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Chapter 2 Complex numbers

2.1 Introduction

When d < 0,we introduce a new kind of number, called an imaginary number.


We use the term complex number to mean any one of the whole set of numbers, real, imaginary,
or combinations of the two.

complex variable
complex variable function

2.2 Real and imaginary parts of a complex number

ex) or (5,3)

2.3 The Complex plane (Argand diagram)

Radian and Degree

2.4 Terminology and notation

Real, Imaginary parts
modulus, absolute value
angle, phase, amplitude, argument
principal angle;
complex conjugate;

2.5 complex algebra



A. Simplifying to form

B. complex conjugate of complex expression

C. Finding
Recall that the definition of is ,

D. complex equation
Two complex numbers are equal if and only if their real parts are equal and their imaginary parts
are equal.


E. Graphs
Using the graphical representation of the complex number as the point in a plane, we can
give geometrical meaning to equations and inequalities involving .
ex) , ,

2.6 Complex infinite series

Let the partial sums of a series of complex numbers

If approaches a limit as , we call the series convergent and call its


An absolutely convergent series converges. Absolute convergence means here, just as for
real series, that the series of absolute values of the terms is a convergent series.

ex) Test for convergence


2.7 Complex power series; Disk of convergence

Series of powers of





Ratio test: Just as for real series,

The four theorems about power series (Chapter 1, Section 11) are true also for complex
series (replace interval by disk of convergence).
Theorem 2 what the disk of convergence is for the quotient of two series of powers of ?

(1) Assume to start with that any common factor has been cancelled.

(2) N; Numerator (radius of convergence)

(3) D; Denominator (radius of convergence), or the distance from the origin to the
closed point in the complex plane where the denominator is zero, if not series.

Then the quotient series converges at least inside the smallest of the three disks of radii
, , and , with center at the origin.


2.8 Elementary functions of complex numbers

powers and roots, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic and exponential

Polynomials and rational functions (quotients of polynomials) of z are easily evaluated.

We should like to define expressions like or so that they will obey the familiar laws
we know for the corresponding real expressions

2.9 Euler’s formula

Complex Numbers of Unit Magnitude
2.10 Powers & roots of complex numbers
The polar form is very convenient for expressing powers and roots of complex numbers.

For integer powers,

De Moivre’s theorem:

ex) trigonometric multiple-angle formulas

For roots (fractional powers),


If we write z in the alternate but equivalent form

The cube root of a complex number

ex) The multiple values of , ,

2.11 The exponential and trigonometric ftns

The exponential function

trigonometric functions of real angles

for complex


2.12 Hyperbolic function



Roots of hyperbolic functions

2.13 Logarithms
Multivalued complex function


2.14 Complex roots & powers;

For real positive numbers,

for complex and

Since is multiple valued , powers are usually multiple valued, and unless you want just the
principal value of or of you must use all values of .

ex) Find all values of



2.15 Inverse trigonometric & hyperbolic functions z

(역삼각함수 역쌍곡함수)

If we solve the sin , formula for , we get

Setting and , taking the logarithm of both sides of the above equation, we
express the inverse trigonometric function in terms of logarithms.


2.16 Some applications


ex) Series RLC circuit when connected to a sinusoidal alternating supply.


In optics we frequently need to combine a number of light waves (which can be represented by
sine functions). Often each wave is “out of phase” with the preceding one by a fixed amount;


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