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I. What is Connectionism?


 an influential learning theory in the fields of cognitive science and psychology.

The foundational premise of connectionism is that creatures can create
connections between stimuli and responses through learning.

Stimulus - is a thing or occurrence that influences or brings about an

activity or result.
Response - is a reaction or outcome that occurs after the stimulus occurs.

 In connectionism, learning happens when a connection is made between a

stimulus and a rewarding response through trial and error.


II. Who is Edward Thorndike?

EDWARD THORNDIKE (1874 – 1949)

 The one who developed the theory of connectionism and its integration to
 A popular American psychologist investigated learning who in the first half of the
20th century.
 He was the first person to bring together what psychologists had studied about
how the human mind works and what educators knew about how to teach
making him the first educational psychologist.

 Connectionism was Thorndike's main philosophy. He said that learning is

about responding to stimuli.
III. Introducing Edward Thorndike’s Theory


 Thorndike's theory emphasizes the relationship between a stimulus and a

response and explains that learning is about responding to stimuli. A stimulus
gives rise to different responses. Of possible response is a feeling of satisfaction.

Stimulus-Response bond (S-R bond) - formed by stimulus and its

satisfactory response.

 As a result of the S-R bond, when the stimulus occurs again, there is an
increased probability that the response will happen. In Thorndike's work, the
S-R bond explained how learning is mediated and impacts future decision-
making. Additionally, the S-R bonds can become stronger over time.

 Connectionism was meant to be a general theory of learning for animals and

humans. Many scientists credit Thorndike as being one of the first researchers to
use an animal model of learning. Through studying animals, he delineated laws
that govern behavior and learning.


IV. Three Laws of Connectionism Theory


Law of Effect – is the first of three laws of connectionism. It says that if a

stimulus results in a positive outcome, it strengthens the S-R bond, while if
it results in a negative outcome, the S-R bond is weakened.

Law of Exercise – says that the more you do something, the better you
are at it.

Law of Readiness – A satisfying state of affairs results when an individual

is ready to learn and is allowed to do so.
Connectionism: Overview & Practical Teaching Examples - Video & Lesson Transcript |

Connectionism -Thorndike’s Learning Theory | Dr. V.K. Maheshwari, Ph.D (

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