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​ May 26, 2020


How to study Korean

grammar: my method
and schedule

Studying grammar shouldn't

be tricky.
With a few simple organization, planning and note-taking tips, you can

transform the way you study grammar in any language. This post is

specifically for Korean, but you can use my methods for any language!
Step 1: Get a textbook and
note down the grammar

I bought this Korean grammar textbook (빈도별 토픽 중급) many years ago

and I haven’t finished it. I was motivated to finish it this time before the TOPIK

exam. I started by looking at to the list of grammar that was the beginning of

this book. Then, I wrote down every single grammar structure in my notebook.
This was to have a single place where I could come back to and mark which

grammars I’ve done.

Step 2: Categorize and

color-code the grammar

On the first page of my grammar notebook, I categorized all the structures I wrote

down into:

1. grammar that is totally new to me (marked in blue)

2. grammar that I know already (yellow)

3. grammar that I should refresh and review (pink)

You can use any technique that works for you. I also put a dot on the side of each

structure in my notebook which I fill in once I’ve completed the structure. Of

course, for grammar I already know, I just make a black dot anyway. I love using


Here's a video to go along with

this post!

Step 3: Give yourself a

deadline and do some basic
I then counted all the grammar structures I wrote down. There were…

– 22 completely unknown grammar structures

– 34 that need review

– 54 that I already know

I’m not great at math, so you can see my scribbles here:

That means a total 56 grammar points which I need to study. I decided I can

study two grammar structures a day as to not overwhelm myself. 56 structures

divided by two gave me 28 days, so I made a 28 day schedule to stick to.

I made sure to do one blue (new) grammar structure and one pink (review)

structure each day. You’ll see at the end of the schedule I run out of blue ones

because there aren’t that many; so when it gets to that part, I just continue with

the pink ones.

Step 4: Study with your own

note-taking method
I use 3 pen colors when taking notes. Black for grammar explanations and blue

for normal sentences. Then, within those sentences, all instances of the grammar

structure are written in pink so it stands out.

I also use an icon (exclamation mark in a triangle, which I learnt from my very

strict French teacher in grade 7) to indicate anything I should take note of, like

common mistakes or irregular rules.

As for reviewing notes, I add anything extra in yellow. I also use yellow pen to fix

any corrections when doing the in-book activities. In addition to that, I also add
some stars to points that are particularly hard to remember. You’ll see this in

detail in my video.

Feel free to use any color-coding or iconography system that helps you

remember! It’s OK to change your method halfway. Here’s a pic of my first

attempt, which I soon realized was not working (I didn’t like using such a thick

highlighter to underline the grammar point and preferred writing it in a different


Tip: Skip stuff you already know

Sometimes when people work through a new book they start from the beginning
and they go through all the boring stuff they already know on the keyboard and

they just leave. Don't do that if you don't have stuff to skip it Don't waste your


Things to keep in mind when

studying grammar
Don't get overwhelmed
Try not to get overwhelmed by how much there is to learn. I broke up my learning

into little parts each day. Don’t just go through your textbook trying to finish as

much as you can in a single day because it’s not going to stick into your longterm


review often
After you have studied your grammar structures, the next day when you wake up,

be sure to go through what you’ve done the previous day. I find that my short

term memory is absolutely terrible and I at least have to go through my notes

about 2 or 3 times from the previous day. All I do is I read through the example

sentences and put little stars at specific parts of the grammar that are still tricky

to me so my eye catches it the next time.

Be sure to use these grammar structures as much as you can. As long as you

are using this grammar structure, whether you’re talking to a language partner,

writing a diary, or even talking to yourself, the more it will start to solidify in your


read out loud

Don’t be afraid to read out loud if you have that luxury. I read my sentences over

because I’m an auditory learner. This is good for intermediate and advanced

learners who don’t have issues with pronunciation. If you are a beginner and still

learning how to pronounce things, I suggest asking a native speaker to record

some sentences for you. You can ask an italki tutor or ask someone on HelloTalk

or Hinative.

That’s essentially how I create a schedule to stick to, and not overwhelm myself.

Don’t just blindly go through a book page by page and worrying about how much

there – just take a look inside the book, created a schedule based on what you

know and don’t, and choose a set number to study per day. Remember not to

study grammar in isolation from vocabulary. Here’s a post I wrote about learning


Happy studying!

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