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Findings (Result of the Investigation)

The experts have a good idea what happened after the plane got above 38,000 feet.
The aircraft must’ve stalled. The stalling of an aircraft is like falling like a dead
weight in the sky. A stall is an aerodynamic condition which occur when smooth
airflow over the airplane’s wings is disrupted, losing its control. It results decreasing
in lift and it will no longer fully support the airplane’s weightDr. Guy Gratton
performs how stalling happens when an aircraft reached the ‘Coffin Corner’ that is
about 40,000 feet. In the ‘Coffin Corner’ the stall speed and the maximum speed are
very close together. If you go any faster, you’ll lose control on the aircraft same as if
you go slower. He also performed how to recover from stalling.

The other finding is the malfunction of the instruments inside the aircraft. The Pitot
Tube measures the airspeed of the aircraft. The investigators have discovered that the
tubes are frozen causing the instrument readings inaccurate. Since the computers are
shut down and unable to function very well due to the frozen Pitot Tubes, the Pilots
are forced to hand fly the airplane in a very difficult area and situation. Due to
unreliable instruments, they have no idea that the aircraft is on stall.

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