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Word chain

Chain – nice- ear – rice – envelope – eyes – say – yesterday – yolk.- keys sold day


Verbs (be, have, do, will)

Do- hacer una acción, (auxiliary verb) make- hacer algo fisico
Draw – dibujar

Phrasal verbs – prepositions (time, place, mood, location)

get out, get off, get in, take off,

I you he she we you they = pronouns

Possesive pronouns

Possesive adjectives

New homework : Pp,Pa (

Draw – I draw a painting

I drew a painting smoke smoked
What can i find in your room?

In my room you can find my guitar and my bet

In my mother’s room you can find her dress

In my mother’s room she has her TV

In my dogs closet you can find its bones

In my restroom you can find its a toilette

En mi baño tú puedes encontrar su retrete

His (su de el)

His cup

Esta es su una taza.

This is his cup.

In my kitchen you can find his cup, I mean my dad’s cup.

This is our English class.

The homework is for your understanding

Este es su juego de soccer

This is their soccer game

Hey Ivanna is that your phone?

Yes, it is my phone
No, it is her phone

John why do you go to Mexico?

Because it’s my favorite country in the world

Is that their soccer game?

No, it isn’t their soccer game

Esta es mi camisa this is MY shirt

Esta camisa es mia this shirt is MINE

This is your book

This book is yours

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