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What is your favorite type of pet?

Do you have any pets?

Why do some people like pets and others do not like them?
Do you know anyone who does not have a pet?
What is the strangest pet you have ever seen?
What was your first pet?
What type of animal makes the best pet?
What do you think about people who have lots and lots of pets?
If you could have any type of pet what would it be and why?
Is it good or bad for people who live in big cities to have pets?

Do we call pets he, she or it?

Wild animals

What is pet hair called?

What are pets hands called?

What's does canine mean?

What's does puppy mean?

What sound does a dog make? Bark

What do you call a dog with no home? Stray dog or street dog

What do Brazilians think about dogs?

They often treat them as family. Some even treat them as their children.

The dogs are indoors dogs. They don't usually stay outside. They are very close, lay on couches,
on beds. Some use costumes. Their owners dress them up.

There are a lot of Stray dogs or street dogs, all homeless that are rescued and taken to a
shelter where they can stay in kannels. Most of them are mongrels (or mutts). Once they are in
the shelters, a vet take care of them and get the dogs fixed. The studs get neutered, the vet
castrate them removing their balls. The bitches get spayed, remover their ovaries. They can get
shots as well, so that that don’t get any disease.

If you want to adopt a dog, the best place to go is a shelter. And once you get your friend, you
should be able to give it everything it needs, such as water, treats, love, time. You have to feed
it, brush their teeth and walk it.

Your dog is gonna poo when you walk it, so you must have to pick it up. Make sure you always
have bags.
You have to take it to the Dog salon. There, the groomer will give it a bath, cut your dogs hair
and clip their nails. Some types of dogs must shed.

And last but not least, you should go to the pet shop and buy a leash and a collar to attach it
on your dogs neck. And buy Dog dish and Squeaky toys.

What's your dogs name?

Is you dog a boy or a girl? Male or female?

How long have you had you dog?

How old is he?

What kind of dog do you have?

What's the breed of your dog?

I like chicken= I like to eat chicken

I like dog= I like to eat dog

I like dogs= I like them as a pet.

In our society we call dogs as our best friends.

Breeders= a person who breads dogs.

Kannel= place the dogs or puppies live

Homelles dogs


Vet= vetrenerian

The dogs should get shots= they get vaccine do that they don’t get diseases as and die.

You have to take your dog for a walk.


Are you walking your dog or are you dog walking you?

Does you city have a dog park?

Are your dogs friendly?

DO you feed your dogs with human food or with dog food?
Why have humans been breeding dogs?

How many different breeds of dogs are there today?

Were the dogs buried besides humans almost 5,000 thousand years ago?

Who’s the closest living relative of dogs?

What attracted wolves to interact with humans?

What breed still look like wolves?

When and where did pet-keeping become popular?

What for would royal men use dogs? What about women?

According to the text, what happens if you look into a dog’s eyes?

What were beagles originally bred for?

What are the beagle specials traits?

Why is it dangerous to leave a beagle alone?

Is the beagle a friendly dog?

Is he obedient or stubborn?

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