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Final Short Output

Capapas, Gem Tristan Peter G.

Tour, Far Eastern University – Manila

NST0102 – National Service Training Program (NSTP 2)

Ms. Loysabel Beltran

May 22, 2022

Reflective Essay

The National Service Training Program is a part of the curriculum that has been

mandated at colleges and universities. As stated in Republic Act No. 9163, it aims to

develop the ethics of everyone who will undergo this program, especially the youth, to

serve and be patriotic during the training.

I was so glad when I found out that Far Eastern University offers Civic Welfare

Training Service since I am a former cadet officer in high school and I have already

experienced struggles, pain, and perseverance to achieve those ranks and designations.

But now, different challenges that I have been facing this new normal and being

productive in this program. First, I always spend a day scrolling and checking all the files

that I believe will help me develop my consciousness in society as well as my physical,

mental, and spiritual well-being. Second, I planned a week before the deadline on what

topic I should choose. I believe that it is timely and relevant and I know that it will help to

bring changes and hope to the community. Third, I use all of the resources given that will

contribute to my knowledge, which enlightens me on different social issues that need to be

addressed. It really helps me to enhance my critical thinking skills and be aware of those

things that I believed before that "were normal," but they’re not. Lastly, I rewarded myself

once I have accomplished the things on this course, such as playing video games or

watching movies, and it is really effective because it helps me focus on this program and

also learn about it.

It is really sad that we haven’t seen face-to-face or had synchronous classes with my

professor and classmates on this subject because this program is really important to be

discussed because it has a huge impact on the development of the students. Despite that,

I still enjoy this course, especially doing essays, hazard mapping, disaster plan, and
evacuation plan. These activities serve as my lifelong learning that will help me and I can

apply those things to save the lives of others in the future.

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