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Public VS Private Social Media Account

In general, it is good to have a public account if you are running a club. You want to make your information
accessible to everyone and you want to receive the social media site analytics. You can keep your photos
non-personal by not naming riders taking photos without members' faces.

Here is a summary of your social media public and private account options:

Public Account:

● Receive Insights (analytics)

● Get more engagement
● Switch to business account/pages
● Apply for social media ads
● Promote social posts
● The use of hashtags
● You can ‘Embed’ content

Private Accounts

● More privacy
● Check users before letting them enter your profile/page
● This would be for an internal club communications area only

Should I Make My Social Media Account Public?

For your organisation your social media accounts need to be public. Your accounts are going to be a place that
your community, members and interested individuals are going to look to when there are upcoming events and
roll-outs of information. It will also help you to gather analytics on how many followers you are getting every
day, or which content had the highest rate of engagement.

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