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Wo r k s h e e t

Do I Need A Break?
Remember that Crisis Survival is about taking a break when you need one. Taking a break when
you are in Emotion Mind will help you regroup and decompress, so when you do approach the
problem or crisis, you will be more effective. This worksheet will help you figure out if you
should take a break.
Am I in Wise Mind?

Here are some questions that will help you determine which State of Mind you are in.
How does your body feel?

If you have intense body sensations, such as tight muscles, racing heart or rapid breathing,
it is likely a good time to take a break.

What are your thoughts like?

If your thoughts are negative, aggressive, blaming or over-focused on your worries, it is likely
a good time to take a break.

What do you have the urge to do?

If you have the urge to self-injure, act on suicidal thoughts, use drugs or alcohol, yell, act
aggressively or shut down, it is likely a good time to take a break.

How are you communicating?

If you are communicating angrily or are giving someone the silent treatment, is likely a good time
to take a break.

Are the others I’m interacting with in Wise Mind?

What do you notice about others’ body language?

If those involved appear tense, are clutching their fists, are crying or otherwise look highly
emotional, it may be a good time to take a break.

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How are those involved communicating?

If those involved are yelling or are shut down, it may be a good time to take a break.

Do I have what I need to fix or address the problem?

What skills can you use to address the problem?

Do you have what you need to use these skills?

If you cannot think of skills to use or do not have what you need to use those skills, it may be
a good time to take a break.

Is this a good time to fix or address the problem?

Do you have enough time to address the problem?

Is there another time that would be better?

If there is another time that would be better or you do not have enough time to deal with the
problem, it might be good to take a break.
Complete the next worksheet, My Crisis Survival Plan, to be prepared to take a break with Distress
Tolerance skills.

36 DBT Skills Training with Adolescents

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