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KISS ARMY ARGENTINA Exclusive Interview with BRIAN RADEMACHER: My best time was when I saw KISS the

very first time April 27, 1974 at the Capitol Theatre

Kiss Army Argentina: First of all, Brian, we want to thank you for this interview with KISS Army Argentina. Brian Rademacher: No problem its always fun to talk about KISS plus its great to work with the KISS Army Argentina once again. Kiss Army Argentina: We, the KISS fans, know about the time you spent with KISS. We would like to know for how many years you worked with the band, and which was specifically your job. Brian Rademacher: I really never worked for the band but was a fan from the beginning and when we started our KISS Klassics fanzine which was Bill DeMild, Joe Merante Jr. and Jack Dorman beside me starting the fanzine we became closer to the band. It was fun going down to the studio meeting the band and hanging with them on occasion. Kiss Army Argentina: Do you remember your first impression of the band when you met them, and your initial thoughts about them? When did this first meeting take place, and how did it happen? Brian Rademacher: Cant really remember the first time meeting them but when I did it was WOW! Cant believe I just met my idols. Im sure the first time was backstage at some venue. Gene always seemed so cool to us. Id say us because it was always Bill DeMild my long time friend and I. I can tell you a little story: Bill DeMild myself and Gene were hanging backstage and Ted Nugent was opening the show. We were about half way in the middle of the venue backstage in the hallway watching Ted. Gene saw three seats open and he says to Bill and I come with me. So all three of us are standing on the chairs in the crowd screaming Ted, Ted, Ted and the kid next to us looks and sees Gene, he couldnt believe it was Gene standing there right next to him. Once the fans recognized Gene we ran back stage laughing. That must have made that kids day seeing Gene right next to him. Kiss Army Argentina: Within the band, which was the member to which you felt closer? Did you initiate a friendship with any of them? Brian Rademacher: It was first Gene, back in the day Gene was so cool but I think the closest I got was with Eric Carr. He was just an amazing person and I am still personal friends with his sister Loretta who I stop over her house every now and then. Great family! Kiss Army Argentina: Which is the best period of the years you spent with KISS and why? Brian Rademacher: As I mentioned I never worked for KISS but in the early days I was able to photograph them many times and basically helped out a huge amount of KISS fanzines. My best time was when I saw KISS the very first time April 27, 1974 at the Capitol Theatre in Passaic New Jersey. They played two shows the same day an early and a night show it was amazing best show Ive ever seen

-2Kiss Army Argentina: Being a photographer and having spent so much time with KISS we guess that you must have a large collection of pictures from those years. Have you ever thought of publishing them in a book, like for instance, Barry Levine did some time ago? Brian Rademacher: I have a lot of great photos some are mine and some are not but they are in my photo collection. Ive bought many rare slides and negatives from those days. I did photograph that Capitol Theatre show back in 74 which Ive never released any of those photos. Kiss Army Argentina: Your rsum includes works with many bands; with which one did you feel most comfortable doing your work? Brian Rademacher: Early on I liked photographing KISS because they were so visual but there were many I photographed who put on killer shows like THE PLASMATICS, THOR, CHEAP TRICK, MOTLEY CRUE, OZZY, LIZZY BORDEN, ALICE COOPER I can keep going. These days that feeling is hard to find. Kiss Army Argentina: In those years, with no internet and modern electronic devices, the work of the photographer was extremely important. Are you aware that many KISS fans first knew about the band and its history thanks to your work? That is something important Brian Rademacher: Yeah and I had a great time helping every one of them. I still have many of those early fanzines but my biggest collection is the KISS ARMY Argentina fanzine. There were many I was very proud working with and some of those were amazing quality. Kiss Army Argentina: Did you ever take a picture that for any reason you decided not to show to anybody? If you did, can you tell us about it, please? Brian Rademacher: I took many photos Ive never shown anybody. I wanted to keep some photos that were only mine but every once in awhile I do let them go. Kiss Army Argentina: Which was the most important or shocking picture that you ever took, and why? Brian Rademacher: I would say the most important shot I ever took is when I was one of the staff photographers for Metal Force magazine. I had the cover photo of Dave Mustaine of MEGADETH. Kiss Army Argentina: Do you currently keep in touch with any former or current KISS member? Have you recently attended any of their shows? Brian Rademacher: I talk to Bruce Kulick every once in awhile because he is so down to earth and is one of the easiest to contact. I have my own site now called RockEyez and we did a few interviews with Bruce already. Kiss Army Argentina: Finally, could you please leave a message for Argentine KISS fans? Brian Rademacher: I just want the fans of the Argentina KISS Army letting them know that it was awesome working with them back in the day. The Argentina fans and people welcomed me with open arms and it was a highlight in my dealings with different Kiss fanzines. The people who run the site and the fanzine are dedicated people. The people of Argentina are awesome!


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