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Can you make an activity about guidance card a strategic intervention materials in science with a

competency Focus specimens using the picture of compound microscope because we dont have
microscope in school.
Yes, I can definitely help you create an activity using guidance cards as a strategic intervention
material in science with a focus on specimens. Here's an activity you can use:

Title: Examining Specimens Using Guidance Cards

Competency Focus: Identify and describe the structures and functions of specimens

Materials Needed:

 Compound microscope picture

 Guidance cards
 Specimen pictures (can be printed or found online)


1. Begin by showing students the compound microscope picture and asking them to identify
the different parts of the microscope.
2. Next, introduce the concept of guidance cards as a tool for examining specimens when an
actual microscope is not available.
3. Distribute the guidance cards to each student and explain the purpose of each card. Some
examples of guidance cards are:
 Card 1: Observe the specimen from different angles
 Card 2: Look for patterns or structures in the specimen
 Card 3: Identify the different parts of the specimen
 Card 4: Describe the function of the specimen
 Card 5: Compare and contrast the specimen with other similar specimens
4. Show students the specimen pictures and ask them to choose one specimen to examine.
5. Instruct students to use the guidance cards to examine their chosen specimen. They can take
notes or draw pictures of what they observe.
6. After examining their specimens, ask students to share their observations with the class.
Encourage them to use the vocabulary they have learned to describe the structures and
functions of their specimens.
7. As a class, compare and contrast the different specimens and discuss the similarities and
differences between them.
8. To wrap up the activity, ask students to reflect on what they have learned about specimens
and how they can apply this knowledge in the future.

This activity can help students develop their observation and analysis skills even without an actual
microscope. It also helps them become familiar with the different structures and functions of

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