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George Washington’s

Mount Vernon
The Estate George Washington Preservation Education
Washington Library

Assignment: Research the following website. Write down some interesting

facts about George Washington himself or Mount Vernon. There are five
categories to research on this website, try to choose several facts from
each category.

1. The Estate

a. Mansion- The building began as a one and

one-half story house built in 1734 by George
Washington's father.

b. Historic Area- They used skills to make tools and

textiles, care for livestock, Process food and, construct
and repair Mount Vernon’s buildings, including the
Mansion itself.

c. Gardens- Each of Washington's gardens served a

different purpose, but they were all important to the

d. Tombs- In 1831, Washington’s body was

transferred to the new tomb, along with the remains
of Martha Washington and other family members.
e. Farm- The Farm represents the more than 3,000
acres Washington cultivated during the second half
of the 18th century.

f. Distillery & Gristmill- Gristmill are located 2.7

miles from the estate’s main entrance.

g. Museums- Washington's tactical misjudgments,

as well as rainy weather, combined to help the French
defeat the English in the first major engagement of
the war.

h. Virtual Tour- George Washington used a

technique called rustication to make his wooden
house look like it was made of stone.

2. George Washington

a. Youth- George Washington's first career was as

a surveyor. While surveying he gained an intimate
knowledge of Indian country and a small fortune in

b. French & Indian War- During the French and

Indian War, Washington learned many important
military lessons that he would incorporate into the
American Revolution.

c. Revolutionary War- Congress created the

Continental Army on June 14, 1775, and John Adams
nominated George Washington to serve as the army's
d. Constitution- Delegates from 12 states met in
Philadelphia and, with George Washington presiding,
created a new form of government.

e. First President- Washington significantly

influenced the path for the presidency moving
forward, setting standards in all aspects, including
political power, military practice, and economic

f. Martha Washington- Martha Washington was the

first first lady of the United States.

g. Slavery- Martha Washington was born into

Virginia’s elite society in 1731 and surrounded by
enslaved people for her entire life.

h. Native Americans- Washington negotiated with

and served alongside Native peoples, fought against
others, and sought their land for his own prosperity.

i. Religion- George Washington worked tirelessly to

ensure people of all religions had the right to practice
within the United States.

j. Family- George Washington never had any

biological children, he did have a rather large family,
comprised of his many siblings, step-children, and

3. Preservation
a. Collections- George Washington had 186 pieces of
furniture, and he had 35 pieces of weapons and military

b. Archaeology- A several thousand-year-old stone

tool to coins dropped by a tourist twenty years ago,
can be encountered by our staff on a daily basis.

c. Architecture- The goal is to represent the

architectural landscape at George Washington's
estate consistent.

d. Mount Vernon Ladies Association- The Mount

Vernon Ladies' Association was the first national historic
preservation organization and is the oldest women's
patriotic society in the United States.

e. Restoration projects- The restoration of Mount

Vernon is an ongoing process that began in the 19th
century and continues today.

f. Preserving the View- Everyday experts work to

ensure the Mansion, outbuildings, objects, and more
are protected for future generations.

g. Maps- George Washington created and used

maps throughout his life.

4. Education

a. For Students- Mount Vernon is dedicated to

teaching people around the world about the life and
legacies of George Washington.
5. Washington Library

a. About the Library- The George Washington

Presidential Library at Mount Vernon supports
scholarly research and fosters new scholarship.

b. Research- The Washington Library is extending

its reach through an academic partnership with
King's College London.

c. Fellowships- The research collections hold

materials related to the eighteenth and nineteenth

d. Papers of George Washington- He produced and

received a large body of correspondence and reports
and worried that if anything happened to him his
papers might fall into enemy hands.

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