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Final Project Proposal

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements
For completing the final project



submission of thesis proposal
The final project entitled “The Student Skills in Writing Narrative Text at the
Tenth Grade of SMA Negri 1 Paninggaran, Pekalongan in the Academic
Year 2022/2023” written by:
Name : Hendra Gunawan
Npm : 17420148
Study Program : English Education Program
Faculty : Faculty Language and Arts Education

Has been Approved by:

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Siti Musarokah, S.Pd.M.Pd. Dr.AB Prabowo KA, S.Pd M.Hum

NPP 107801314 NPP 047001157
I. The Title



II. Introduction

A. Background of The Study

In Indonesia, many people learn the International language. One of

the International languages is English. It is taught at school from the

elementary level up to the university as foreign language. It has become a

required subject that needs to be taught to all students. So, it has an

important role in communication to interact with another people in the

world. Basically, there are four language skills in English such as

listening, speaking, reading and writing (Saleh 1992: 27 as cited by Sari

2013: 1). Writing as a part of the language skills besides listening, reading,

speaking. According to Zamel (2007: 207), writing is a process which the

people can explore and discover their thoughts and ideas in written form.

Besides that, writing system is a system of written symbols which

represent the sounds, syllables, or word of language (Richards, 1985: 409).

Writing is one of the four language skills learned in school. Writing skills

are skills to express ideas, ideas, and thoughts of students in written form.

Therefore, writing is a productive skill, namely producing works that are

the fruit of thought. Expressing what you think in written form is not easy.
This is because writing is a skill that requires a number of abilities and

requirements. Writing must not only be coherent and easily understood by

readers, but also must be in accordance with good and correct linguistic


Therefore, diligent practice is required to produce good writing.

Mastery of writing skills in school is very important. However, through

writing skills students can train themselves to process their thoughts and

put them into written form. Writing is not just knowledge, but it is also a

skill that must be learned by using various strategies, methods, and

appropriate learning media, so that writing skills in school are optimal.

Given the importance of writing skills in learning activities, students need

to be nurtured and given training diligently to obtain optimal results.

Writing is the act of pouring an idea into written form or telling

something to the readers through written language. Through writing we

can communicate indirectly. According to Wyrick (2011) writing is a

productive skill, and it is a creative act in expressing ideas, and writing

also can help the students to explore their thoughts and feelings. It means

that writing is a production of language by using words or sentences on a

paper. Nunan (2003, p. 88) states that writing is a process of thinking to

get ideas and express those ideas in the form of sentences and paragraphs.

Moreover, Creme and Lea (2003, p.5) states that writing consists of words

and those words are combined in particular formations to make sentences.

Then, the sentences are grouped together into paragraphs. Writing is the
result of someone's activity placing something in an empty space

dimension (Resmini et al. 2006: 287). While in the Oxford Dictionary,

"writing is produce something in written form so that people can read,

perform or use it." If this writing is read by other people, it will give a

certain message for people who read it. The message can be in the form of

an idea, information, will, desire, or someone's feelings. This is in line

with Poteet's opinion (Mulyono, 1999:224) that writing is a visual

depiction of thoughts, feelings or ideas, using symbols of the researcher's

language system for communication or note-taking purposes.

Most students do not have ideas or imagination to write. In other

words, they have a blank mind. When they are asked to write a text, for

example a narrative text, they tend to look at their next-door friend who

has a strong idea or imagination. Therefore, some media are needed to get

their ideas out. Because of that, they use things around them as a means to

express their ideas so that they are maximized when writing a narrative


Bruner (1991) defines narrative as the organization of human’s

experience and memories. Narrative may also be thought of as literary

fiction, fantasy, pretence or even as lie (Clandinin & Connelly, 1989) . In

writing a narrative text, the characters in the story play a very important

role. Narrative writing generally is driven by the goals of the

characters (Garrard, 2011) . Writing a narrative text involves fiction or

non-fiction story written based on experience, imagination and

observation. Compared to the other genres, narrative writing seems to be

the easiest. A good narrative writing usually has an interesting plot and

succeeds in arousing the interest of the readers to read from the beginning

of the story till the end. The findings of the study by Garrard

(2011) revealed that good narrative writing skills is essential in the

production of digital story. Nonetheless, she discovered that narrative

writing was a difficult activity for EAL (English as an Additional

Language) students since they struggled to formulate ideas and use

vocabulary in a different language. Even though the students managed to

create their digital story, the task was time-consuming. This finding was

congruent with a study done by Sadik (2008) whereby students took a long

time in learning to use the software and finding appropriate resources for

their digital stories project.

When students are asked to make a narrative text in English,

students must have a level of accuracy in the use of language so that the

delivery of information can be accepted. However, in the use of language

to create a narrative text with imagination, there are still many mistakes.

These errors arise in the making of essays because they are not always

guided by the correct language rules and the use of language which often

results in errors in writing. In essays, the structure is usually not standard

or with incorrect spelling. This is often found in writing essays. Judging

from these habits, it can be explained that the writing of narrative texts in

schools at SMA N 1 Paninggaran is very interesting to be used as an object

of research, especially in writing skills that focus on narrative text.

Therefore, the researchers concluded that they conducted a research

entitled "Student Writing skills in Narrative text at Tenth Grade of SMA

Negeri 1 Paninggaran".

B. Reasons for Choosing a Topic

The researcher chose the topic "STUDENTS WRITING SKILLS


PANINGGARAN" for the following reasons:

1. Researchers themselves want to learn about students' abilities in writing

narrative texts text

2. Researchers want to see how students express their imagination and

ideas in written form

3. Researchers see that today's teenagers want to learn English in a simple


4. students tend to be less interested in English writing skills.

C. Statement of The Problem

Based on the background of the research above, the authors

formulate three research questions as follows:

1. What are the students' mistakes in writing narrative text?

2. How do students write narrative texts using ideas and imagination?

3. What are the students' difficulties in writing narrative text?

D. The Objective of The Study

In relation of the statement of the study above, the objectives of

this research are as follows:

1. To identify errors in writing narrative text.

2. To reveal the deep understanding of students about writing narrative


3. To identify the use of grammar in narrative text writing.

E. The Significant of The Study

The researcher expected that the result of this study could give

contribution for academic field and practical field.

1. Theoretically: The researcher hopes that this research can be useful for

those who still do not understand how to write narrative texts so that in the

future they can be better at writing narrative texts.

2. Practically: The researcher hopes that this research can be useful for all

students, especially students of the English Department. The author also

hopes that students are able to apply knowledge and understand narrative

texts in teaching and learning activities at school. as an additional

resource for teachers and lecturers in teaching narrative texts.

F. Scope of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, this study aims to:

improve students' abilities and analyze grammatical errors in writing

narrative texts using ideas and imagination in class X SMA N 1


G. Definition of Key Terms

To make the reader understand the term used in this study,

thewriter would likle to present several definition of the key term as


1. Writing skills: Writing skills include all the knowledge and abilities

related to expressing ideas through the written word. The ability to

clearly communicate ideas through writing is in high demand for

employers in any industry. Well-written documents, emails and

posts can persuade customers to purchase a product or convince

investors to partner with a company.

Technical knowledge about writing conventions, style guides and

formatting for different situations are also an important part of

writing skills. Knowing what situations call for different styles of

writing and being able to set an appropriate tone over text are both

important writing skills that any person can use at work.

2. Narrative text: Narrative text is a type of text in English to tell

a story that has a series of connected chronological events. The

purpose of this text is to entertain the reader about a story or



A. Previous Study

There are several reviews from previous researchers related to this

study. Previous research is a collection of research that has been done

before this research was conducted. Previous research contains research

findings that will enrich quantitative data. Observation of previous

research in this study aims to find related literature that is in line with this

research: "Students Writing Skills in Narrative Text at Tenth Grade of

SMA N 1 Paninggaran".




ACADEMIC YEAR by Devigatari Gusta (2015). The purpose of this

study was to determine the students' narrative text writing ability. Ratna

uses a quantitative descriptive method, where she describes or explains the

data that has been collected. According to Devigatari, the act of using

short animated story videos can attract students' attention and motivation

in teaching and learning processes. The use of animated stories also makes

the atmosphere in the classroom more relaxed and fun so that students are
interested in writing stories as their ideas into narrative texts. This method

is good enough to make you more confident. And students can have a

better understanding of the story because there is also a visual effect that

contains moving images. It can help students understand the content of the

story. So that they also get a lot of new words to increase their vocabulary

mastery. Furthermore, they can understand new words and how those

words are used in real contexts as shown in their videos. The combination

of the use of videos and the use of several actions, such as giving narrative

texts, vocabulary and grammar exercises can make students have a better

understanding of the nature of narrative texts such as: generic and tense

usage. It is very important to write a good narrative text. The feedback

given by the researcher and his friends was able to make them aware of

their mistakes and not to repeat them. As a result, their scores rose

significantly. This shows that they improve considerably in several aspects

of writing skills such as content, organization, vocabulary and grammar

and mechanics.

The second study by Fitri Syahira (2018) with the title Improving

students' ability in writing narrative texts using the Marathon Technique.

In this study, the researcher used a quantitative descriptive method. Based

on the results of the study, the researcher concluded that teaching writing

narrative texts using the marathon technique could improve students'

writing achievement skills. Based on the students' writing test in narrative

text, the marathon technique can improve students' writing ability in

narrative text. The researcher found that using the marathon technique

most students got a score of 93. Before using the marathon technique,

students' achievement in writing narrative texts was low. It can be seen

that 5 students passed the exam and 35 students failed the exam. Because

the marathon technique is effective and efficient for students in improving

their achievement in writing narrative texts. This technique is effective

because it can be used by students to write theses, arguments, and

recommendations. The students' writing test scores in content,

organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics from good to very

good and average to good. This technique is very efficient because it does

not require much for each narrative text and students are happy and

enthusiastic in learning the teaching process.

Nufus Apriliani (2018) in her research entitled THE USE OF


TEXT) (An Experimental Research at the Second Grade of SMP Negeri 4

Cilegon), tries to find out the process of writing student narrative texts.

The author also provides treatment for the experimental class using digital

storytelling media and without giving treatment for the control class using

the lecture method, the authors get an average score of 75.24 for the

experimental class and 65.60 for the control class. The author says that

using digital storytelling media can be accepted or students understand

better by using this digital storytelling method. By using digital

storytelling, students will know how to apply digital storytelling in

learning to write at SMPN 4 Cilegon and be more involved and active in

the teaching and learning process and help them to write, especially for

pre-writing. Digital storytelling as a medium that provides stimulation to

write texts and explain the storyline. Students understand the parts of

narrative (fable). After viewing digital stories, they create narratives based

on their own experiences. Then select the animal to write the text.

Zubaira Mointi (2013) in her research entitled "Developing

Students' Ability in Writing Texts Using Cartoon Films". The research

method used is quantitative description. Researchers only focus on

developing skills in writing narrative texts, Zubaira applies cartoons as a

medium of teaching and learning. Based on her data she concluded that:

First, students' abilities developed after applying the media. So, judging by

their scores from the pre-test and post-test of the four indicators. The

highest score is the generic structure, meaning that using cartoons can help

students in compiling stories by following the right generic structure. The

second highest is grammar, meaning that by applying this media it is

treated to make the correct simple past tense form as a feature of language

narrative text. Furthermore, vocabulary and spelling also improved

significantly. Second, cartoons are audio-visual media that can be applied

in learning English. It can be used in teaching speaking, listening, and

writing English. As a result, their writing products are better than before
using this medium. It means that this media is useful to support teaching

and learning activities and develop students' abilities in writing skills.

B. Related theory

the part discusses definition of language skills, writing skills and

narrative text.

1. Definition of language skills

Language is the divine gift of God. It is language that

distinguishes man from animals. Language is man’s finest asset.

Language does mean a collection of words strung together in sentences

but each word having a separate identity and meaning. In fact, the

words are brought together in special ways to give a highly systematic

order from which we get a meaning. Language is not random

behaviour but is systematic where certain orderings are accepted as

having prescribed meanings. For example, “The sun is shining” is not

the same as “Is the sun shining”. The following definitions will make

the meaning of language more clear- (1) According to Block & Trager-

“A language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which

a social group operates.” (2) According to Allen- “Language is a

means of communicating thoughts.” (3) According to O. Jesperson-

“Language is a set of human habits, the purpose of which is to give

expression to thoughts and feelings.” (4) According to Webster-

“Language is audible, articulate human speech as produced by the

action of the tongue and adjacent vocal organs.” According to all these

definitions, it becomes clear that language is used to give expression to

thoughts and feelings of a social group.

A. English Language

English is also a language used to give expression to thoughts and

feelings of a social group. But it is a foreign language for Indians.

B. Language as Skill

Language is essentially a skill. It is not a content-based subject like-

Science, Social Studies, Commerce, Mathematics, etc., which aim is to

imparting information and fill the human mind with knowledge. Since

language is a skill, it naturally comes under psychomotor domain. A

skill may be called the ability to do something well. Swimming,

playing, etc. are skills which people. perform after acquiring them.

Knowing about these things is an intellectual exercise (cognition) and

using or doing them is a skill (action). Language is a complex skill

involving four

sub-skills, which are as follows-


Language skill

Writing Speaking

Figure-1: Types of Language Skills

C. Classification of Language Skills

The basic language skills, LSRW (Listening, Speaking,

Reading and Writing) can be further classified into two parts:

divided into receptive skills (listening and reading), and productive

skills (speaking and writing).

1. Receptive skills

Receptive skills are language skills that involve students being

able to receive messages in the form of spoken or written

language. Therefore, listening and reading are classified into

receptive skills. Listening according to Brown (2001:249) is an

interactive process that involves a number of different

cognitive, psychomotor, and affective mechanisms. (Gebhard,

2006: 194). Reading is not done separately alone, but in a

social context. To be able to understand written language, we

depend on our ability to recognize words, phrases, and

sentences as well as on the background language of what we

read. Listening and reading involve a bottom-up or top-down


2. Productive skills

Productive skills are the opposite of receptive skills. Productive

skills involve us in the production of messages both orally and

in writing. These productive skills include speaking and

writing. Speaking is the delivery of messages through spoken

language. This process can occur through a transactional or

interactional process. While writing is an activity that focuses

on word choice, use of proper grammar, syntax, mechanics,

organization of ideas into a coherent and cohesive form,

readership, and purpose, and is a continuous process to

understand meaning (Gebhard, 2006:211).

2. Definition of writing skills

writing is put forward by several different experts. according to

Rivers (1981: 294), writing is conveying information or original

expression ideas sequentially in a new language. Brown, (2001: 336)

also claims that writing is a thought process. Furthermore, he stated

that writing can be planned and provided with an unlimited number of

revisions prior to release. In the in addition, Elbow (1973) in Brown

(2001: 336) also says that writing is two steps process. The first

process is to find out the meaning and the second process is put

meaning into language. Writing represents what we think. This is

because the writing process reflects the things, which stay in the mind.

Students who reluctant to write down things often suffer for this

activity. Students find difficulty when they start looking for some
reason to write and produce written sentence. This means that writing

is a complex process and it seems reasonable to expect, then, that

teaching writing is also complex. This is because students consider the

use of language when students are involved in learning writing

process. This activity will trigger language development because

language students solve the problem what is written in the student's


Based on all the definitions above, we can conclude that writing

is a cognitive process of expressing thoughts to others in writing. A

number of

people still think that writing is a difficult thing to do. People who

want to build a piece of writing have to work and practice hard.

Writing also requires regular practice to have good writing skills.

3. Narrative text

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one of the genres taught in grade ten students.

According to Anderson (1997:8), narrative is a piece of text, telling a

story, entertaining or informing the reader or listener. Narrative has

special characteristics that are different from other types of text, for

example, telling events in chronological order. Anderson and

Anderson (1997) also mention the linguistic features of narrative texts.

They are:

1) a certain character,
2) time words that connect events to tell when they happen,

3) verbs to show actions that occur in the story,

4) descriptive words to describe the characters and setting.

From the above understanding it is said that narrative text is a story

written by the author about something that has the aim of entertaining

and interesting for the reader or viewer.

b. Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Derewianka (1990) states that the steps for constructing a

narrative are:

a. Orientation

This is the beginning of the story in which the writer tells the

audience about who the characters in the story are, where the story is

taking place, and when the action happens (can be a paragraph, a

picture or opening chapter).

b. Complications

The story is pushed along by a series of event, during which

we usually expect some sort of complication or problem to arise. It just

would not be so interesting if something unexpected did not happen.

This complication will involve the main character(s). Narrative mirror

the complication we face in life and tend to reassure us that they are


c. Resolution

In a “satisfying” narrative, a resolution of complications is

brought about. The complication may be resolved for better or for

worse, but it is rarely left completely unresolved (although this of

course is possible in certain types of narrative, which leave us

wondering how the end is).


A. Research Design

According to Muijs, 2004:1, “research methods in

education (and the other social sciences) are often divided

into two main types: quantitative and qualitative methods”.

In this research, the researcher used the quantitative research

as methodology to find out the ability of tenth grade

students in writing Narrative text of SMA Negri 1

Paninggaran. Aliaga & Gunderson (2002) as cited in

Boutellier et al, (2013:3) said that quantitative research is

explaining a phenomenon by collecting quantitative

(numerical) data that are analyzed using mathematically

based methods such as statistics. In additions according to

Kothari (2004:3) quantitative research is based on the

measurement of quantity or amount.

The design of this research was Pre-Experiment Research

design. According to Cresswell (2012:326) that

experimental researchers test and idea (or practice or

procedure) to determine its effect on an outcome. There

are several of design in experimental: pre-experimental,

quasi-experimental, and true experimental. Pre-experiments

are the simplest form of research design. Pre-experimental

design does not have random assignment of subjects to

groups or other strategies to control extraneous variables. In

a pre-experiment either a single group or multiple groups

are observed subsequent to some treatment presumed to

cause change. There was some form of the pre-

experimental design, those are one-shot case study, one

group pre-test and post-test design and intact group


In this case, the researcher used pre-experiment design

with One-Group Pretest-Posttest design. In the one group

pre-test and post-test design, a single group is measured or

observed it by applying pre-test. A pre-test provides a

measure on some attribute or characteristic that the

researcher assessed for participants in an experiment before

the group receive a treatment, while a post-test measured on

some attribute or characteristic that is assessed for

participants in an experiment after a treatment (Creswell,


B. Subject of the Research

subject of the study in this research was SMA N 1

Paninggaran. This school is located Jalan Raya Paninggaran.

Subject of this research consisted population, sample and technique

of sampling which is explained as follows:

1. Population

The population is a generalization area consisting of

objects/subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics

determined by researchers to be studied and then drawn

conclusions (Sugiyono, 2016: 135). The population of this research

is all the tenth grades students of SMA N 1 Paninggaran in the

academic years 2021/2022.

2. Sample
Sugiyono (2008: 118), the sample is a part of the whole and the

characteristics possessed by a population. Sample is the number of

the people which is taken from the population and have represented

the population. The writer took X MIPA 1 as the sample. The total

of the sample is 31 students. They are experimental group and

control group.

3. Cluster Sampling

Cluster sampling involves obtaining a random sample of

clusters from the population, with all members of each selected

cluster invited to participate. It is necessary to construct a sampling

frame listing all clusters in the population (Sedgwick, 2014). The

researcher took two classes from tenth grades. The first class was

called experimental group and the second class was called control

group. Each group was chosen by chance from the population has a


C. Instrument of the Research

The term research instrument refers to any tool that may be

used to collect or obtain data, measure data, and analysing data

relevant to the research subject (Discoverphds, 2020).

1. Test

Arikunto (2005-57) continues again on the next page

that is, “Test is said to be good as a measuring tool if meet he

test requirements, namely having: 1) Validity, 2) Reliability, 3)

Objectivity, 4) Practicality, and 5) Economical.” Test as

instrument contains some instructions that the students have to

write narrative based on the theme given in the best. There

were two tests had been conducted during the research; pre-test

and post-test.

a. Pre-test

This test was given before the class was given

treatment. The researcher came to the chosen class and then

conduct herself there and explained to students what are

going to do. The began to distributed the test and asked

them to do it. The purpose of this test is to get students

score before get some treatment, so the researcher known

the difficulties in writing narrative.

b. Treatment

presenting the conditions whose effect will be

assessed. In conducting the research, the experimental

group and the control group must be arranged intensively

so that the second variable has the same or nearly the same


c. Post-test

Anas Sudijono (1996:70).” is a test carried out with the aim

of find out whether all the materials classified as important,

it can be mastered by best by students.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data

Data is a unit of information recorded by distinguishable media

with other data, can be analyzed and relevant to a particular program.

Data collection is a systematic and standard procedure to obtain

required data. To collect research data, the authors use methods are as

follows: (Ahmad, 2009)

a. Observation Method (Observation)

The observation method is systematic observation and

recording to the symptoms that appear in the object of research.

Observation is a method data collection using observations of the

research object can be implemented directly or indirectly. In this

study the author uses direct observation to the research location,

especially in class X MIPA 1, Observational data collection is used

to obtain data on the process of filling out the questionnaire.

b. Questionnaire Method (Questionnaire)

The questionnaire method is a list that contains a series of

questions about a problem or area to be studied. For obtain data,

the questionnaire is distributed to respondents (people who answer

to questions posed for research purposes). on survey research. In

this case the author makes written questions later answered by the

respondent/sampling. And the form of the questionnaire is a closed

questionnaire, namely a questionnaire whose questions use

multiple choice techniques or already exist answer choices, so that

respondents just choose the desired answer. Questionnaire

technique is used to determine the level of emotional intelligence

on students. In carrying out research students are directed to fill out

the questionnaire based on their actual situation. Data that obtained

from the questionnaire is the score of emotional intelligence.

(Cholid Narbuko, 2010)

c. Documentary Method

The documentary method is a data collection tool called form

document recording, and the source of the data is in the form of

notes or available documents. Like the presence of students in

attending lesson events in class, the document is visible on the

student attendance list. (Sanapiah, 2007)

E. Technique of Analysing Data

1. For the percentage of student scores in the data from the test,

which has given to students and to find out what percentage of

students correct in answering the test. The following steps are

applied to analysing data:

a. Scoring student answers

b. Determine and analysing students' abilities using passing class

standards at SMA N 1 Paninggaran (KKM) students are 75, based

in SMA N 1 Paninggaran.

c. Determine the percentage of students' abilities by using

following formula:
∑= x 100

∑ = gained score

× = sum of excellent writing

N = maximum score

100 = fixed score

The researcher computed the students’ mean score by using

formula (Suharsimin, 2006)

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