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Human Person
in the Environment
- It is hotter now than it usually was during the
summer months.
- Typhoons are stronger and there is more rain
during the rainy season .
- We experience more flooding in our community.
- We evacuate our homes more frequently due to
natural calamities.
- Our community is now dirtier and more
disorderly compared to the past few years.
Scientists also monitor the changes in our environment.
they says that our world is changing not for the better
but for the worse, and humanity is responsible for this.

To qoute in an english poet John Donne, “no man is an

island entire of itself; every man is a piece of continent,
a the main.” this means that as human person, we
interact not only with our human beings but also with
the other living and non-living elements in our
Humankind is part of the world, and we
significantly effect our environment in the same
way that changes in our environment affect us. It
sees humankind as part of a global, natural
ecosystem that is subject to ecological laws,
where human beings do not occupy a privileged
place in nature and they constitute one of several
other elements in the 'web of life'.
1. How does philosophy define the
person's relationship with the environment
2. How can humanity address the damage
inflicted on the environment ?
3. What can I do to uphold
environmentalism and care for nature ?
How does philosophy define the person's relationship with the
environment ?
Philosopher's believe that the persons have a special relationship
with the nature because of their rationality. They are not only part of
nature, but they can also shape, transform, and cultivate it. his also
means means that they are also capable of inflicting the most harm on

Environmental philosophy or environmental ethics is a branch of

philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings with
the environment and its non-human contents. it deals eith the issues
concerning humanity's role in the world, the interactions between
nature and humans and human response to environmental challenges.
3 major views regarding
the person's relationship with nature
It only considers the
human species is the only
important and most
significant in the planet.
where'in nature provides
humankind to meet their
needs and to survive.
It gives equal importance to the human and to all
the organisms that have inherit value and need
also to be protected.

This is a holistic worldview that is nature centered and respects the
rights of nature. Ecocentrics such as deep ecologists put more value
on nature than humanity and believe in biorights. (The right of
endangered species or landscape to remain undisturbed). They also
wish to have policies to reduce the human impact on the environment
which would decrease the population and consume less resources.
Several philosophical views on the environment as “Deep Ecology and
the “GAIA Hypothesis”, it emphasizes the important role of the
interactions between the living and the non-living components of the
environments. biologist also believe that all organisms interact and
occupies a significant niche within an ecosystem.
Is one of the philosophical views that believes maintaining order in the
environment will bring out the natural beauty of the surroundings. the
appreciation of natural beauty brings about concern for the
environment and helps people to relate more effectively with nature.
But still it cannot be denied that human activities can also bring
disorder in the environment their actions contribute to environmental
problems such as littering and improper use of resources.
On the other hand influence of the humanity in the environment can
be best understood if we consider the individual person as a dynamic
source of change within his or her particular environment.
How can humanity address the damage inflicted on the environment ?

One of the important development that arose during 20th

century was :
ENVIRONMENTALISM -is a perspective that avocates actions to
address growing environmental problems. philosophy has a
significant role in the development of environmental
awareness and action.
One of its philosophical view from environmentalism is:
Environmental Ethics- it analyzes the relationship between
humans and the environment and seek to address
environmental problems brought about by human activities.
What can i do to uphold environmentalism
and care for nature ?
Sustainability or sustainable development
Sustainability is the process of maintaining change in a
balanced fashion, in which the exploitation of resources,
the direction of investments, the orientation of
technological development and institutional change are all
in harmony and enhance both current and future
potential to meet human needs and aspirations. its
concept is to advocates the wise and efficient use of
natural resources.
Environmental Integrity

Economic Efficiency

refers to maintaining the state of the
environment. This means that human
activities should not unduly disrupt the
ecosystems and human communities
located in the area.
refers to prudence in decision-making
regarding the use of resources to
ensure that there is minimum to zero
demands that we use our natural
resources in such manner that this are
conserved so that the next generation will
be able to use them.
Kate Menares
Christine Joy Eyan
Angeli Tiansay
_______1. Is the branch of philosophy that studies the moral
relationship of human beings with the environment and its non-human
_______2. It only considers the human species is the only important
and most significant in the planet.
_______3. This is a holistic worldview that is nature centered and
respects the rights of nature. It put more value on nature than
humanity and believe in biorights.
_______4. It gives equal importance to the human and to all the
organisms that have inherit value and need also to be protected.
_______5. one of the philosophical views that believes maintaining
order in the environment will bring out the natural beauty of the
_______6. One of the important development that arose
during 20th century.
______7. refers to maintaining the state of the environment.
______8. refers to prudence in decision-making regarding the
use of resources to ensure that there is minimum to zero
______9. demands that we use our natural resources in such
manner that this are conserved so that the next generation
will be able to use them.

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