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Any questions or feedback:

UX Research Study Plan Template

Conducted by:  
Table of Contents 
Background 1

Research Goal(s) 1

Research Questions 1

Success Metrics 2

Method 2
Participant Criteria 2
Materials 2

Procedure 3

What is the problem to be solved here? Any previous research on this topic? Why are we doing 
this research? 

Research Goal(s) 
State the high-level reason(s) for doing the study. What are you trying to get out of it? Try to keep 
this to 2-3 sentences. If you have more than 3 high-level goals, consider conducting a second 
● Goal 1 
● Goal 2 

Research Questions 
This is a list of questions you plan to answer during the study. Provide high-level questions and 
also sub-questions you and your stakeholders are interested in. 
Your study script should be planned around answering these questions. 
● Question 1 
● Question 2 
©​Developed by Kevin Liang. All Rights Reserved Feel free to copy and use

Any questions or feedback:

● etc... 

Success Metrics 
What are the elements of success that you are looking for?  
● (e.g. High satisfaction ratings, usability scales, correct mental models etc…) 
This is where you think about the potential results. If you see X results, what then? If you see Y 
results, what then?  
● Ease of use 
● Success/failure/error rates 

This section describes as many details necessary for anybody else to conduct the same study 
and ideally get the same results. 
Type: ​The type of methodology used (​ e.g. card sort, ethnography, contextual inquiry, survey, 
click-test etc…)  
# of participants: H ​ ow many participants  
Duration: T​ he time it will take 
Location: W ​ here the study takes place 
Compensation: W ​ hat will you give participants in exchange for their time? 

Participant Criteria 
List the main characteristics of the people you will recruit. Be sure to know why you’re recruiting 
this particular set. 
Next, provide a link to the ​screener form​. 
Group 1  These are just examples of criteria. 

Age  Basic demographic information so you can compare 

differences, if any. Have a good reason for each of these and 
Gender  think about whether or not you would screen someone out for 
not fitting a certain criteria.  
Occupation  Is it a flexible criteria? Or a must-have? 
Depending on the study, the criteria will be different. 
Criteria X 

Criteria Y 
©​Developed by Kevin Liang. All Rights Reserved Feel free to copy and use

Any questions or feedback:

List the materials to be used 
e.g. prototypes, paper printouts, phones, computer etc... 

Schedule:​ Provide important dates for the study​ (e.g. when recruiting begins, any preparation or 
workshop dates, the actual study day(s), and ETA of the report and deliverables)

Due Date Action Responsible

Monday, March 14th Kickoff meeting Badass UXR, PM, Design,

Marketing etc...

Tuesday, March 15th Recruiting meeting UXR, Recruiting


©​Developed by Kevin Liang. All Rights Reserved Feel free to copy and use

Any questions or feedback:

This is where you would include your study script if you run in-person studies.  
This is the template I created and use in my studies, but feel free to adapt it to your needs! 
*If the session contains confidential information, they should receive an NDA 
*Sometimes pre-questions may come before the introduction. Be adaptable to your research 
goals and questions. Remember not to prime them 
  Before you even begin the study, build rapport. Always say the following 
  things (​linked here​): 
  ● Introduce yourself, thank them for participating 
  ● This is not an exam - no right or wrong answers 
  ● You are not testing them, you are testing the prototypes 
Pre-study script  ● Emphasize that the prototypes might not function perfectly, and 
(1-2 minutes)  should they encounter problems, remind them that it’s not them - 
it’s the prototype 
● Introduce them to the talk-aloud protocol if you need to 
● If you are recording the session, tell them that and ask if they are 
OK with it 

INTRODUCTION  Introduce topic, but do not expose too much.  

Pre-questions  Questions before getting into the tasks. Do you need to explore more 
about them? Probe on screener questions? Compare any before/after 
● (e.g. Have you ever used a smartwatch before?) 
● (e.g. Based on your current experience with XYZ, what is your 
overall satisfaction with XYZ?) 

TASKS/ACTIVITY  This section is the core of how you will answer the research questions. 
Write out your tasks and what you will say. 
Do not ask leading questions etc...  

Post-questions  Include any follow-up questions to your tasks, including scales and 
survey items. Sometimes you may need to ask questions immediately 
after a task, then proceed to the next task. 

DEBRIEF  If your study involves any deception or misleading content, you should 
debrief your participant. Otherwise, this part is optional. 
©​Developed by Kevin Liang. All Rights Reserved Feel free to copy and use

Any questions or feedback:

Introduction Script 
This script is meant for first introducing yourself to your participant. It contains wording that is general
enough so that you won’t share too much about the topic, but enough to get them oriented correctly. This
is what I personally say (to some extent), but feel free to change it up to fit your style and be yourself! This
should take no longer than 3 minutes.

Hi! How’s your day going? [build some rapport] Thanks so much for participating in
our session today. My name is ________ and I am a (i.e. researcher, product, alien, Smurf etc…)
and I will be moderating the session. So we’ve asked to speak with you today because my team
is currently working on some concepts/new features/ideas which we would love your feedback
on. [if applicable: We asked you to come in today because you mentioned in our screen that you

Have you done one of these before? [response] Great! I promise it’ll be painless :)
[​administer NDA]​ Before we get started, go ahead and read over this NDA and sign it. Let me
know if you have any questions.

[​After signing​] Thanks! Any questions about it? So, I’ll today be asking you some
questions and showing you some concepts or prototypes. And because they are prototypes,
they are not final designs, (and will not function perfectly). So if you notice anything wonky,
remember it’s not you, it’s the prototype.

I’m going to have you do some activities with the prototypes, and during these
activities, I’d like you to think-aloud. Talk-aloud your thoughts and feelings as you go along.
Whatever comes to mind. Your first impressions, what you like or dislike. If something sucks or
is confusing, let me know! This is not an exam! I’m not testing you, I’m testing the concepts out.
There are no right or wrong answers, just want your honest feedback.

Also, I didn’t make these things, so you’re not going to hurt my feelings nor compliment
me. In fact, I am a neutral evaluator, and your honest opinions and feedback will be useful in
helping the team decide how to improve it, so don’t hold back, go all out.


Alright, if you need to leave for whatever reason, you are free to do so, just let me know.
You’ll still receive your full thank you gift regardless of when you leave (preferably not right
now! Harharhar jokes and laughs and stuffs). Also, no breaks are scheduled but if you have to
use the restroom or anything, just let me know.

[​if recording] F
​ inally, are you okay with me audio and video recording the session? It’ll
only be used internally for research and will not be shared beyond _______. Are you okay with
that? [response] And finally FINALLY, there may be others watching on a livestream taking
notes, but no need to worry about them. Just you and me, I might ask them if they have any
questions for you at the end and I’ll relay them to you.

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