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The woman and her illness

Once upon a time there lived a woman in the small village. The woman had an illness. She wanted to look for a medicine. But she must go to the city to got the medicine. It would be spend more money. One day she heard a rumor about a shaman who lived in the jungle near the village. People thought that the shaman had many medicines to heal the illnesses. Then, she asked some help to the boy near her house to accompany her to the jungle. After the long and difficult way, they found a house in the middle of the jungle with an odd-man standing in front it. Good afternoon young lady! You should be tired after passed the jungle to look for me, the odd-man said, Come! This is my house. You can get what you want. The woman and the boy felt scared, but they decided to enter the house. Then, the woman told the shaman about her illness. I have the medicine to heal that illness, and I can give you a treatment, the shaman said. The woman decided to accept the offer. The shaman gave her a treatment. After the treatment, he gave the woman a drink. This is a special medicine. Drink it! And you will be fine. The woman felt doubt but she still drank it. After that, the woman say thank to the shaman, but she didnt need to paid because the shaman told her not to paid. Then, the woman and boy went home quickly because the day would become dark. In the home, the day after the woman went to the juggle, she felt her condition became worse. Then, she decide leave her village. She went to the airport and go to the city. After arrived in the city, she came to the hospital and met the doctor. She told about her condition to the doctor and about the medicine which the shaman gave to her. The doctor had known about this case. Then he told the woman to get the CT-scan. In the several days she known about her illness and got the good medicine and also good treatment in the hospital. The woman said thanks to the doctor.


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