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Describing Things and People [Adjectives]

Angga: "I am tall, but Irfan is short".

Angga: "(Saya tinggi, tetapi Irfan pendek)"

Dodo is fat, but Toni is thin.

(Dodo gemuk, tetapi Toni kurus) 
The balls are big, but the marbles are small.
(Bola-bola itu besar, tetapi kelereng-kelereng itu kecil) 

The glass is clean, but the spoon is dirty.

(Gelas itu bersih, tetapi sendok itu kotor)

The pen is expensive, but the pencil is cheap.

(Pulpen itu mahal, tetapi pensil itu murah) 

he turtle is slow, but the rabbit is fast.

(Kura-kura itu lambat, tetapi kelinci itu cepat) 
Book A is thick, but book B is thin.
(Buku A tebal, tetapi buku B tipis)

Know it! (Ketahuilah ini!) 

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