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The beauty of nature may have a great impact on our senses, those gates from the outside to

the inside, whether it results in doubt in its sheer existence or sensations such as awe, wonder,
or amazement. But why do we frequently unintentionally feel or say that nature and the things
that make it up are beautiful?

Being able to just perceive natural forms is enjoyable. When we consider what makes nature
beautiful, we frequently consider aspects that dazzle our senses, such as the prominence of a
mountain, the size of the sea, or the development of a flower's existence. This emotional or
affective reaction on our part seems to be essential to our experience of beauty because
frequently it is just the perception of these things that makes us happy. It seems to me that the
majority of the time, we find these things to be beautiful not for anything else they might bring
us, like a piece of furniture or a "delicacy" to be consumed, but rather for the way that the
forms of these things immediately hit us upon sight. The fact that nature is alive, moving, and
reproducing makes it lovely. We can see the development and growth of living creatures in

Everything we see around us, including the sky, mountains, woods, trees, flowers, and other
living things, is part of nature. Nature is essential to human survival. Nature provides us with
oxygen to breathe, as well as food, drink, shelter, medications, and clothing. Nature is full of
color, which enhances the beauty of the planet. Fish, insects, and animals all rely on nature for
food and shelter. Due to the sunlight and water that nature provides, various trees can thrive.
The elements of nature should no longer be harmed by humans for selfish reasons. The growth
and balance of life on earth depend heavily on nature.

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