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Microindentation and nanoindentation of human fingernails at

varying relative humidity

Laura Farran
Materials Science Centre, School of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester M1 7HS, United Kingdom
A. Roland Ennos
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, M1 3NJ, United Kingdom
Stephen J. Eichhorna)
Materials Science Centre, School of Materials, University of Manchester, Manchester M1 7HS, United Kingdom

(Received 22 July 2008; accepted 30 October 2008)

The indentation properties of human fingernails at varying humidity are reported. The
samples were indented using both microindentation, to obtain their Vickers hardness and
also nanoindented using a Berkovich indenter tip. The relative humidity (RH) of the
samples was controlled by using salt solutions with a sealed and enclosed environment
surrounding the testing equipment. It was shown that the Vickers hardness of the samples
is sensitive to RH, with recovery of the nail material more readily occurring for nails
tested at >55% RH. This recovery mechanism is discussed in terms of the structure of the
nails, and this approach is also suggested as a technique for following recovery
mechanisms in natural materials under varying humidity. The hardness obtained by
nanoindentation is similar to previously published data, but does not change with
humidity. The modulus of the nails is also insensitive to relative humidity, but in the
same range as the value derived from the microindentation tests.

I. INTRODUCTION than laterally, deflecting cracks laterally away from the

Fingernails are an anatomical feature of primates that nail bed and allowing self-trimming. The outer layers of
are used for a variety of functions including foraging and the sandwich meanwhile protected the intermediate layer
gripping. The mechanics of nails, in particular finger- and prevented cracks forming at its edge. A disadvan-
nails, have not been studied to a large extent. However, tage was that the nail layers tend to peel apart at their
recent studies have investigated their anatomy and frac- boundaries, particularly when wet.3
ture properties. The nail plate comprises three histologi- Little is currently known, however, about other me-
cal layers of keratinous tissue that are deposited down by chanical properties of nails, or the effect of humidity on
the nail matrix at the base of the nail unit beneath the them. The microindentation of nails was first reported by
skin.1,2 These layers are arranged in a sandwichlike Ramrakhiani4 who, using a spherical indenter, measured
structure as shown in Fig. 1. The intermediate layer, in their recovery times using an optical technique. Since
which the keratin fibers are oriented laterally, makes up then only one report on the indentation, in this case
approximately two-thirds of the thickness of the nail. It nanoindentation, of nails has been reported.5 They stud-
is enclosed by the thinner dorsal layer, which makes up ied the mechanical properties of nails by nanoindenta-
approximately a quarter of the thickness of the nail, and tion to detect the onset of osteoporosis and related this to
the even thinner ventral layer that together wrap around disulfide content using Raman spectroscopy. In terms of
the edge of the intermediate layer. In both of these outer the indentation of keratinous materials, the first exam-
layers the keratin fibers show no preferred orientation. ples were studies on the bill of a European starling6 and
The function of the three layers was enlightened by on Willow Ptarmigan feathers.7 It was subsequently
Farren et al.,3 who carried out cutting tests with instru- shown that bill keratin had a higher microhardness (by
mented scissors. They showed that this design is admira- the Vickers indentation) than both claw and feather ker-
bly suited to limit and control fracture. The lateral atin.8 Much later studies of toucan beaks9,10 have shown
orientation of the fibers in the thick intermediate layer that nanoindentation measurements of the stiffness cor-
ensured that the work of fracture was greater proximally roborate with tensile testing data on the same material.
Nonavian keratin materials have also been reported in
Address all correspondence to this author. the literature, namely wool11,12 and human hair.13
e-mail: The physical properties of nails are commonly known
DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2009.0105 to change when they become wet, or conversely dry,

980 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 24, No. 3, Mar 2009 © 2009 Materials Research Society
L. Farran et al.: Microindentation and nanoindentation of human fingernails at varying relative humidity

FIG. 1. Schematic of a human fingernail showing the layered structure.

(a) Dorsal (upper). (b) Intermediate (middle). (c) Ventral (underside).

although this has never been fully quantitatively ana-

lyzed. One study has shown that the number of flexions
that a nail can withstand before fracture, using a custom-
ized flexure device, increased with immersion time in
water.14 This flexibility was also prolonged by immers-
ing the nail samples in a phospholipid-water solution.14
This study presents data on the indentation properties of FIG. 2. (a) Schematic of the pyramidal indenter used for the micro-
nails, examines how the material relaxes back after an hardness experiments and (b) end-on view of the base of the micro-
indentation at different relative humidity (RH) levels, and hardness indenter. (c) Optical microscope view of a typical
discusses the possible mechanisms that give rise to these microhardness indent on the dorsal surface of a fingernail specimen.
relaxations. Both micro and nanoindentation tests were
carried out at a range of humidity levels to achieve this. solutions along with a dessicator were used. These
were distilled water, potassium chloride, sodium nitrite,
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS calcium nitrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate, and
silica gel, which gave rise to relative humidities of 100,
A. Materials selection
85, 65, 55, 33, and 0%. The RH values obtained were
Thirty randomly selected fingernail clippings from tested using a portable hygrometer. Five nail samples
more than 50 healthy young adult human subjects were were prepared and tested at each hydration level.
taken using nail clippers and then first transferred to plas- An Instron Wilson Tukon 2100 instrument (Norwood,
tic bags and subsequently stored in controlled relative MA) with a four-sided pyramidal indenter was used to
humidity environments after mounting on testing blocks. perform the indentation experiments. This instrument is
equipped with a standard Vickers microhardness indenter
B. Microindentation of nail material with pyramidal geometry [see Fig. 2(a)]. A load of 1 N
Nail samples were sectioned into 3 mm squares and (100 g) was used; lower loads were found to produce
secured to small Bakelite blocks using cyanocrylate ad- indents that recovered too quickly to be measured accu-
hesive. These samples were then lightly ground using a rately. The indenter was allowed to remain in contact
fine-grade grinding paper and finished off using 1 mm with the surface for a period of 10 s, and then each
grain size polishing discs to give a flat and smooth sur- impression was measured immediately after indentation,
face. Care was taken to ensure that no more than 10% of after 60 s and then again after 300 s. The sizes of the
the material was ground or polished to prevent the dorsal indents were measured using an optical microscope
and ventral layers being removed by this grinding and equipped with a 50 objective lens. To calculate the
polishing process. Samples were imaged to check that hardness (H) the equation
the dorsal layer was still intact after this process. Sam- L
ples were prepared with either the dorsal (upper) or the H ¼ 2 sinð136 =2Þ ; ð1Þ
dH 2
ventral (lower) surface uppermost, and stained with tolu-
idine blue to give improved contrast under the light was used, where dH is the diagonal length of the indent
microscope. These mounted samples were then trans- [see Fig. 2(b)] and L is the load. To maintain the desired
ferred to controlled humidity environments. relative humidity during testing, the indenter and
Saturated salt solutions were used to control humidity stage were enclosed with clear plastic sheeting and the
and subsequently the moisture content of the nails, saturated salt solutions were placed below the stage.
as has been described for biological samples.15 Small A portable hygrometer was used to verify the relative
containers with a range of saturated salt and aqueous humidity during testing.

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L. Farran et al.: Microindentation and nanoindentation of human fingernails at varying relative humidity

C. Nanoindentation of nail material Vickers microhardness values decrease with increasing

Fingernail samples were sectioned and prepared using RH and increase with increasing time elapsed, postin-
the same methods used for the microhardness indentation dentation. Microhardness values ranged from 4 kg/
experiments. These samples were then attached to stain- mm2 (0.04 GPa) to around 30 kg/mm2 (0.29 GPa). There
less steel blocks using superglue. A NanoIndenter XP was a significant difference between mean Vickers
with a three-sided Berkovich indenter (Agilent, Berkshire, microhardness numbers at all relative humidities [at 0 s
UK) was used to perform instrumented indentation testing. F(5,24) = 285.81, P < 0.001, at 60 s F(5,24) = 551.96, P <
The indenter is of a different geometry than the Vickers 0.001, at 300 s F(5,24) = 1055.1, P < 0.001]. Tukey tests
indenter used for microhardness indentation, and the equa- showed that the values for microhardness at all humidity
tions used to calculate the mechanical properties take this levels were significantly different after 300 s. Differ-
into account. To calculate the hardness (Hn) the equation ences between all humidity levels, except 55% and 65%
RH, were significant at both 0 s and 60 s postindentation.
L The apparent Vickers microhardness number decreases
Hn ¼ ; ð2Þ
A with increasing relative humidity from 28.5 to 4.3
where L is the load applied and A is the projected contact kg/mm2 (0.28–0.04 GPa) if the impression is measured
area at the point of loading was used. To determine immediately, from 29.0 to 9.6 kg/mm2 (0.28–0.09 GPa)
stiffness the approach of Oliver and Pharr was used, after 60 s postindentation, and from 29.4 to 14.6 kg/mm2
where the gradient of the unloading curve is deter- (0.29–0.14 GPa) after 300 s postindentation.
mined.16 A series of 25 indentations were made per The results of repeated measured ANOVA with Bon-
specimen to acquire average values. Humidity was con- ferroni post-hoc tests showed that there was a significant
trolled by placing a container filled with the same salt difference in Vickers microhardness over time in sam-
solutions used for microindentation beneath the apparatus ples tested at 55 to 100% RH. Time-elapsed postindenta-
and was checked using a hygrometer. tion did not have a significant effect on the
microhardness values obtained for samples at 0% and
33% RH.
A. Microindentation of nail material B. Nanoindentation of nail material
An optical image of a typical indent obtained from A typical load–displacement trace for a finger-
microindentation tests is shown in Fig. 2(c). This partic- nail sample undergoing nanoindentation is shown in
ular image was taken at 0% RH and was photographed Fig. 4(a). Modulus and hardness values were calcu-
less than 5 min after indentation. The diagonal lines lated using the continual stiffness measurement (CSM)
on the image are artefacts from the polishing process. approach where these data are determined as a func-
The hardness of the dorsal (upper) and ventral (bottom) tion of depth; both modulus and hardness were found
layers of the nail are presented in Fig. 3(a). These data not to vary considerably over the depth ranges inves-
show no significant differences between the two layers tigated (200–1000 nm).
at ambient relative humidity [F(2,9) = 1.86, P = 0.124]. Average Young’s modulus for the fingernail samples,
Data obtained from Vickers microindentation at dif- as derived by nanoindentation, was found to be 4.62
ferent RHs are shown in Fig. 3(b). These show that the GPa [0.41 GPa, standard deviation (SD*)]. The data

FIG. 3. (a) Vickers microhardness of fingernails as determined from the indentation of the dorsal and ventral layers of nail specimens at ambient
relative humidity. (b) Vickers microhardness values of fingernails at various humidity levels with measurements taken at 0, 60, and 300 s
postindentation. Groups denoted by the same character are not significantly different from each other with respect to the RH (P < 0.05) according
to Tukey’s post-hoc tests. Data labeled with an * are significantly different from one another with respect to time with RH groups according to
Bonferroni post-hoc tests. All errors in (a) and (b) are standard errors from the mean. The scales on the right were determined by multiplying the
Vickers hardness number by 0.009807.

982 J. Mater. Res., Vol. 24, No. 3, Mar 2009

L. Farran et al.: Microindentation and nanoindentation of human fingernails at varying relative humidity

FIG. 4. (a) A typical load–displacement trace for nanoindentation performed on the dorsal layer of a human fingernail. (b) Modulus of finger-
nails, as derived by nanoindentation, as a function of relative humidity. (c) Hardness of fingernails, as derived by nanoindentation, as a function of
relative humidity. All errors in (b) and (c) are standard errors from the mean.

obtained over the range of relative humidities are shown a hardness value that can be compared with other mate-
in Fig. 4(b). As can be seen, the hardness does not vary rials. The dorsal (upper) and ventral (lower) layers were
significantly over the relative humidity range. On aver- found to have similar hardness values at ambient humid-
age the hardness of nails, determined by nanoindenta- ity. The dorsal layer is likely to be more susceptible to
tion, is 0.18 GPa (0.05 GPa, SD) and did not vary changes in the environment in vivo. For this reason all
significantly over the humidity range [see Fig. 4(c)]. subsequent indentation tests were performed on the up-
Values obtained at 65 and 85% RH appear lower than per or dorsal layer.
for any other humidity, but due to the high variability When the samples were placed in humidity-controlled
and the small sample sizes there was no significant dif- environments, then indentations into the material were
ference in hardness at the different relative humidities found to relax, particularly above 55% RH. Although it
[F(5,45) = 1.95, P < 0.12]. is not possible to derive a comparative hardness value at
this point, the values obtained reflect the ability of the
material to recover the plastic deformation when mois-
IV. DISCUSSION ture is present. This recovery may be the result of plasti-
Vickers microhardness and nanoindentation tests cization of the matrix material. Keratinous materials,
proved to be useful techniques for measuring the proper- such as hair, have been postulated to comprise smaller
ties of fingernails. Under dry conditions the fingernail fibrillar units embedded in an amorphous rubbery matrix
material, which is primarily keratin, remains plastically of the same keratinous material.17 When moisture enters
deformed. For this type of response it is easier to derive the nail structure it is possible that the disulfide bridges

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L. Farran et al.: Microindentation and nanoindentation of human fingernails at varying relative humidity

between molecular chains will be disrupted, enabling ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

them to become more entangled. This entanglement The authors wish to thank the EPSRC DTA (Doctoral
could be a source of the recovery mechanism via an Training Account) and the University of Manchester for
increase in entropy. This indentation approach is there- funding a Ph.D. scholarship and Mr. Andrew Forrest for
fore useful for understanding the properties of natural assistance with the nanoindentation experiments.
materials and their recovery mechanisms under a chang-
ing environment.
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