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TEST 1 MIS DATE: 13 MAY 2022

Please read the questions and instructions carefully! Duration: 1hour 30 minutes

SECTION A (Answer all questions in this section)

Question One

Read the following statements carefully and state whether each one is True, False or Uncertain
(ambiguous). Briefly explain and justify your answers.

Economics being a highly quantitative science, much of the evidence has to be furnished in the form of
unmeasurable data that we commonly refer to as 'sl;Jtistics'.

(a) The law of Demand, and Supply a common law in economics, says that when the price of a good falls,
the quantity demanded of that good will go up, other factors such as income, tastes and preferences,
prices of related commodities etc remainin[I constant. One may predict by how much in percentages the
quantity demanded of that good may go up after controlling for all other factors and considering past
trends but the predicted value will still be subject to error.

(i) Is the relationship between price change and change in quantity demanded deterministic or
(ii) What do you ur.derstand by the term 'stochastic'?

(b) Every distribution of data in statistics has lhe lower and upper end , it has the left and right side with
measurements defining the middle area. The distribution has a high peak if it is more peaked than a
normal curve and is called platykurtic.

(c) There are several methods used to calculate the coefficient of correlation and one such method is the
Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation. Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation is obtained by using absolute
deviations in place of relative deviations.

SECTION B (Answer Any Two (2) Questions from this Section)

Question Two

A sample of 25 workers ·11orking for Duroc Pork Processing Company receive hourly wages given in Table 1.

Table 1
Hourly Waqe 3.50 - 3.59 3.60 - 3 69 3.70 - 3.79 3 60- 3.69 3.90 - 3 99 4.00 - 4.09 410 - 4.19 420 - 4 29
Absolute 1 2 2 4 5 6 3 2

(a) Find the sample arithmetic mean, median an,; mode for the grouped data given in Table 1.

(bl Compare the c1dvantages and disadvantage:; of the (i) arithmetic mean (ii) median and (iii) mode as
measures of central tendency.

(c) Compute the variance and standard deviation for the grouped data given in Table 1.

\e' S...lSe-:i oo y~ al'S\\~ i'I td' . .:x~ 00 ~ s,-.~:n;.- aro ~,edn ess o: the dism~
- tc< me data
~ il T~ l .
~ Questio n Three
~•. Jooiiis ~ 'lls. a LUSM.a Based ~ ~fw'/9 C~'IT'.fdn~. sen: s oi ilS a--ror,, ~~
tor a ooe-mor.m
~ c..~ at mt> ~r~ ot ~ } wt-Jch "'aS ~~ and after the traring
~3cll of the S ~ers '
o,:,.~yed in ooe- Ori ~ ta..-tooes a!\i n." fl.~ tor p e r ~ ~ :nst set targets.. The data in Table 2 show rre
ra~ ~ of ~ • Oltets ;-.).11 ~ training aNl n fa~:sal OU1PUt tperioor,ancel from
~ the ~~- ~ that tnt> 'I\OO..ers \\~;e ran.,~ ~ t-J the resu":s of the tacro,y lJIXXl reMr
assessmefll 'Mth t
being the ~hes( tthus \ = rar-~ 0' ~ ~er ~:00 ro traililg assessrren!l
the \\M-efS a! mt> toc..~ . - and Y= indi\'idual OU!pU! ot
- -
Ta!)le l .

5 o 7 8

\~' =J°t"er P: a tre~ ~-i,e a")(! commem .:-n :ne S<ia"€ oi me sc-.atter diagram and the uend ·"le.
ne s::.a::e-· diagrc!71 inm:a:e atnn the -eiaxinst·:) ~:'l,een \
\\'ha: ::es
aoo )?
1.:-' .:: :,r::i_:? :ne '.llb,,,ng
,-1 Ge-;:i.~ Mear 'of ' · and
(ti) nam-orut Mean for ' .
(d) Ca'.:,.t,a:e me staooaid de,iaoor J i \ and )

(e} Com:>.r.:e me 0 ea;son s P"OOUC! Mcnent oi Com,&afun Coeffoent \Yha:

does the value te~ us a:iout me
re.aoonsr ::i be.,,-ee1 :ra:.n·, ;i and\-ic.}3 \\<:-lie· out;>u! at :he factory?

Question Four

.\ and J ~ ::i.uduces OOUSeho ld e-oerg) effi.::i,'ent ~ ?ast experien

ce has sho\\11 that ior ev-ery 10.000
bu 1hs produred b) A and J Elec:ron(:S morning shift. 20 ere detective, and to.
e,-ery 10.000 bu!bs proooced b~ ,he
ev-ening shift. 50 a-e ae'eetM!. Dunng a 24-hour period 100 bll bs are
proo~ by the rn(){Tung shift and 60 by
the evenj)g shift. What is the probab ility that a bulb picked at random from
the total of 160 bulbs produced
during the 24-hour period·

(a) Was prodl£ed by me mommg shift and is dei~ ti\-e?

(bl Was ;,roduced by the e,'ell1ng shift and IS defecJ,oe?

\Cl Was produced by the ev-ening shift and IS not: :'ective?

\d' Is defective. whether produred by the morning ,x tne evening shift?

(el Using Bayes' theorem, find the probability that :. defective bulb picked at
ra~001 from the 24-hoor output
of 160 bulbs was produced by the 0) morning s:iift and 0Q by the e,-enrng shift.


- 2-

En1ric~ in 1hi~ 1ahlc

give lhe area under lhc
curve Ill the Jell of 1hc
~ va lue . For exampl e, for
; = - .85 . 1hc cumula livc
prohahi li1 y •~ . 1977.


.00 .01 .11.2 .Cl.\ .0-' .o~ .n,, .07 .OH .09

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Cl "\11.."L-\Tl\"E PROB ,\HILIT ll~S l·PR fl : · ' · ' ' · '

'""' \ \ ("11m11la1in-
En1rics in the iahk
pr,,h.1hi li1 y give 1he .,rca under 1hc
,·urv<' Ill till' kfl of 1hc
: value. For example. fur
: = 1.25 , 1hc .:umulali Vl'
prnhahility is .!1944.

- -· -
~ .00 .Ill .02 .OJ .0-1 .OS .u,, .117 .IIH .O')

.52:'9 S17'J .5.l I 9 ~.15')

.0 5000 5()..J() .5mm 5 120 .5160 .5 199
.:'i6.\6 .567:'i .57 1-I 575 .1
I :-.NS .:'~.,~ 5--17S :\_'; 17 .:'i557 .:'i5%
,_';<J-.iS .:'i9S7 .6026 .60(>-I ,(,11)_\ .6 1--11
-- ~
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,c,_1_1 I .6.lnX .6--106 .6-1-1 ., .f,-IXO ,(,:'i 17
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.67.'n .fi772 .6XOX .6X4-1 .C,X7'J
..j t,:'i:---1 .o:'-91 .nti2S ,C,t,t-~ .6700

_t,95(1 . 71)5--1 .70XX .7 12.1 ,7 1,, 7 .7 1l)() .722-1

-~ t,9 1:- .fi98 5 . 70 I9
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1. Answer All tile Questions
2 Please read _!!i~ucstions c;ircful1y1

Question One

A nanufJcture of pa:cnl mcdicinr ci.11111s th.111hr mrd1cino h 'lO pl.lrr.,:nt e:lh:r.11v1: 1n r1:lt1: 11r,1 r,:;1r, f,,r ;, ;,•:· '/~ ,;1
14 hOurs In a s;imrl r of ~:>O llt-'Oplr 1\1,o hr1d pr1111, tlw 111cdlcu1c rolloved p:11n fr,r tt11: ril;,l!:1J (,':rV/ J ir, '/ /'/ v'>1,;.A1:
Dcterrr·nc 11.- 'iet"tcr !"Ir 'T'.11ul.1ctur~r·~ 1s IPg1tu11alr by undorlak1nu lhrJ fr,llr111irv1 •,11:v.

1.11 De, r '~r the Ji';'rt'rn,11~ st,,tl·mcnl ol hyµolhcscs (Both null and alt1:rn<l11: hyr,<Jlh'!'./:',J.
[5 ,~,.,.·,]
(~' Ca -~ J!l' l'k' :::· stJt1st1c at 5 and 1 percent level of significance; .
[8 l.tlr'f',]
- - rs: ~ "l\Tl,-:tx-ses. What 1s your conclusion?
[10 l,far',-:,)

-- ~ '.' - ~:-, :-· :..; -:., :_·e h3s h,red you as a consultant to investigate whether women in Cr.i.;112
• ·-, - -: . · : __ - ''" Pr:::. r:e ere more i:1clinec to belong to a cooperative than men. You tr.~r
-- , :t ·: :· ·.:--. -:0,. =··· 1-:C pe::iple on 1, hether they belonged to a cooperaLve or nol Tr.e ca:.5 ,:a
s, :-.-.- ,- - c.J :: ,

Member:;~p to a Cooperative
Member Not a member Total
- 24 47 I

~ e'ic e 28 25 53
Tota l 51 49 I 100 I
_·t _, ~,/ t. ~c· ::t lrcm i"c o.,ia in Table 1 to suggest that \\Orren are IT'Ye I ,ey :c
.. • • c: ,. , c,,•c.' "e:rt /,rca of LusaJ..a Province than ~lcn by ur-dena,.ng :'le ':>..ov. _..,g

a ., • .. • ,. ,, .., _, •• 1-J't·•r ,t , (; H)'pOl11C!> IS for the test

[5 Mar\s]
, • • • ·,,' :,t ·. ,,1 !J p,-ru·ri l h•vl'I of !>l!Jlllf1c.111c,'

✓II ~! ,. ; <1ur <c,nc lu•,1011·1

[10 MJr\..s]

12 Ma~sl
IQ [ , ,.,,'O I rr(,I' l(ll C ltl1t iJ Ill (lll

[6 11\art-s}

Question Three

Consider the following data in Table 2.

Table 2.
X; 3 12 6 20 14
_ y_.:_i_ _ _ 55_ _ _ _ _
40_ _ _ _5_5_ _ _ _ _1_0_ _ _ _ _ _1_5_ __

(a) Develop a scatter diagram for the data in Table 2.

(3 Marks]
(b) What does the scatter diagram developed in part (a) indicate about the relationsh
ip between the two
(2 Marks]
(c) Try to approximate the relationship between x and y by drawing a straight line through
the data.
(2 Marks]
(d) Estimate the regression line.
(10 Marks]
(e) Use the estimated regression equation develop(;d in (d) to predict the value of y when
x = 6.
(2 Marks]
(0 Compute the Explained Sum of Squares (ES.:i), Total Sum of Squares (TSS) and
Residual Sum of
Squares (RSS).
(12 Marks)
(g) Compui:a the coefficient of determination r2. Co,nment on the goodness of fit.
[4 Marks]




!=_~a$e read the q~estior~ and instructions carefl~y! Duration: 1hour

SECTION A (Answer all questions In this Section - Make Up for Test One) (60 Marks]

Question One

.\'t survti} was conducted in four cities in Zambia in order lo find out the preference for brand A soup.

Livinostone Ndola Kitwe Lusaka- -

1 tlS 50 60 55 45 _ _ _
No -
-15 35 45 35
No ,' pinion 5 5
-5 -
ta) \Vhst is the pr0bability that a consumer selected at random preferred brand A? [6 Marks]

(b) \\hat is the probability that a consumer preferred brand A and was from Ndola? (6 Marks]

(c) \\ nat is the probability that a consumer preferred brand A. given that he/she was from Ndola?
[6 Marks]

(d) Gi\ t>l1 that a consumer preferred brand A, what is the probability that he/she was from Livingstone?
[6 Marks]

(e) Is the probability of preference for brand A and probability of living in Lusaka independent?
[6 Marks]

Question Two

Table 1 gi\es the frequenc11 for petrol prices al 48 stations in Lusaka City.

Table 1: Freqyency Distribution_of Pe\!_"01 Prices

Price - - i.0 - 1.0-1 1.05- 1.09 1.10- 1.14 1.1 5 - 1.19 1.20-1.24 1.25-1 .29
- Absolute Frequency 4- 6 - 10 ~ 15 8 _ _ _ _ _5~ - -

(a) Present the data in Table 1 in the fonn of a histogram. [2 Marks]

(b) Compuie the follo\,~ng for the grouped data in Table 1: (6 Marks]

(i) Arithmetic Mean:

\ii) ~ledian: and
\iii) Mode.

\Cl Find the (i) the first quartile, (ii) the second quartile, and (iii) the third quartile for the grouped data in Table
1. [6 Marks]
(d} Find the average deviation for the grouped data in Table 1.
[2 Marks]
(e} Calculate the variance and the standard deviation for the frequency distribution of petrol prices in Table
1 [4 Marks]

..' ~,,,, ,,.,, ' '
,,. ,·,,,
' ,I ·' '·• ' ' '


SECT IO~ A (50 ~rk. s)

Question One

A prom inent Lusak a based cooki ng oil manu factur

ing comp any recen tly introd uced a 700-
centil itre conta iner of its famou s saladi brand cooki
ng oil. The comp any has since receiv ed
comp laints from some of its custo mers that the
recen tly introd uced salad i cooki ng oil is
under weigh t. In order to invest igate the claim , the Comp
any has hired you as a Consu ltant and you
have decid ed to weigh I 5 rando m samp les of the 700-c
entilit re saladi cooki ng oil and the data is
in Table I.

Table 1: Data for 15 Rando m Samp les of Salad i Cook

ing Oil
Sin I 2 3 4 5 6 7
Weight 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
659 678 704 6~ 700 712 687
(u:otilitrcs / (

668 689 715
I ;
6? 682 710 708 6~
/ J I

(a) Const ruct a scatte r diagra m (scatt er plot) by plottin

g the value s in Table I .
[5 Mark s]
{b) Comp ute the arithm etic mean, the median and the
mode for the data in Table I .
[9 Mark s]
(c) Calcu late the sampl e varian ce and standard deviation
for the data.
(8 Marks ]
(d) Identi fy and list the five general steps of hypothesis
testing .
[8 Marks ]
( e) Follow ing the hypothesis testing steps identi tied in
(d), develop an appro priate statem ent
of hypot hesis for the data in Table I and test it at 95 percen
t confidence interval. Is there
evide nce that the true mean of the saladi cooking oil is
below the labelled weigh t of700
centil itres? What is your conclu sion and recommendation
to the Comp any?
[IO Marks]
Question Two

Past exper ience indica tes that an average number of 6 custom

ers per hour stop for petrol at
UNZA East Park fuel station on Great East Road .

(a) What is the probability of3 custom ers stopping for

fuel in any hour? [5 Marks]
(b) What is the probability of3 custom ers or less in any
hour stopping for fuel?
[5 Marks]

- I-
SECTION B (50 Marks)

Question Three

A random sample of 25 villages in Mugubudu Province of Azania Republic gave a mean

population per village of 628 with a standard deviation of 230.

(a) Identify and list the four desirable properties of "good" estimators.
[4 Marks]

(b) State the steps you would follow in constructing a confidence interval for the data.
[5 Marks]

(c) Construct a 95 percent confidence interval for the true mean population per village.
Comment on your answer.
[8 Marks]

(d) If the Researcher decides to double the sample size from the initial 25 villages and still
obtain the same mean population per village of 628 with a standard deviation of 230.
Now construct a 99 percent confidence interval for the true mean population per village.
Comment on your answer.
(8 Marks)
Question Four

The following data were collected on the height (Centimeters) and weight (Kg) of women
swimmer s.

Table 2.

Hei ht 132 108 102 115 128

Weight 68 64 62 65 66
(a) Develop a scatter diagram for the data in Table 2 with hei ght as the independent variable.
(2 Marks]
(b) What does the scatter diagram developed in part (a) indicate about the relationship between
the two variables?
(2 Marks]
(c) Fit a trendlinc by approximating the relationship between height and weight by drawing a
straight line through the data.
[2 Marks)

(d) Use the least squares method to develop the estimat ed regre~si on equatio
n by, co~~u~ ing
the values of h and h [/-lint: the estimated regression equallon takes
0 1 the general, Y - ho
+ h,x].
(IO Marks]

(e) Provide an interpre tation for the slope of the estimat ed regressi on equatio
(4 Marks]

(f) If a swimm er's height is I OS centime tres, what would you estimat e
her weight to be?
[5 Marks]
Question Five

Table 3 gives the grades on a quiz for a random sample of 40 students

from the ECN 2331 class
of 2022.

Table 3: Quiz Grades for a Random Sample of 40 Student s

Grade ----- -
1.5 - 2.4 2.5 - 3.4 3.5 - 4.4 4.5 - 5.4 5.5 -6.4 6.5 - 7.4 7.5 - 8.4 8.5 - 9.4 9.5-10.4
Class Mid int 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10
Absolute 3 3 5 5 6 g 4 4 2
---- - - - - --- -
(a) Calcula te the sample arithme tic mean, median and mode for the grouped
data given in
Table 3.
[5 Marks]
(b) Compu te the varianc e and standard deviatio n for the grouped data given
in Table 3.
[5 Marks]
(c) What is the advanta ge of standard deviatio n over variance as measure
s of variabil ity?
[2 Marks]
(d) Find the:

(i) Pearson coeffici ent of skewne ss for the grouped data in Table 3; [5 Marks]
(ii) Coeffic ient of kurtosis for the grouped data in Table 3. [5 Marks]

(e) Based on your answers in (d), commen t on the symmet ric and
peakedn ess of the
distribu tion for the data set in Table 3.
[3 Marks]




3 iF = I - ~ [ ~]
. }";(y-j) )
(n - k) 2

6}";d 2
4. rrnnk = I - [~]

S. r = }";(x - x )( y- jl) = Cov(x,y)

nt1xOy ax<1y

x)(y- y)
re x-n-t
6. Cov(x ,y) =

8 · Var (x) = -n-1
-I"1=1 /; (x, - i )z


Pr:0 !' Z ;;, 1 lil6"J = C,1 7SO

z .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .OS . 06 .07 .08 .09

0.0 .0000 .0040 .0080 .0120 . 0160 .0199 . 0239 .0279 .0319 .0359
0.1 .0398 . 0438 .0478 .0517 .0557 .0596 .0636 .0675 .0714 .0753
0.2 .0793 .0832 .0871 . 0910 .0948 .0987 .1026 .1064 .1103 .1141
0.3 .1179 .1217 .1255 .1293 .1331 .1368 . 1406 .1443 .1480 .1517
0.4 .1554 .1591 .1628 .1664 .1700 .1736 .1772 . 1808 .1844 .1879
0. 5 .1915 .1950 .1985 .2019 . 2054 .2088 .2123 .2157 .2190 .2224
0.6 .2257 . 2291 . 2324 . 2357 .2389 .2422 .2454 .2486 .2517 .2549
0.7 .2580 . 2611 . 2642 .2673 .2704 .2734 .2764 .2794 .2823 . 2852
0.8 . 2881 .2910 .2939 .2967 .2995 .3023 .3051 .3078 . 3106 . 3133
0.9 . 3159 I .3186 . 3212 .3238 .3264 .3289 .3315 . 3340 .3365 .3389
1.0 . 3413 1 .3438 .3461 .3485 .3508 .3531 .3554 .3577 .3599 .3621
1.1 . 3643 .3665 .3686 .3708 . 3729 .3749 . 3770 .3790 .3810 .3830
1.2 .3849 .3869 .3888 .3907 .3925 .3944 . 3962 .3980 .3997 .4015
1. 3 .4032 .4049 . 4066 .4082 .4099 .4115 .4131 .4147 .4162 .4177
1.4 . 4192 . 4207 . 4222 . 4236 .4251 .4265 . 4279 .4292 . 4306 .4319
1.5 . 4332 .4345 .4357 .4370 .4382 .4394 .4406 .4418 .4429 .4441
1.6 .4452 . 4463 .4474 . 4484 .4495 .4505 .4515 .4525 . 4535 . 4545
1. 7 .4554 .4564 .4573 .4582 . 4591 . 4599 .4608 .4616 . 4625 . 4633
1.8 . 4641 .4649 . 4656 . 4664 . 4671 .4678 .4686 .4693 . 4699 .4706
1.9 .4713 . 4719 .4726 .4732 . 4738 . 4744 .4750 . 4756 .4761 .4767
2.0 . 4772 I .4778 . 4783 .4788 .4793 .4798 .4803 .4808 .4812 .4817
2. 1 . 4821 .4826 .4830 .4834 .4838 .4842 . 4846 .4850 .4854 . 4857
2.2 . 4861 .4864 . 4868 .4871 . 4875 . 4878 .4881 .4884 .4887 .4890
2.3 . 4893 . 4896 . 4898 . 4901 .4904 .4906 .4909 .4911 . 4913 .4916
2.4 .4918 .4920 . 4922 .4925 . 4927 . 4929 . 4931 .4932 .4934 .4936
2. 5 .4938 . 4940 I .4941 . 4943 . 4945 . 4946 .4948 .4949 . 4951 . 4952
2. 6 . 4953 . 495 5 . 4956 . 4957 .4959 . 4960 .4961 . 4962 .4963 .4964
2.7 .4965 .4966 .4967 . 4968 . 4969 .4970 .4971 .4972 .4973 .4974
2.8 .4974 .4975 .4976 .4977 . 4977 .4978 .4979 .4979 .4980 .4981
2.9 .4981 I . 4982 . 4982 . 4983 .4984 .4984 .4985 .4985 .4986 .4986
3.0 .4987 .4987 .4987 . 4988 .4988 .4989 .4989 .4989 .4990 .4990
3.1 .4990 I .4991 . 4991 .4991 .4992 . 4992 . 4992 .4992 . 4993 .4993
3.2 .4993 . 4993 .4994 .4994 .4994 .4994 .4994 .4995 . 4995 .4995

l"f;K.. ,br~N~ V .J'I'<•':. ,,._,,,.
.,-"If. f ~-;;. ,b,l"'J t"J',

• . ..

Upper-ta il probability p
0.0010 0.00 05
0.1000 o..osoo I 0.0250 I 0.01 00 0.00 50
c!' 0.2.500 318.3
06 I
63.66 1 27.3
6.31 4 31.821 3 1.60
l 1-00 J 3.078
1.88 6 2.92 0
I 12.7
4.303 6.965 9.92 5 14.0 9 22.33
2 0..816 10.21
5.841 7.453
3.182 4.54 1 8 .610
2.35 3

3 C,.765

1.63 8

L5 33 2.13 2 2.776 I 3.747 4.60 4 5.59 8


5 .893 6.86 9
4.03 2 4.773
2.571 3.365 5 .959
L 476 2.01 5 5.20 8
5 0.72 7 4.31 7
3.14 3 3.70 7
L 943 2.44 7 5.40 8
5 0 .718 LUO 4.0 29 4.78 5
2.998 3.49 9
L895 2.365 4 .501 5 .041
7 0 71 1 1.415 3.83 3
2.896 335 5
L39 7 L86 0 2.306 I 4.29 7 4 .781
e 0 706 3.69 0

0.70 3

0.70 0
L 383

L 833

L81 2

2.22 8
2.82 1


I 3.25 0

3.16 9

3.10 6
3.58 1

3.49 7
4.14 4

4.02 5
4 .587

4.43 7

l.79 6 2.201 4.318

0 5-97 :...363 3.42 8 3.93 0
1: 3.05 5
2. 179 2.68 1
12 Oh ~S L356 1.782

L 771 2.16 0 2.65 0 I 3.01 2 3.37 2 3.85 2 4.22 1

0 .5~ USO 3.32 6 3.78 7
13 2.62 4 I 2.97 7
1.761 2.145 4 .073
0.&52 L :345 3.28 6 3.73 3
1' 2.602 2.94 7
1. 753 2.131
0..5-5 1 L :341
I 3.25 2 3 .68 6 4.01 5

15 2.583 2.92 1
1.74 6 2.120 3.9 65
0.69 0 L33 7 I 3.22 2 3.64 6
1€ 2.56 7 2.89 8
1.74 0 2.110
L33 3 3.61 0 3.92 2
17 0.68 5 2.87 8 3.19 7
2.101 2.552 I

0.6e 8 :_33 0 3.57 9 3.88 3
le 2.86 1 3.17 4
2.09 3 2.53 9
1.32 8 1.729 3 .850
0.62:1: I 3.55 2
2.08 6 2.52 8 2.84 5 I 3.15 3
L325 1.72 5 I
20 0.68 7 3.13 5 3.52 7 3 .8 19
2.518 2.83 1
1.721 2.08 0
0.68 6 L323 3 .505 3 .792
21 2.S08 2.81 9 3.11 9
1. 717 2.07 4
0.62 6 1.321 3 .768
22 2.80 7 3 .104 3.48 5
1.714 2.06 9 I 2.500
0.68 5 1.31 9 I
3 . 745
23 I 2.49 2 2.79 7 3.09 1 3.46 7

24 0.68 5 1.318

1.31 6
1.71 1

1. 708
2.06 4

2. 060 2.485 I 2.78 7 3.07 8 3.45 0 3 .725

25 0.68 4 3 .435 3 .70 7

2.47 9 2.77 9 3.06 7
2.05 6

0.68 4

0.68 4
1.31 5

1.31 4
1.70 3 2.05 2 I 2.47 3

2.46 7

2.76 3
3.05 7

3.04 7
3.42 1

3.40 8
3.69 0

3 .674
1. 701 2.04 8
0.68 3 1.313

2.462 2.75 6 3.03 8 3.39 6 3 .659
1.69 9 2.04 5
0.68 3 1. 311 I
2.04 2 2.45 7 2.75 0 3.03 0 3.38 5 3.64 6
1.31 0 1.69 7
30 0.68 3
2.02 1 2.42 3 2.70 4 2 .971 3.3 07 3 .551
0.681 1.30 3 1.68 4
2.00 0 2.39 0 2.66 0 2.91 5 3.23 2 3 .4 60
0.67 9 1.29 6 1.67 1
1.66 2 1.98 7 2.36 8 2.63 2 2.87 8 3.18 3 3 .40 2

0.67 7

0.67 7 1.28 9 1.65 8 1.98 0 I 2.35 8 2.61 7 2.86 0 3 .160 3 .373

- 0 .675 1.28 2 1.64 5 1.96 0 2.32 7 2.57 6 2.80 8 3 .091 3 .291


I lpprr l'rrnnl•&r l'olnh of 1hr x'· dlalrlhullon

0 ,5,()C) O.lSO
0 .100 0.050 0.02S 0.010 o.oos
- --- 5.07.39 6 .6349 7.8794
l 0 ,4S49 1.1233 1.10,~ l .8415

9.2103 10.5966
2.7716 4 .f,052 5.9915 7.3778
2 J ,llll,J
11.3449 12.8382
4 ,1081 f,1~14 7.11147 9 .348-4
J 2.J!,(,O
13.2767 14.8603
~.38 Sl 7 JJtJ4 9.AH77 11.1433
4 l . 1561

., •.nu 6.f.i2S7 9 .21(;4 ll.Q10S 12.11121 11.0863 16.7496

16.8119 18.5-476
S.J<IIII 7.Jl40ll 10.644b 11.5916 14.4494
18.4713 20.2777
C,,3.CSA 9.0371 12.0170 14.0671 16.0128
20.0902 21.9550
7.3441 I0.ll89 ll..361', 15 .5073 17.5345

19.0228 21.66(,() 23.5894

9 8 .3478 11.38118 14.61117 16.9190

20.4832 23.2093 25.1882

10 9 .3418 IB41!? 15.9872 18.3070

21 .9200 24.7250 26.7568

II 10.3410 13.7007 17.1750 19 .675 1

23.3367 26.2170 28.2995

17 11.3401 14.MS4 l8.S49J 71.0261

24.7356 27.6882 29.8195

13 17.1198 ls.9819 19.8119 22 .3620

76.1189 29.1412 31.3193

14 13 )393 17.1169 71 0641 ll .6848

21.-.. 30.5779 32.8013

11 14 .B89 1e 2411 27.3071 24 .9958

28.845• 31.9999 34.2672

16 I S 3185 19.3689 73.S4 !8 26.2962

30.1910 33.A087 35.7185

17 l6.JJ87 70.41;87 24 .7690 27.5871

31 .1264 34.8053 37.1565

18 17 ll79 71.6049 21.9894 28Jl69l

32.8523 36.1909 38.5823

19 18 Jl77 22 .7178 27,2036 30.1435

31.4104 34.1696 37.5662 39.9968

20 19 337AI 23.87 77 28.4120

32 .6706 35.-4789 38.9322 41.4011

11 20 3172 24.9?48 29.6111

33 .9244 36.7807 40.2Jl94 42.7957

J] 21 3370 26.0393 30.81 33

35 .1725 38.0756 41 .6384 « .1813

73 27 336'3 27.1413 32.0069

78.2412 33.1962 36.41 SO 39.3641 42.9798 .cs.sses

14 B 3367

34.3816 37.6 525 40 .6465 44.3141 46.9279

25 143366 29.3389

38Jl851 41.9232 .CS.6417 48.2299

26 25.3365 30.4 346 35.5632

40. llll 43. 1945 46.9629 49.6449

16 3!63 31.5284 36.7412

37.9159 4 1.Jl7I 44.4608 48.2782 S0.9934

28 27.? ? 67 37 .6205

33.7109 39.0875 42 .5570 45.7223 49.5879 52.3356

29 28 3361

34.7~, , 40.2560 43 .7730 46 .9792 50.8922 53.6720

JO 19.HW

11.8011 55.7181 59.3417 63.6907 66.7660

40 39 3353 4~.C.H/J

56 .3H6 63.1671 67.5048 71.4202 76.1539 79.4900

50 49 .H49

74.3970 79.0819 83.2977 88 3794 9 1.9517

60 S9.3? '•7 U .98 15

17.5767 RS 5770 90 5312 95.0232 100.4252 104.2149

70 69.334~

81UJOJ 961782 101.8795 106.6286 112.3288 116.3 211

80 79.H 4 3

98 6499 107.5650 113.1453 118.1359 124.1163 12.ll.2989

90 89.3342

IO'J,1411 11e.49eo 114,3411 129.5612 135.8067 140.1695

100 'i'J 3341


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