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Read dialogues without knowing anything else about the lesson. It helps so I can
pick out what I already know. Taking a look at Exercise A (the sentence patterns)
helps too!
Using translation notes, go through vocabulary for the lesson and write the
ones I don't know. I put these as priority into my anki deck to study. Study
those vocabulary!
I go through the grammar part of the translation book. I'm the kind of learner
who learns with writing so I make "in a nutshell" notes in my notebook about new
grammar points, and break down example sentences with color coated pens (nouns,
verbs etc.) Anything I find hard to understand, I YouTube videos for.
Read dialouge again with new vocabulary/grammar knowledge. I listen to the
audio as well and shadow it for pronunciation.
Complete the in book Exercises B and C. Look carefully at the example (れい)
to see how to go about the questions, it's usually the same pattern. Also pay
attention to the red arrows on the side, sometimes question sets reuse a table or
two. Check answers. If I missed anything I always review that word or grammar
point before moving on to the workbook exercises/ next lesson.
Workbooks- like I said I love to handwrite and practice what I've learned, so I have
all the workbooks too haha... but if any are a must is the sentence pattern and the
general workbook. The sentence pattern one will give more practice, whereas
the general workbook I use as a exam to test myself.
This is how I study but everyone is different. Regardless, I hope this helps you or
gives you a sense of how to start! It seems overwhelming at first because it's all in
Japanese (took me a while to figure out that れい in the Exercise section was the
example LOL) but once you get the hang of how lessons are structured it'll be
easier. There's also a section in front of the book in English/ other languages with
how to use the book that is helpful to try and set a study plan from. It's not
impossible to use Minna no Nihongo to self study, but I do reccomend having
additional resources just in case your stuck on a grammar point and need more
help. I've used an italki teacher before as well to go over a lesson with me when the
going got tough. ALSO never overlook the audio either that's important too!

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