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React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs).

React was developed by Facebook and is often used in large-scale web applications.

React allows developers to build reusable UI components, which can be composed to

create complex user interfaces.

React uses a declarative approach to UI programming, meaning that developers

describe how the UI should look and behave, rather than imperatively specifying each

React uses a virtual DOM (document object model) to improve performance by

minimizing the number of actual DOM updates required.

React supports server-side rendering, which can improve the performance of web
applications by pre-rendering content on the server.

React is often used in combination with other libraries and tools, such as Redux for state
management and webpack for bundling.

React is built using a component-based architecture, which can simplify UI development

and make it easier to maintain and update code.

React encourages the use of functional programming techniques, such as immutability

and pure functions, which can help to reduce bugs and improve code quality.

React has a large and active community of developers, with many resources available for
learning and developing with the library.

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