> sanajana</td><td>
<title> Creating Table</title>
<table border="3" bordercolor="red"
bgcolor="yellow" height="300" width=“200"
cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
<tr><th>S.No.</th><th>Name</th> <th>
<tr><td> 1.</td><td> priyanka</td><td>
<tr><td>2.</td><td> pardeep</td><td>
<tr><td> 3.</td> <td> sanajana</td><td>
<title> Creating Table</title>
<table border="3" bordercolor="red"
bgcolor="yellow" height="300" width="200"
Cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
<tr><th bgcolor="pink"><font
<th> grades</th></tr>
<tr><td> 1.</td><td> priyanka</td><td> A</td>
<tr><td>2.</td><td> pardeep</td><td> B</td>
<tr><td> 3.</td> <td> sanajana</td><td> A</td>
Attributes of <table> tag:
border : Used to set border width of the table. The value of
border attribute is given in pixels.
bordercolor: Used to set the border color of the table.
bgcolor: Used to set the background color of the table.
height and width: Used to specify the height and width of a
table on web page in pixels respectively.
cellpadding: Specifies the space between the cell borders
and cell content.
cellspacing: Specifies the space between 2 cells.

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