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Candidate Name : Bikash sahoo Assessment Name : A032589_E232404

Set Code : set_17 Candidate Id : TE0200129057

Mobile Number : 4548794512

* Correct Answer is in Bold and slightly bigger

* Candidate selected option is Underlined

English Language

Q2792671 Which prefix can be added to the word "relation" to make a new word?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) un
B) mis
C) inter
D) an

Q2793257 Fill in the blank with the correct spelling from among the given options.

Jane was quite________about her duties as a tax officer.

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) conscientious
B) concietious
C) consceintious
D) conscientous

Q2790414 Read the following passage and answer the questions given below.
The largest revolt against British rule took place in 1857-58. It was known in Britain as the Indian Mutiny. This was because it began with a rebellion by
Indian troops (sepoys) serving in the army of the British East India Company. British rule in India was handled by the East India Company. Indian historians
dislike the term 'mutiny' because it suggests that only Indian troops were involved. In fact, once some of the Indian troops did revolt, the rebellion against
British rule spread rapidly and involved many local Indian leaders who had a wide range of complaints against British rule. The British preferred to think of
the rebellion as a mutiny because this word disguised the huge scale of the rebellion. The word mutiny also covered up the involvement of ordinary Indians.
The British preferred to keep this quiet as it suggested that British rule was not widely accepted in India.

The rebellion lasted about 18 months. It was brutal and vicious. The rebels were, however, disunited and badly organised. Gradually British troops, along
with the forces of Indian rulers who sided with the British, overcame them. There is a lot of evidence that the great majority of ordinary Indian peasants tried
as hard as they could to stay out of the rebellion. They thought that their lives would hardly change whether they were ruled by the British or by the Indian
leaders who were trying to get rid of the British. Eventually the British forces defeated the rebels. Their revenge was just as vicious as the rebels had been,
and the British and their allies committed many atrocities. The rebellion left a lasting legacy of mistrust, fear and hatred between the British and Indians,
which continued throughout the British time in charge of India. After the rebellion the British government took direct control of India away from the East India

British rule from the time after the mutiny is often called the Raj. There is no doubt that Britain could not have controlled India without the co-operation of
Indian princes and local leaders, as well as huge numbers of Indian troops, police officers, and civil servants.

Q2790418 According to the passage, the rebellion left a lasting legacy of mistrust, fear and hatred between

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) The princely states and the British army

B) The East India Company and the British
C) The British and the Indians
D) The Indian Kings and the Indian citizens.

Q2790419 The rebellion was supressed by

I. Indian princes and local leaders
II. ordinary Indian peasants
III. The British troops and forces of Indian rulers
IV. Indian forces and local leaders
Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Only III
B) I, II and III
C) I and IV
D) Only IV

Q2790415 The Indian historians disliked the term 'mutiny' because it

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) suggests that only Indian troops were involved

B) proved to the British that there was no unity among the rebels
C) led the British government taking direct control of India
D) did not suggest any strong hatred towards the rule

Q2790417 The word mutiny covered up the involvement of ordinary Indians because the British preferred to keep under the wraps the fact that:

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) British rule was not widely accepted by East India Company

B) British rule was widely accepted in India
C) British rule was widely unacceptable to Indians
D) British rule in India was widely unacceptable in England

Q2790416 According to the passage, all of the following statements about the rebellion are true EXCEPT:

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Ordinary Indian peasants did not participate actively.

B) The rebellion was savagely violent and brutal.
C) The rebellion lasted for about one and a half-year.
D) The rebels were united and organized efficiently.

Q2792658 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.

_______ families are waiting _______ in the garden.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) There, there
B) Their, their
C) Their, there
D) There, their

Q2792679 The pair of words given in capitalized letters is related in some way. From the options, choose the pair that exhibits the most similar relationship to
the given pair.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) tepid : cold
B) rains : drizzle
C) desolate : myriad
D) joy : ecstasy

Q2792643 Identify the meaning of the highlighted idiom-To blow up

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) To be upbeat
B) To get angry
C) To gossip
D) To manipulate

Q2791102 Which of the following is an example of a non-rechargeable battery commonly used in calculators, watches, hearing aids etc.?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Lithium-ion
B) Silver-oxide
C) Lead–acid
D) Nickel–cadmium

Q2791086 Who among the following quoted 'Preamble' as Political Horoscope?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Nani A. Palkhivala
B) K.M. Munshi
C) Jawaharlal Nehru
D) Thakurdas Bhargava

Q2791141 Who formally inaugurated the University Grants Commission (UGC) in1953?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Smt. Smriti Irani

B) Shri. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
C) Dr. Murali Manohar Joshi
D) Shri Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Q2793261 For the first 10 years of education, which of the following breakup was proposed by the National Policy on Education, 1986?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) 6+2+2
B) 5+3+2
C) 4+4+2
D) 5+4+1

Q2791153 According to the committee on emotional integration, the social studies syllabus should be re-oriented in a way to suit the needs of a

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Atheistic state
B) Social state
C) Secular state
D) Capitalistic state

Q2791326 What is the total number of diagonals in a regular polygon with 17 number of sides?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 121
B) 131
C) 136
D) 119
Q2791357 Given below are 2 statements followed by 2 conclusions. Choose the conclusion/conclusions that follow(s) the given statements by selecting the
right option.


I. Some chocolates are fruits.

II. No fruit is a cake.


I. Some fruits are chocolates.

II. Some chocolates are not cakes.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows

B) Both the conclusions I and II follow
C) Only conclusion I follows
D) Only conclusion II follows

Q2792732 Given below a question followed by 2 statements numbered (I) and (II). Choose the statement/statements required to answer the question by
selecting a relevant option.

Question: Which day is third day of a given month?


I.The first day of the month is Sunday.

II.There are 5 Wednesdays in the month.
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Statements (I) and (II) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient

B) Statement (I) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (II) alone is NOT sufficient
C) Statement (II) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (I) alone is NOT sufficient
D) BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient

Q2791343 In a certain code FAT=9 and RAT=13, what will be the value of MAP in the same code?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 5
B) 17
C) 10
D) 11

Q2792719 Ramu, who was facing West direction turns left and walks for 10 Kms. After that he turns right and walks for another 10 Kms. Again he turns left and walks for 15
Kms. Once again he turns left and walks for 10 Kms and finally he turns right and walks for 5 Kms. How far is he from the starting point and which direction is he facing?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) 60 Kms, West
B) 30 Kms, South
C) 40 Kms, East
D) 50 Kms, North

Q2792814 Which of the following is considered a problem of excessive DRILL?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) It concretises learning by repeated exposure and practice

B) It is assumed to be a substitute for understanding
C) It develops boredom and leads to lack of motivation
D) It enhances learning by consistent practice

Q2792759 Children’s ability to recite math tables is an example for

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Multiple Dimensions
B) Constructivism
C) Classical Conditioning
D) Zone of Proximal Development

Q2791201 The Regional Committee of NCTE covering the territorial jurisdiction of the Western Regions of India is situated in which of the following cities?

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Mumbai
B) Bhopal
C) Pune
D) Bengaluru

Q2792819 A 3 year old kid batting the balls playfully thrown by her father complains that the father is missing aiming for the bat properly. This is an example of

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Reversibility
B) Systematic reasoning
C) Transformative thinking
D) Egocentrism

Q2791193 National Advisory Committee, 1992 was set up under the chairmanship of

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Raj Nath Singh

B) Prof Yashpal
C) Arun Jaitley
D) D S Kothari

Q2791180 The model of teaching at memory level is connected with

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Kilpatrick
B) Socrates
C) Hunt
D) Herbart


Q2792787 Which of the following explains self- knowledge?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Gets easily influenced by other's beliefs

B) Capacity to pose problems confidently
C) Sense of strengths and weakness; belief and attitude
D) Devoid of coping mehanisms

Q2792785 What worldview is fundamental to the bases of educational goals?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Highly competitive, nationalistic and a warrior community alone can survive

B) Practical, task-oriented and single pointedness helps communities prosper
C) Peaceful, harmonious society that drives on justice and responsibility of critical
D) Merit - driven, perfectly hierarchical social structure is beneficial

Q2792769 Procedural knowledge is acquired by

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) An exhaustive list of instructions

B) Clear explanation of a concept
C) Repeated exposure and practice
D) Manual and checklist on the task

Q2791204 A constructivist classroom requires the the science teacher to

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) Engage in lot of questioning and reinforce the students when they respond correctly
B) Act as a facilitator and give students ample opportunity to manipulate hands on material
C) Plan real life problems based lessons integrated with multimedia
D) Demonstrate the experiment step wise and logically

Q2791589 Change the following compound sentence into complex sentence:

Run fast or you will miss the train.

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) You run fast unless you will miss the train.

B) You should have missed the train until you fast run.
C) Unless you run fast you will miss the train.
D) You fast run unless you would miss the train.

Q2791593 Choose the correct sentence that is changed from a simple sentence to complex sentence. On the arrival of all the passengers the airplane will leave.

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) On the arrival of all the passengers the airplane shall leave.

B) The passengers will leave when the airplane will fly.
C) The airplane will leave when all the passengers arrive.
D) The airplane will leave on the arrival of all the passengers.

Q2791519 Which of the following words is the antonym of 'Generous' ?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) miserly
B) plenty
C) abundant
D) fulsome

Q2791556 Given below are 4 words. Identify the one that has been mis-spelt.4

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) interestingly
B) correctlly
C) intelligently
D) languidly
Q2791544 Fill in the blanks with the synonym of the word given in brackets:
She was _______ (dismayed) with the poor performance of her students.
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Divested
B) Destroyed
C) Dismembered
D) Disappointed

Q2791520 Choose the Synonym for the emboldened word from the options below:

He is a benign old man.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) cruel
B) harmful
C) hateful
D) gentle

Q2791504 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow:

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was born in a rich family in 1836. On growing up, Elizabeth realised that there was only one registered woman doctor in the
world___ Elizabeth Blackwell. When Blackwell visited England she gave a lecture on ‘Medicine as a profession for Ladies’. Elizabeth was in the audience
and felt inspired. With the help of the governor of Middlesex Hospital, Elizabeth was appointed a nurse at the hospital to see if she could bear the worst
situations and the horror of the profession. She worked very courageously. Elizabeth knew what lay ahead of her and she was prepared for it.

One day a distinguished doctor, while lecturing a group of students, asked a question which none but she could answer. Out of sheer irritation, 40 students,
obviously all men, gave a written statement opposing Elizabeth’s presence in the hospital. They stated that either she should leave the institution or they
would leave. The hospital could not afford a mass walk out, and hence the committee decided to debar woman from attending future sessions.

Hurt but not discouraged, Elizabeth tried the examining bodies of Oxford, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cambridge and the Royal College of Surgeons. One
rejection followed another, till the Society of Apothecaries accepted her. After much intensive private coaching by various doctors, in 1865, and five years of
training, her dream again stood threatened. The Society of Apothecaries felt that giving Elizabeth a license might cause them trouble and they decided to
back out. But when her enraged father, Newson Garrett, threatened suit, they reconsidered their decision.

Elizabeth finally became the first woman doctor licensed to practise in Britain. She began practising and became a physician for woman and children.
Thousands of poor woman and children benefited and her fame spread.

Q2791508 Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

She was given a license to practice in Britain by:

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) the Mayor of the Middlesex Hospital

B) Elizabeth Blackwell
C) The Royal College of Surgeons
D) The Society of Apothecaries

Q2791509 Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

Elizabeth practised as a:
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) surgeon
B) physician
C) psychologist
D) psychiatrist

Q2791505 Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

The person who inspired Elizabeth Garrett Anderson to become a doctor was:
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) her father
B) The governor of the Middlesex Hospital
C) Elizabeth Blackwell
D) The Society of Apothecaries

Q2791507 Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

The students at Middlesex Hospital opposing her presence at the hospital is an example of:
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) discrimination due to sex

B) discrimination due to colour
C) discrimination due to religion.
D) discrimination due to region

Q2791506 Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

She worked as a nurse at Middlesex Hospital in order to:

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) practise her skills.

B) take care of the sick patients
C) learn about patient care
D) see whether she would be able to bear the tougher aspects of her profession.

Q2791587 Change the Exclamatory sentence into Assertive Sentence:

Had I the pairs of sparrows!

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) I wish I had the pairs of sparrows.

B) I expect I have the pairs of sparrows.
C) I expect I had the pairs of sparrows.
D) I wish I have the pairs of sparrows.

Q2793272 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the word:
On the _____ of my dentist, I started flossing every night.
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) adviced
B) advise
C) advice
D) advised

Q2791601 In the indirect sentence, fill in the blank(s) correctly:

I asked him where he ________________
Score Obtained : -0.25

A) lives
B) lived
C) shall be living
D) has been lived.

Q2791559 Which of the following sentences has the correct punctuation?1

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) In last weeks new yorker, one of my favourite magazines I enjoyed reading Greger's article "How Not to Die."
B) In last week's New Yorker one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading gregers article "How Not to Die."
C) In last week's New Yorker, one of my favorite magazines, I enjoyed reading Greger's article "How Not to Die."
D) In last week's New Yorker one of my favorite magazines I enjoyed reading Greger's article How Not to Die.


Score Obtained : 1.0





Score Obtained : 1.0




Score Obtained : 1.0




Q2791369 ଅନୁେ ଦ କୁ ାନ େଦଇ ପଢ଼ ୁ ଓ ନିମଲି ତ ଶ ଗୁଡିକ ର ଉ ର ଦିୟ ୁ

େସବା ଅତି ମହନୀୟ ଗୁଣ | ଏହା ମନକୁ ନିମଳ ଓ ହୃଦୟକୁ ଶ କେର |ମଣିଷକୁ ନ ,େଧୖଯ ବା ଓ ସହି ୁ କେର | ାଥପରତା େସବାର ଶତ | େସବା ମାନବିକତାକୁ ଵିକଶିତ କେର | ଶିବ ାନେର ଜୀବ େସବା କରିବା
ଉଚି | ଦଳିତ , ପୀଡିତ ମାନବ ର େସବା କରିେଲ ମାଧବ ସ ୁ ହୁଅ ି |େଭାକୀ କୁ ଖାଦ ,େଶାଷୀ କୁ ଜଳ ଓ େରାଗୀ କୁ ଔଷଧ େଦେଲ େସମାନ ର ମନ ଆନ ତ
ି ହୁଏ | ମନ ାଣ େଦଇ ମାନବ ର େସବା କରିେଲ ତାହା
ମାଧବ େସବା ସହ ସମତୁଲ ହୁଏ | ଚରି ର ଉ ତି ଓ ମାନବିକତା ର ବିକାଶ ଦିଗେର ଏହି ସୂ ିଟି ବିେଶଷ ସହାୟକ ହୁଏ |
Q2791374 'ସୂ ି' - ଉ ପଦଟିର ସ ି ବିେ ଦ କର|
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) ସୂ + ତି
B) ସୁ +ଉ ି
C) ସୂ+ଉ ି
D) ସୂ+ ି

Q2791375 'େରାଗୀ'ର ବିପରୀତ ଶ କଣ େହବ?

Score Obtained : 1.0
A) ନିେରାଗୀ
B) ନିେରାଗ
C) ଆେରାଗ
D) େରାଗଶୂନ

Q2791370 'େଧୖଯ ' -ଉ ଶ ର କୃତି ତ ୟ ଉେ ଖ କର|

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) େଧୖଯ+ୟ
B) ଧୀର+ଯ
C) େଧୖଯ +ର
D) େଧୖ+ଯ

Q2791373 େଭାକୀ କୁ ଖାଦ େଦେଲ େସମାନ ମନ ଆନ ିତ େହବ| େରଖା ତ

ି ପଦ ଗୁଡକ
ି େକଉଁ ସମାସ ଅେଟ?
Score Obtained : -0.25

A) ୨ୟା ତ ପୁରଷ

B) ନ ତ ପୁରୁଷ
C) କମ ଧାରୟ
D) ଉପପଦ ତ ପୁରୁଷ

Q2791371 ଶିବ ାନେର ଜୀବ େସବା କରିବା ଉଚି | େରଖା ିତ ପଦଟିର ବିଭ ି ଦଶାଅ|
Score Obtained : 1.0

A) ସ ମୀ
B) ଚତୁଥୀ
C) ତୃତୀୟା
D) ପ ମୀ


Score Obtained : 1.0




Q2791381 େମାେତ େଖଳି ଆେସ ନାହ| େରଖା ିତ ପଦଟିର ବିଭ ି ଚି ଟ କର|

Score Obtained : -0.25

A) ସ ମୀ
B) ିତୀୟା
C) ଥମା
D) ଚତୁଥୀ

Q2792088 Rani Lakshmibai led the Revolt of 1857 from which of the following places in India?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Awadh
B) Jhansi
C) Satara
D) Delhi

Q2792141 Which of the following provisions/articles from Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution is directly associated to the exploitation of children?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Article 23-24
B) Article 31-32
C) Article 17-18
D) Article 19-20

Q2792024 The Surat session of Congress in 1907 was significant as it led to the

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) creation of the Swaraj Party within the Congress, which would contest the council elections
B) acceptance of Gandhiji as a leader of the Congress Party
C) split between the Moderates and Extremists/Radicals in Congress
D) passing of a resolution by the Congress, demading dominion status for India

Q2792150 Which pair of Articles from the following are associated to the Fundamental Rights that cannot be suspended during the enforcement of emergency under Article
359 of the Indian constitution?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Article 24 and 25
B) Article 14 and 15
C) Article 16 and 17
D) Article 20 and 21

Q2792123 The Parsi social reformer Behramji M. Malabari, founded which of the following organisations in 1885?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Radha Soami Satsang

B) Deccan Education Society
C) Seva Sadan
D) Dharma Sabha

Q2792110 Henry Louis Vivian Derozio was a famous historical personality who launched the movement known as

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Aligarh Movement
B) Young Bengal Movement
C) Deoband Movement
D) Home Rule Movement

Q2792090 The Battle of Buxar was fought between the English forces led by Hector Munro and whom among the given options?

(i) Nawab of Bengal

(ii) Nawab of Awadh

(iii) Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Only ii
B) Only iii
C) All i, ii, and iii
D) Only i

Q2792059 What were the "Blitzkrieg" tactics adopted by Germany during World War II?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Quick entry into coastal areas through naval attacks

B) Speedy penetration of a territory by tanks followed by air strikes
C) Speedy penetration into border areas by tanks
D) Quick entry into a territory by a air force strike followed by tank attacks

Q2792160 Which of the following constitutional amendments nullified the Privy Purses and privileges of the Indian Princes?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 32nd Amendment
B) 30th Amendment
C) 26th Amendment
D) 28th Amendment

Q2792180 The mobile courts in India is the innovation of which of the following personalities?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Rajeev Gandhi
B) Justice Bhagwati
C) Pratibha Patil
D) Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Q2792098 Under the viceroyalty of which of the following Governor-Generals, India became an independent nation?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Lord Mountbatten
B) Lord Wellesley
C) Lord Dalhousie
D) Lord Curzon

Q2792124 Which of the following pairs is INCORRECTLY matched?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) The Special Marriage Act - 1854

B) The Religious Societies Act -1880
C) The Married Women's Property Act -1874
D) The Religious Endowments Act -1863

Q2792043 Who declared himself as the emperor of France in 1804?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Napoleon Bonaparte
B) Louis Philippe I
C) Henry IV
D) Louis XVI

Q2792132 Which of the following is an INCORRECT pair with respect to the socio-religious movements and their founders?
Score Obtained : 0.0
A) The Bharat Stree Mandal - Sarala Devi Chaudhurani
B) Social Service League - Narayan Malhar Joshi
C) The Indian Women's Association - Annie Besant
D) Madras Hindu Association - Ramabai Ranade

Q2792033 In this Reforms/Act, an Indian was to be appointed as a member of the Governor-General's Executive Council. Name the Reforms/Act?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Government of India Act 1935

B) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms 1919
C) Indian Councils Act of 1892
D) Morely-Minto Reforms of 1909

Q2792016 During which freedom movement did Gandhiji give the slogan 'Do or Die'?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Champaran Movement
B) Non-Cooperation Movement
C) Quit India Movement
D) Civil Disobedience Movement

Q2792083 British Raj, period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent, started before or after which of the following options?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) After the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857

B) Before the end of Third Battle of Panipat of 1761
C) Before the Battle of Haldighati of 1576
D) After the end of Second Battle of Panipat of 1556

Q2792167 What is the maximum permissible number of members in the Legislative Assembly of each State, as per Indian Constitution?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) 400 members
B) 500 members
C) 425 members
D) 575 members

Q2792051 Name the event which was a battle of ideologies of communism, fascism and liberalism, before the outbreak of World War II?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) The Russian Revolution

B) Germany's Anschluss(unity) with Austria
C) The Spanish Civil War
D) Italy's invasion of Ethiopia

Q2792187 The Supreme Court has which of the following jurisdiction/s?

(i) Original

(ii) Appellate

(iii) Advisory
Score Obtained : 1.0
A) Only (ii)
B) Only (iii)
C) All (i), (ii) and (iii)
D) Only (i)

Q2792398 Which of the following states is bisected by the Tropic of Cancer?

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) Uttar Pradesh
B) West Bengal
C) Odisha
D) Goa

Q2792550 Which of the following country was the first official family planning programme?

Score Obtained : 0.0

B) Sweden
C) India
D) China

Q2792560 Which of the following is a criterion for declaring a rural area?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Population of more than 5000

B) 75% of male workers to be engaged in non-agricultural professions
C) 90% of the households to be covered by supply of electric power
D) Density of population of more than 400 persons per square kilometre

Q2792406 Which of the following statements is TRUE in regards to the physical division of India?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) The Deccan Trap is made up of sedimentary rocks

B) The Western face of the Western Ghats is in the form of an escarpment
C) The Eastern Ghats are a continuous series of hills that run along India's eastern coast
D) The southern part of the Ganga Plain along the Himalayan foothills is called the Terai zone

Q2791618 Which of the following is an objective of one of the women empowerment schemes 'One Stop Centre'?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) To recognize women who have exceeded expectations to challenge the status quo and make a lasting contribution to women’s
B) To provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by violence, both in private and public spaces under one roof
C) To provide skills that give employability to women and to provide competencies and skill that enable women to become self-employed/
D) To provide day-care facilities for children (6 months to 6 years) of working mothers in the community

Q2792589 The major threat to the Asiatic black bear is

1. poaching

2. loss of habitat

3. increased confrontation with man

4. commercial trade in bear parts

Select the CORRECT answer from the codes given below.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 1, 3, 4
B) 1, 2, 3
C) 2, 3, 4
D) 1, 2, 3, 4

Q2791614 Which of the following countries is a member of SAARC?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) China
B) Maldives
C) United States of America
D) Japan

Q2792532 Which among the following is an INCORRECT statement?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Red soil are less sandy and more clayey

B) Laterite is typical soil of tropical regions which receives heavy rainfall
C) Black soils are sticky when wet and so difficult to plough
D) Black soils are best for growing cereals

Q2792597 Of late a considerable decline in the house sparrows population in India has been observed. It is presumably due to:

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Gradual change in architecture

B) Less open vegetable markets
C) Increase in mobile signal like 4G and 5G
D) Deforestation

Q2792580 Where is the Manjira Wildlife and bird sanctuary located?

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Tripura
B) Telangana
C) Uttarakhand
D) Tamil Nadu

Q2792569 Assertion (A): Japan is the largest producer of heavy engineering products

Reason (R): Most of the shipbuilding yards are located near the ports

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) (A) is true but (R) is false

B) (A) is false but (R) is true
C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

Q2792526 What are the major components in the liquified petroleum gas (LPG) which is produced during refining of crude oil?
Score Obtained : 0.0

A) Ethane and methane

B) Methane and butane
C) Butane and propane
D) Propane and methane

Q2792544 Which of the following statements about natural gas are true?

1. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel

2. Saudi Arabia has the highest natural gas reserves
3. Methane is the major component of natural gas

4. The natural gas is a product of tiny plants and animals of past ages

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 1, 4
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 1, 2, 3
D) 2, 3

Q2792381 What would be the time in United Kingdom when the time at Prime Meridian is 10 a.m.?
Score Obtained : 0.0

A) 12 midnight
B) 12 noon
C) 10 a.m.
D) 10 p.m.

Q2792387 Match the following

Score Obtained : 1.0

A) i - c, ii - b, iii - d, iv - a
B) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d
C) i - b, ii - d, iii - c, iv - a
D) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a

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