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Sound of wind in the trees

I made this artwork last year and I like to honor myself with the time and
dedication for this meaningful artwork.

Be free and reach
For the sun
Live in all your colors
And grow so

Nature, beauty, society, and self-interest. Taking care of our ecosystem has been a
great reflection for us human beings for decades. Ecosystem serves as the natural resources
and needs worldwide. Protecting mother earth provides adequate sustainability supplies of
waters, foods, clean air, and etc. For me, taking care of it reflects mainly on how gentle and
also cruel the world is. It has an impact for me, Spending time in nature is good for our
mental health. And if we do not take care of the planet, its climate and ecosystems, we
undermine how our societies function, worsen our lives and, perhaps most directly, harm our
own well-being. Ever since, climate change has been a major concern and topic throughout
the years. By this means, advocacy has been implemented and innovated in different
timelines. I always heard people say, “ System change, not climate change”. Being a
responsible citizen has been always helpful to the economy and future of the world. We
cannot totally change the climate, but we can change our perspective about it. There are more
meaningful sides to this art, including my love for nature that helps me to strengthen my guts
and see the beauty of life. It symbolizes peace and perception. How I value people, as a
reflection of human nature protecting its people. I would also do everything to protect my
loved one’s as we protect our nature too. Therefore, nature is the greatest place for me to heal
and be myself. It provides freedom, peace and order. When I am tired, feel so exhausted and
empty I just simply go to nature to free and release my feelings. It is very comforting to feel
the wind beneath your skin. To hear the trees clenching on the branches. It underpins our
economy, our society, indeed our very existence. Our forests, rivers, oceans and soils provide
us with the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we irrigate our crops with. We also rely
on them for numerous other goods and services we depend on for our health, happiness and

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