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The table gives information regarding the number of people from different regions

around the world who travelled internationally between 1990 and 2005.

Overall, it is clear that the total number of people that travelled internationally increased
significantly over the period. Additionally, Europe accounted for the largest number of
international travellers in all years.

In 1990, over 280 million Europeans travelled internationally, while 80 million Americans
and 60 million people from the Asia Pacific region also travelled abroad. 18.2 million
Africans travelled internationally in that year, while the figure for the Middle East was
only around half of that, at 9.8 million.

Over the following fifteen years, the number of European travellers continued to rise,
peaking at 400.2 million in 2005. The number of international travellers from Asia Pacific
grew quickly, rising from 80.3 million in 1995 to over 138 million in 2005.
Meanwhile, the number of American travellers peaked at 118.2 million in 2000, before
dropping to 113.2 million in 2005. The figures for the remaining regions also increased
over the period, with African travellers amounting to 28.7 million, and those from the
Middle East, 15.8 million.

Band điểm ước lượng: 7.5

Phân tích từ vựng:

 Increased significantly over the period: tăng rõ rệt qua giai đoạn
 Europe accounted for the largest number of international travellers: Châu Âu có
lượng du khách quốc tế lớn nhất
 Travelled abroad: đã đi du lịch nước ngoài
 The figure for the Middle East was only around half of that: số liệu của vùng
Trung Đông chỉ xấp xỉ một nửa
 The number of European travellers continued to rise: số lượng du khách người
Châu Âu tiếp tục tăng
 Rising from 80.3 million in 1995 to over 138 million in 2005: tăng từ 80.3 triệu
người năm 1995 lên đến hơn 138 triệu người năm 2005
 The number of American travellers peaked at: lượng du khách từ Châu Mỹ đạt
mức cao nhất tại

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