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Name : Ketut Seri Sasti Dewiyani

NO :2

NIM : 2211031006


On this occasion, I interviewed a source, namely the parents of my nephew or my own brother.
My brother has an 8 year old son who has or has been diagnosed by a doctor with epilepsy. Before
observing what developments are stunted in my nephew, it helps me to explain in advance what
epilepsy is. Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system resulting from excessive patterns of
electrical activity in the brain. This causes the sufferer to experience repeated seizures in part or all
of the body. My nephew was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 2 years, at the age of 0-2 years my
nephew grew up as healthy as children his age, one day he had a seizure and caused him to become
weak. These seizures have no known exact cause and keep recurring.

After checking with a pediatric neurologist and also doing an Electroencephalogram (EEG),
where the EEG is one of the tests performed to measure the electrical activity of the brain to detect
brain abnormalities. After checking the EEG my nephew was declared to have epilepsy, because the
results of the EEG check showed that his brain waves were chaotic. The stages and developmental
tasks of my nephew were disrupted because he had epilepsy. Where at the stage of treatment around
2-3 years my nephew did not progress on his treatment and his physical condition was getting worse.
The results of the EEG check also stated that my nephew's brain waves still looked chaotic. This of
course made my family worried about my nephew's developmental stage. In the end, my family
decided to stop medical treatment for my nephew and switch to alternative medicine and also do
routine therapy.

The stages of development that were disrupted in my nephew in the early childhood stage, my
nephew is hampered in all aspects of development that he should go through, starting from when he
can't walk, can't talk yet. Of course, these two aspects will greatly affect how the process develops in
the future. With the delay in this developmental process, my nephew certainly cannot develop at a
later stage, namely during early childhood. My family was trying to find a walking and talking
therapist, until finally someone gave me the info to do therapy at the Yayasan Peduli Kemanusiaan
(YPK). The Yayasan Peduli Kemanusiaan (YPK) is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 to
provide rehabilitation to Balinese people who have disabilities, and who are unable to access formal
health care facilities. YPK clients receive physiotherapy services as well as psychological and
emotional support free of charge. Here my nephew was given walking and talking therapy. However,
what reaps success in this therapy is only in the ongoing therapy process. My nephew can walk around
the age of 6 years, of course this is a delay in my nephew's development process. With this
developmental delay, of course it affects my nephew's way of walking, sometimes he likes to fall
when walking, because of the flat shape of his feet.

Now my nephew is 8 years old, which means he is in the middle childhood stage where at this
stage all aspects of my nephew's development are disrupted, where my nephew cannot get along,
cannot be independent (such as bathing and eating alone), and my nephew too can't speak until now.
My nephew has a world of his own, where he can't talk and he plays with things that sound. He likes
to play with objects that create sound effects and he also likes to listen to songs . My nephew is also
still having regular speech therapy and undergoing traditional and herbal medicine to recover from
his epilepsy, because if he continues to be given chemical-based drugs, my family is afraid it will
affect his organs and health. My family also doesn't have the courage to send my nephew to SLB,
because epilepsy which can arise at any time greatly affects my younger sibling's health, because if
epilepsy comes, afterwards my nephew will become weak.

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