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The term culture is also used in Indonesian with the word kultur. Culture is related to
human mind and intellect. Culture is a pattern or way of life developed by a group of people,
then passed down to the next generation.
Culture is an overall pattern of life. Culture has an abstract, complex and broad nature.
Meanwhile, according to KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia), culture is a thought,
intellect or customs.

Grammatically, the meaning of culture is derived from the word culture which tends to
lead to the way humans think. There are several aspects of culture that determine communicative
behavior. These socio-cultural elements are scattered and cover many human social activities.
Culture is a way of life that develops and is owned by a group of people. Then passed on to the
next generation.
Culture is formed from several complicated elements. Among them are customs,
language, works of art, religious and political systems. Language is the same as culture, which is
an inseparable part of humans. As an Indonesian citizen, you certainly know that Indonesia has a
variety of cultures spread across various regions. However, do you know the meaning of culture,
characteristics, functions, elements, and examples?


1. Definition of Culture According to Experts

 E. B Taylor in Soekanto

Culture is a complex that includes knowledge of beliefs, arts, morals, laws, customs, and other
abilities acquired by humans as members of society.

 Selo Soemardjan and Soelaeman Somardi

Culture as all the work, taste, and creation of society.

 Koentjaraningrat

Culture is defined as all human power and activities to process and change nature.

 Linton

Culture is the overall attitude and pattern of behavior and knowledge that is a habit that is
inherited and owned by a member of a particular society.
 Parsudi Suparian

Culture is all human knowledge that is used to know and understand their experiences and

2. Characteristics of Culture
 As a culture that resides in the area and is learned.
 It can be conveyed to every person and every group and passed down from generation to
 Dynamic, meaning a system that changes over time.
 Selective, meaning it reflects behavioral patterns of limited human experience.
 Has interrelated cultural elements.
 Ethnocentric, meaning that it considers its own culture as the best culture or considers
other cultures as standard cultures.
3. Culture Function
a) Boundaries

Culture acts as a boundary determinant, which means that culture creates differences or
makes an organization unique and distinguishes it from other organizations.

b) Identity

Culture provides a sense of identity to members of the organization.

c) Commitment
Culture facilitates commitment to something greater than individual interests.
d) Stability

Culture increases the stability of the social system.

e) Shaping Attitudes and Behavior

Culture acts as a meaning-making and control mechanism that guides and shapes
individual attitudes and behaviors.

4. Elements of Culture

Melville J. Herkovits states that culture has four main elements, namely:

 Technological tools
 Economic system
 Family
 Political power
Bronislaw Malinowski says there are four main elements which include:

 A system of social norms that allows cooperation between members of society to adapt
to the nature that surrounds them.
 Economic organization.
 Tools and institutions or officers for education (family is the main educational
 Organization of power (politics).

C. Kluckhohn, suggests that there are seven elements of culture or culture that are universal in
nature, namely:

 Language.
 Knowledge system.
 Technology and equipment system.
 Art system.
 Livelihood system.
 Religious system.

Based on some of the elements of culture put forward by experts, it can be concluded that the
elements of culture in general are:

 Certain behaviors.
 Style of dress.
 Habits.
 Customs.


Culture is a way of life that develops and is shared by a group of people. It is then passed
on to the next generation. Culture is formed from several complex elements. Among them are
customs, language, works of art, religious and political systems. Language is the same as culture,
which is an inseparable part of humans. With characteristics, As a culture that resides in the area
and is learned, it can be conveyed to every person and every group and passed down from
generation to generation, dynamic, selective, has interrelated cultural elements, and ethnocentric.

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