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Fight in Congress

Directions: Below is a cartoon created in reference to a fight that broke out on the
congress floor in 1798 between Democratic-Republican Matthew Lyon (VT) and Federalist
Roger Griswold (CT). Please analyze the cartoon and answer the corresponding


1) What is the cartoon making fun of or satirizing? How can you tell? This cartoon
is most likely imposing that there was some unfair justice. I can tell because it
seems that a fight possibly broke out between the lawyer, defendant, prosecutor,
and maybe an attorney.

2) The event occurred just two years before the Election of 1800. How could this
set the stage for the rising tensions related to the Election? Explain. This picture
could’ve set tensions rising before the election because, before the election even
started there were tons of debates about Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams,
and they were spreading propaganda about the other person. So a lot of other
people had their opinions about that too. So that is probably the most probable
cause to what happened in the picture.

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