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Lesson 5:

Tawo nga
daw wala

Prepared by: Basil pogi :D

Nabati-an mo na ba ang
hambalanon nga –

“Daw wala ka kalibutan!”

1. Define environmentalism;
2. Clean and organize an area in your
home; and
3. realize that care for the environment
contributes to health, and well-being
through a reflection paper,.
Take note of the following terms:
Eco centrism
Environmental aesthetics
Environmental ethics
Have you ever wondered about the changes
happening in our environment? What have you
noticed about the weather and your surroundings?
I am lucky. Why??

I can stay with my family now safe and

But I am guilty
Because I am a contributor in
effecting climate change.
Have you noticed?
Itis hotter now than it usually was during the
summer months.
Typhoons are stronger and there is more rain
during the rainy season.
 We experience more flooding in our country.
Our community is now dirtier and more
disorderly compared to the past few years.
Scientists also monitor the changes
in our environment. Their studies
show that our world is changing
not for the better but for the worse,
and humanity is responsible for
But why are these things happening to our
world? How do our actions lead to negative
effects on the environment? Should we even
worry about these changes at all, or is it safe
for us to go about our business as we usually
do? Humankind is part of the world, and we
significantly affect our environment in the
same way that changes in our environment
affect us.
How does philosophy define the person’s relationship with
the environment?
Like the physical science, philosophy also seeks
to explore the relationship between humanity and
the environment. Environmental philosophy and
environmental ethics is the discipline in
philosophy that studies the moral relationship of
human beings with the environment and its non-
human contents.
Environmental philosophers tackle
issues such as humanity’s role in the
natural world, the interaction between
nature and human activities, and
humanity’s response to environmental
As a rational being, the person is not only
capable of transforming the world, but also
of understanding the laws which govern
nature. It can be said that the world is a
text which the person can read and
understand in order to live a better life.
Because of this ability to “access” nature,
the role of the person in relation to it can
take on different forms.
There are three major views
regarding the relationship between
humanity and the environment.
Anthropocentrism - focuses on the
significant role of humankind in the
world and considers nature as the means
by which humans are able to meet their
needs and survive. This view believes
that humans are the most important
species on the planet and they are free
to transform nature and use its
Biocentrism – believes that humans are not
only significant species on the planet, and that
all organisms have inherent value and should
be protected. This view drives the activities of
humane organizations that advocate the ethical
treatment of animals. In fact, our government
has passed laws that recognize the rights of the
animals to be treated kindly, such as R.A.
8485 or “The Animal Welfare Act of 1998”
Ecocentrism – places great value on
ecosystems and biological communities.
This view believes that humankind is part
of greater biological system or community
and that we have a significant role as
stewards or guardians of nature. This also
promotes the idea that order and balance in
nature brings about stability and beauty.
We benefit greatly from a clean and
orderly environment. Clean and
orderly surroundings contribute to
safety, well-being, and health, while
dirty and disorderly surroundings
result in disease or accidents.
Environmental aesthetics is one
philosophical view that believes maintaining
order in the environment will bring out the
natural beauty of the surroundings and
contribute to the well-being of the people
and other organism living in it. The
appreciation of natural beauty brings about
concern for the environment and helps
people relate more effectively with nature.
How can humanity address the
damage inflicted on the environment?
One important development that arose during the late
twentieth century was environmentalism. This
perspective advocates to address the growing
environmental problems. Philosophy has a significant
role in the development of environmental awareness
and action. Several ideas and perspectives regarding
environmental action have emerged. One philosophical
view from environmentalism is environmental ethics.
Environmental ethics
This is a moral approach that analyses the
relationship between humans and the
environment that discusses environmental
problems caused by human activities and
social issues that impact the environment.
It serves as a basis for reflecting on how our
actions show our regard for nature.
Environmental ethics
Guides us in upholding the welfare of
the environment and everything in it.
As persons, it is our responsibility to
start with our own actions and how
they affect our immediate environment.
Have you ever taken the initiative to
tidy up your room or help clean your

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