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Wagging the Tails of Stray Canines

Surely everyone have had an adorable stray dog find its way to them wherever they go,
whether it is because of the fact that people always tend to promise scraps or the dogs just
want to play; stray dogs are always attracted towards people and some of you must have tried
to adopt one.
Adopting a stray dog may seem complex and daunting or one assumes that the dog has rabies
or that it is a menace. Just one dog bite is enough for the people to perceive stray dogs as the
above mentioned assumed characteristics.
As might be expected, shelter like Jangsa animal shelter located in Thimphu have plenty of dogs
that needs a loving home but compared to them, stray dogs live a more difficult life. Adopting a
stray dog rescues it from the hard life on the streets. Moreover, it also helps in the prevention
of more generation of strays.
Stray dogs need a home. They search the trash aimlessly for food and quench their thrust with
drainage water. Furthermore, they have nowhere to go when the weather turns bad.
Stray dogs are really friendly. No matter how many times people shoo them and throw rocks on
them, they always manage trust and love humans.
Most stray dogs have never probably seen a vet. The walked around; searching for food with
sores, infection or mange and desperately requires medical care. Just one visit to the vet can
seldom cure them.
Stray dogs have an average lifespan of three years. They die of diseases, starvation, and cold,
hit by cars or killed by other dogs. You would be saving a life by adopting a stray dog.
To adopt a stray dog, there are some proceedings that must be taken into consideration as
majority of the stray dogs are hesitant and fearful to strangers. Therefore, before approaching
the dog, one must take a snapshot observation from afar according to veterinarian’s advice.
This is mainly to spot a disease or the temperament of the dog. Aggressive dogs tend to growl
and bark or even try to bite someone approaching its proximity. Withstanding this assessment,
one must interact with the dog by providing some edibles and slowly building rapport by
whistling or getting excited as well.
Repeating these activities will build bond with the dog and the dog will start to recognize the
gestures as a means of friendly approach. After the bond has been strengthened, it is advised to
take the dog to the nearest vet and have it medically examined for any zoonotic disease or
underlying issues. Since the stray dogs are adapted residing outside, they must have their
kennels or a bed prepared so they can rest, sleep and play. Stocking up food supplies and toys
are highly recommended as they are social creatures just like us. Taking the dog for walks,
providing a regular timed meals in a particular place, exercises and playtimes is a must for dogs
to be adapted to its owner. It also helps them to be physically and mentally fit by preventing
obesity, fatigue or any metabolic disease. However, the major step to adopt a stray dog is to
treat it like a family.
Therefore, instead of going for expensive and fancy breeds of dogs, why not adopt a stray?
They are as good and dedicated to the family who adopted them and are low maintenance.
They deserve that chance!

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