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is —_ World Wonders , Robot Lawyer * : in Court ae Ag™ In artificial intelligence (Al) have made it possible for computers and machines to carry ‘out a wide range of tasks that were previously done by humans. Robotics (##2A#) is now moving to a whole new level. Robot lawyers representing defendants (388) in court sounds like science fiction but reality. In a historic first, a robot powered by Al defended person in court in the US. in February this year. already a Using Al and natural language processing (NLP), robot lawyers assess legal issues, research statutes (ji) and case law (Hi robot lawyers are moving from the back office (35#538"4) to courtrooms, replacing human defense attorneys (jliH#6). and prepare legal documents. Now, See OEE ee SIn hamed DoNotPay. It Is not a physical robot that acts like a Eee eae Ne ec ene >>>>>>>> EEE as xeon Se cee ee sound aclvice to the defendant. It communicates in re “re gin cram OB World Wonders 444 cans Brower he founder nc CEO of DoNetay, athe ia for Ventue when Was student 444, 2tStanford, one of America’s most prestigious universities. He was so busy studying that he often forgot to put money in the parking meters where he parked his car. As a result, he was faced with having to pay multiple parking fines. Lreete ee Er a ie RCL en eee Ene ne Cen uence Te Entec Leo Pees Cee ae em acer mS ice eon cis ek Ceo people simply paid the fines because they dic not, ER ua RR Reel ese oS high legal fees. 07 re exan Coon eee US ue LP teats ‘ ice Fo Se RN ee Re Nee Cru eke Se Mea eee eet ame Oe oe Browder's robot lawyer has been very successful. Over time, it has ‘even become more effective than many human lawyers in arguing cases. To date, DoNotPay has successfully challenged over 190,000 car parking fines and has helped over two million people win legal disputes (28) over bill payments and refunds for faulty products or inadequate service. DoNotPay now covers more than 100 different areas of the law. For example, it can answer questions about employment law and generate contracts for new business ventures. con Wa ST Nee em ose Reta ee Coe aoe ees Cee Noes) LLIN LA Recut ROE ICR ec nwe to) rater Tage ES fee Cm aco lawyers will play a crucial ro Seema nt

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