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If reports are to be believed, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif�s departure from

the country for medical treatment abroad is almost a reality. His family members
are certain that he will be travelling to London soon, while the government has
been very open in admitting that his removal from the Exit Control List (ECL) is a
mere formality.
This is quite a drastic change from the politics of few weeks ago, when the
government was adamant that no special treatment be given to the Pakistan Muslim
League Nawaz leader at any cost why the shift in policy?
While the rumor mill has been rumbling non-stop, painting scenarios of infamous
deal between the government and the opposition, we must realize that all of this is
wild and unfounded speculation.
Nawaz Sharif�s sudden and life threatening deterioration of health shocked all
sections of the country. For once the rhetoric of no compromise had to be
reconciled with the harsh reality of human mortality. The government saw, in a
moment of true uncertainty, the terrible fallout of a popular political leader
dying in government custody after he was denied any humanitarian respite. The harms
of that eventuality far outweigh the benefits of doggedly sticking to the principle
of no compromise.
Hence, this change in policy, from both the government and its subordinate
institutions, is born out of a real concern for Nawaz Sharif�s health. It is
telling that Prime Minister Khan who has been Nawaz�s harshest critic directed his
spokespersons and other party leaders not to politicize the elder Sharif�s health.
This is a wise decision that will help reduce the polarization within the country.
Here was a genuine medical emergency, and by burying the hatchet and being humane
the government has come out the more sensible party.

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