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GROUP 7 – SCRIPT (News Casting)


Anchor 1: Good afternoon everyone, here’s the news report at news 7…. Will be introduced by Louise

Anchor 2: As Mae said it was a sad news that a students from ValNat is Currently at the hospital. Robina
can you somewhat ask the patient or anyone what happened?

Reporter: Yes Louise and Mae, we are currently here inside where the patient is resting….

 Good afternoon Doc, we would like to ask a question on what happened to the students here?

Doc: Good day as we conducted a check-up the students from ValNat Seems that they have been food
poisoned, and they said the last thing they ate was the egg from the school canteen, that’s all I can say
for now thank you.

Reporter: Thank you Doc, ok Louise and Mae so the reason behind that was they ate a boiled egg from
the school canteen… it must be because of the poor sanitation of the canteen but we can’t really say
that for sure, back to you Louise and Mae

Anchor 1: Thank you Robina

Anchor 2: That’s all for a brief news of News 7 folks, we will be back after the commercial



Anchor 2: Breaking news! A held hostage at the bank live on news 7, can you show us Robina what is

Reporter: That’s right mae as we all can see a child is being hostage by the robber and the police are on
the move.

 Bascon: Don’t move or I’ll shoot this kid’s head!

*Police siren*

*the police arrived*

*guns pointing at the robber*

 Police: Surrender now, we are surrounding you!

*Shot the kid’s head*

GROUP 7 – SCRIPT (News Casting)
*robber run*

*the police on the chase*

*kid dead*

Anchor 1: is there any update now robina?

Reporter: Yes Louise as we can see the robber is on the run and the police are chasing up to him and as
for the hostage… it was a terrible event that the kid died… we bid condolences to the family of the loss…

Anchor 1: It is a terrible news indeed, we bid the family of the child a condolence for their lost..

Anchor 2: The news 7 will be back after the advertisement..


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