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Happy Loman:

He is thirty two years old, Willy Loman’s second son and is a tall, powerful built young man.

“Sexuality is like a visible colour on him or a scent that women have discovered”

Generally everything that comes out of Happy’s mouth is positive; he’s always trying to smooth
situations over and be a peacemaker. Happy consistently react with denial to anything unpleasant.

Many of the names in Death of a Salesman have symbolic and ironic significance. The name Happy, for
example, is suggestive of contentment (obvious statement is obvious, we know). But as we all know,
Happy is extremely unhappy. In addition, the last name Loman, which is almost exactly “low man,” is
ironic in light of Willy’s high aspirations.

He seems quite contented but is actually confused and hard-skinned.

. Happy is a womaniser

.Happy: a dreamer

.He doesn’t know himself

- His life is aimless

- Happy fails to achieve any success in his life.
- wants to smooth over the rough roads of life and feels that if he has not succeeded, other’s are to
blame .But perhaps comes out with a statement,

“Everybody around me is so false that I am constantly lowering my ideals”.

- He claims that he is a assistant buyer when actually he is one of the two assistants to the
- He direct his energies towards chasing the girl’s
- Happy is a related to his father only to the extent that enables him to negate his relationship with
- For a casual call-girl, he neglects his father : That’s not my father. He is just a guy”.
- He, like his father continue to live in a dream even after his father’s death .In this sense he is his
father’s son and even pay a tribute to Willy for his dreams :

“Willy Loman did not die in vain. He had a good dream . It’s the only dream you can have _ to come to
outnumber one man. He fought it out here, and this is where I’m gonna win it for him”.

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