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the hadrian’s wall separate romans and picts, it was build in order to protect roman territory and

counter picts.
This wall is a limes. It is a protection in order to defend the romans empire against barbarians.
But what is a limes ?
- it is a fortification system designed for romans frontier.
- it is an area used as a frontier of a province of this empire.
- and under romans empire, it was a fortified line which circulate alongside at the frontier, in front
of barbarians country or at the desert.

So the hadrian’s wall is a perfect example of limes because it protects empire and it is also a

-Romans← The wall of hadrian →picts

-build to :
- protect territory
- and counter picts
- fortified line → circulate alongside at frontier, in front of barbarians or desert.
-its a limes = protection to defend romans empire against picts
-what is it ?
-Name of fortification system
-area used as a frontier of a province of romans empire
-perfect example.

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