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Stating the current situation here in the Philippines in terms of Gender Equality
and Empowering women is considered to be high. According to the recent World
Economic Forum (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report 2020, the Philippines ranked 16 th
out of 153 countries in terms of gender equality. Considering the Philippines as one of
the country that has a lot of opportunities for women.
Giving opportunities for women in terms of employments will increase the gender
equality and also empowering women. Having a decent job, profession, or career is
every women’s dream. It keeps them motivated, inspired and encouraged to do their
best in anything. That is why they always do whatever it takes to keep or to have a job.
Because of that, numerous folks taking that as an advantage to do erroneous deeds.
As Government release a different kind of laws that will protect the rights or
dignity of every women out there, it doesn’t guarantee that all of the women are able to
protect by it. Discrimination in the workplace is one of the factors that affects the gender
equality especially when the involve individual is a woman. Being subject to unwanted
sexual advances, demands for sexual favors, or other forms of sexual, verbal, or
physical abuse are common issues that a women might face in such workplace.
Magna Carta for Women or the Republic act No. 9710 is a law that seeks to
eliminate discrimination against women by promoting women empowerment. They give
opportunities for women, ensure their rights are properly implemented, in short this law
is made exclusively for women. Yes they give opportunities like employment, but it
doesn’t guarantee that they are properly respected or treated in that opportunities. In
some cases, women are looked down upon even more instead of being empowered
because of that certain opportunities. Indeed, the law is not properly implemented.

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