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The True Love of Mother Once upon a time, there were a mother and her child who lived

the forest. They were so poor so that they lived in an ugly cottage and wore worn-out dresses.
One day, there was a plague in the village. The child was infected by the plague. The mother
would like to bring her child to the doctor. However, they didn’t have money to pay for the doctor.
The mother asked the people about the medicine. She went to the forest and looked for some
herbal roots. She made the medicine and treated her child carefully. The children’s condition
was getting better. After that, the child recovered from the disease. Unfortunately, the mother
was getting infected. And, since her body was so weak and didn’t get enough sleep, she passed
away after several days. Her child was crying and realizing that her mother gave her true love till
the end. Artinya: Cinta yang Sebenarnya dari Ibu Alkisah, ada seorang ibu dan anaknya yang
tinggal di dekat hutan. Mereka sangat miskin sehingga mereka tinggal di pondok yang jelek dan
mengenakan pakaian usang. Suatu hari, ada wabah di desa. Anak itu terinfeksi oleh wabah.
Sang ibu ingin membawa anaknya ke dokter. Namun, mereka tidak punya uang untuk membayar
dokter. Sang ibu bertanya kepada orang-orang tentang obat itu. Dia pergi ke hutan dan mencari
beberapa akar herbal. Dia membuat obat dan merawat anaknya dengan hati-hati. Kondisi anak-
anak semakin membaik. Setelah itu, anak tersebut sembuh dari penyakitnya. Sayangnya, sang
ibu tertular. Dan, karena tubuhnya sangat lemah dan kurang tidur, dia meninggal dunia setelah
beberapa hari. Anaknya menangis dan menyadari bahwa ibunya memberikan cinta sejatinya
sampai akhir.

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul "6 Contoh Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris
Ini Mudah Dihafalkan" ,

Penulis: Tifani

Editor: Intan

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