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Received: 31 December 2020 Revised: 15 April 2021 Accepted: 18 April 2021

DOI: 10.1002/pat.5376


Highly electro-responsive composite gel based on functionally

tuned graphene filled polyvinyl chloride

Imdad Ali1,2 | Ahsan Ali2 | Ahmed Ali3 | Muhammad Ramzan2 |

Khalid Hussain2 | Li Xudong1 | Zhan Jin1 | Otavio Augusto Titton Dias4 |
Yang Weimin1 | Li Haoyi1 | Zhang Liyan1 | Mohini Sain4

College of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Abstract
Technology, Beijing, P.R. China Electroresponsive devices have attended significant interest for actuators and artifi-
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
cial muscles in recent days but are susceptible to low deformation at applied voltages.
QUEST Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Sukkur To address this problem, herein, we have prepared novel flexible composite gel based
IBA University, Sindh, Pakistan on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), dibutyl adipate (DBA), and functionalized reduced
Centre for Biocomposites and Biomaterials
graphene oxide (f-rGO) via solution casting technique. The structural, morphological,
Processing, Graduate Department of Forestry,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, optical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the composite PVC/f-rGO gel were
characterized by using various techniques. In order to test the usefulness of PVC/f-
Correspondence rGO, we fabricated the new planar PVC/f-rGO-based gel actuator, by holding the gel
Zhang Liyan, College of Mechanical and
between two electrodes. Stimuli-responsive deformation of ~2.7 mm was measured
Electrical Engineering, Beijing University of
Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, at a voltage of 1200 V for an optimized gel in the designed device. The loading of
P.R. China.
silane-f-rGO greatly enhanced the stimulation, response time and flexibility of the
PVC gel. The highest elongation at break of about 433% was achieved for f-rGO-
Mohini Sain, Centre for Biocomposites and
loaded PVC gel owing to strong dipole–diploe interactions between alpha hydrogen
Biomaterials Processing, Graduate Department
of Forestry, University of Toronto, Toronto, of PVC and -NH2 of f-rGO. We believe that highly electro-stimulated, soft and, flexi-
Ontario, Canada.
ble PVC/f-rGO gels could open a new avenue for the fabrication of advanced artifi-
cial muscles and tunable soft actuators for number of applications.
Funding information
China National Key Research and development KEYWORDS
Plan, Grant/Award Number:
electro-stimulation, flexible actuator, functionalized rGO, physicochemical, PVC gel
2016YFB0302000; Guangdong Provincial
Science and Technology, Grant/Award
Number: 2016B090915001

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N biological muscles.4,5 EAPs-based gels are characterized as ionic and

nonionic. In ionic EAPs gels, such as in polyelectrolytes gels, the evapo-
Over the last few years, soft stimulated materials which are mechani- ration and leakage of solventare hard to control; however, nonionic
cally responsive toelectric fields have been widely studied as promis- EAPs gels do not have such barriers.6,7
ing materials for various applications such as micro-electromechanical Thenon-ionic EAP-based polymers such as polyvinyl chloride
systems, artificial muscles, medical implants, actuators, and robotics.1–3 (PVC) have been used for several commercial applications mainly due
Particularly, soft electro-stimulated materials fabricated from electro- to several advantages like biocompatibility, chemical stability and low
active polymers (EAPs) have shown remarkable mechanical motion cost.8 Several studies suggested that PVC has lower thermal stability,
when energized with electrical energy. The soft electro-stimulated therefore, it cannot be used for high-temperature applications. Addi-
materials are widely investigated for several applications due to their tionally, the low brittleness and high electrical resistivity of PVC have
rapid response, large displacement, and the high capability to emulate restricted its practical usage on large-scale applications. Recent

Polym Adv Technol. 2021;1–10. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 1

developments in graphene-based composite material9 have provided 2 | EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS

new insight to overcome some of these challenges.
Graphene has been considered a promising material for differ- 2.1 | Materials
ent applications due to its excellent electrical, thermal, and
mechanical properties.10–12 It has been extensively used to Polyvinyl chloride (degree of polymerization is 2500) was purchased
enhance the physical properties of polymer nanocomposites.13,14 from Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd., Xinjiang, China. Dibutyl
However, the synthesis of graphene fillers-based composite mate- adipate (DBA) plasticizer was obtained from Yingkou Tianyuan Chemi-
rials still require further research to overcome the aggregation of cal Research Institute Co. Ltd., Liaoning, China. Organic solvent THF
graphene and provide better interfacial interactions between poly- was purchased from Beijing Century Tuoxin Fine Chemical Co. Ltd.,
mer and graphene.8,15 Beijing, China. Graphite was purchased from the Aladdin Chemical
Vadukumpully et al. studied PVC-graphene nanostructured thin Reagents. Other chemicals such as H2SO4, KMnO4, NaNO3, and
film prepared by the solution mixing technique. The nanostructured H2O2 were purchased from the Beijing Chemical Reagents works.
composition showed excellent electrical, thermal, and mechanical 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) was purchased from Shanghai
properties; however, the elongation at break was reduced to 65% due Macklin Biochemical Technology Company, Shanghai, China.
to weak interfacial forces between PVC and graphene. Zhao
et al.15 reported the tensile strength and Young's modulus values for
polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-graphene-based nanostructures. The authors 2.2 | Preparation of graphene oxide
noted a sharp decrease in elongation at the break due to the irrevers-
ible aggregation of graphene structures.15 Xin et al.17 synthesized GO was prepared according to the improved Hummer's method.24
functionalized graphene nanosheets (f-GNS) and water-borne poly- Typically, 2.0 g of graphite and 45.0 ml H2SO4 were added into the
urethane (WPU)-based nanocomposite coating by sol–gel process. beaker with constant magnetic stirring for 24 hand then 200 mg of
They reported that f-GNs have good interactions with WPU.17 These NaNO3 additional added into the reaction mixture for another 30-min
studies clearly indicate the role of interface in further improving stirring. Further, 6.0 g of KMnO4 was added into the reaction mixture
deformation behavior of polymeric gels. and maintained at a temperature below 40 C. After sonication at
On the other side, PVC has been widely employed due to its 34 C–40 C, 90 ml of H2O added under stirring for 30 min followed
good compatibility with different plasticizers and PVC gels can be by further addition of 280 ml of H2O and stirred additionally for
easily tuned as either stiff or stretchable. Besides, the PVC 25 min. Obtained mixture centrifuged, neutralized, and the sample
gels also have a good response under an applied DC electrical was dried at 60 C vacuum oven.
source. Bae et al. reported a maximum strain about 300% for
PVC gel.20 Hashimoto et al. fabricated a multilayer actuator by
using PVC gel assembled with electrodes, and the overall contrac- 2.3 | Preparation of f-rGO
tion strain was upto 10%–15% underprocess conditions of fre-
quency 3–7 Hz and induced electric potential of 400–600 V.21 150 mg of GO was dispersed in 50 ml of deionized (DI) water and
Multilayer PVC gel actuators still have certain issues such as poor sonicated for 30 min at 35 C. 2.0 ml of amino silane was addedinto
stretchability due to their high density, the rigidity of metal elec- the mixture with continuous stirring upto 30 min. Further, 1.0 ml of
trodes, large size, and heavyweight. Moreover, their properties are hydrazine added dropwise with stirring for reduction of GO, equipped
poor compared tobio muscles.22,23 with an oil bath at 80 C for 8 h.25,26 The precipitates off-rGO were
Herein, we have prepared a novel type of gel based on PVC, separated by filtration and washed with DI water, dried in a vacuum
dibutyl adipate (DBA), and functionalized reduced graphene oxide oven at 60 C for 12 h and then saved for further use. The synthesis
(f-rGO). We found that the optimized concentration of f-rGO as a route of f-rGO is shown in Scheme S1.
nanofiller has enhanced the performance of PVC gel. Moreover,
the dipole–diploe interactions between alpha hydrogen of PVC and
-NH2 from the amino silane moieties of f-rGO improved the 2.4 | Preparation of PVC/f-rGOfilm
electro-response of fabricated gels. As a proof of concept, to dem-
onstrate how PVC/f-rGO gels can be useful, we fabricated the new The gels were prepared with 1:4 w/w% of the PVC:DBA and f-rGO
planar PVC/f-rGO-based gel actuator, by holding the gel between were added in 4 different compositions at 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.03%, and
two electrodes. Furthermore, the performance of the composite 0.04% of the total mass.25,27 First, f-rGO dissolved in THF by sonica-
gel was studied by measuring deformation, response time, mechan- tion for 20 min and then the required quantity of PVC and DBA were
ical strength, thermal stability, structural, and morphological char- mixed by vigorous stirring at 40 C for 5 h by using a simple solvent
acteristics. The prepared PVC/f-rGO-based gel actuator may have casting technique. After achieving a uniform dispersion, the solution
potential applications in the treatment of paralysis patients, artifi- was poured into a petri dish and dried inan oven and further kept
cial muscle, and various other clinical applications owing to its under the evaporator for 3 days. Finally, after evaporation of the sol-
excellent performance. vent, the concentrated mass is left behind as a soft flexible PVC/f-rGO

composite gel film with thickness of ~0.5 mm. The preparation proce- fabricated from the plastic material and glass strips pasted with cop-
dure for PVC/f-rGO composite gel film as illustrated in Scheme 1. The per tape as an electrode as shown in Figure 1(A). Figure 1(B) shows
sample without the f-rGO named Gel-0 and other samples were desig- the schematic illustration of the setup. The deformation of gel sam-
nated as Gel-1, Gel-2, Gel-3, and Gel-4 based on the f-rGO contents as ples was observed by the laser displacement technique.
depicted in Figure S1.


2.5 | Characterizations
3.1 | Structural study of pure PVC gel and PVC/
FT-IR studies were carried out with FTIR spectrometer (Thermo f-rGO gels
American type Nicolet 6700) and Raman spectra were recorded on a
Renishaw in Via Raman spectrometer with laser excitation at 785 nm Raman scattering-based experiments were carried out to study the
with the power of 1 mW. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) study was per- structural features of GO, f-rGO, PVC, and PVC/rGO gels. Figure 2(A)
formed by X-ray Diffractometer (D/mac 2500 VB2+/PC Rigaku) at shows a typical Raman spectrum of GO displayed two main peaks at
the range of 10 –60 the angle 2Ɵ, to investigate the crystalline 1354 cm1 and 1593 cm1 for the D and G bands, respectively. The
nature of PVC/f-rGO gels. The optical properties of the gel samples D band is attributed to edges, defects, and disordered domains,
were determined by UV–Vis spectrometer (Shimadzu UV-3600).Scan- whereas the G band is associated with graphitic carbons.28,29 The G
ning electron microscopy (SEM, Hitachi-4700) and trinocular met- band was at 1593 cm1 for the GO and broadened and shifted to
alogical microscope (XJ-55C) were used to analyze the surface 1603 cm1 for f-rGO, indicating a good exfoliation of graphene layers.
morphology of pure PVC and PVC/rGO-based gels. The samples were Moreover, the ID/IG ratio for GO was 0.74 that increased to 1.07 for
freeze-dried for the SEM test. The mechanical properties of the gel the rGO due to the reduced oxygen functional groups as compared to
samples were tested by a universal testing machine (UTM INSTRON GO.30,31 Furthermore, Figure 2(B), showed the Raman spectrum of
5567) with the standard ASTM D638 at a speed of 50 mm/min at PVC/f-rGO gel samples, the D and G bands peak at 1304 cm1 and
room temperature. The dumb bell-shaped specimens were formed 1580 cm1, respectively. The intensity of D band was increased with
from the flat drop-casted of gels. The thermal degradation was ana- the loading of f-rGO, which is a clear indication of the strong interac-
lyzed by MettlerToledoSTARe SYSTEM TGA/DSC3+ in the tempera- tion between PVC and f-rGO and the increased degree of
ture range of 100 C–500 C in a nitrogen environment of 10 C/min. defectswithin the f-rGO structure.32 The band at 1580 cm1 in Gel-
The displacement was measured by using a laser displacement meter 1which gradually shifted to 1599 cm1 in Gel-4. This blue shifting
(Panasonic industrial devices SUNX Co., Ltd., Suzhou, Jiangsu China). phenomenon of the G peak can be attributed to the occurrence of
greater defects in the f-rGO sheets during the physical cross-linking
reaction between PVC and f-rGO.26,33 In addition, the two major
2.6 | Actuator design setup peaks at 630 and 694 cm1 were detected in the C–Cl stretching
region of pure PVC. According to the results, the plasticizers DBA
The pure PVC gel and the samples with different concentrations of bonded to PVC since the peak at 630 cm1 was not blue shifted. The
f-rGO were tested on a self-fabricated setup. This setup was presence of DBA and f-rGO allowed free rotation of PVC chain

S C H E M E 1 Schematics for the

preparation of novel flexible polyvinyl
chloride (PVC)/functionalized reduced
graphene oxide (f-rGO) composite gel

segments to respond under induced electric force.34,35 Furthermore,

the intensity of peaks of PVC/f-rGO gels has also increased. This
result implies that good physiochemical interactions occurred among
PVC, DBA, and f-rGO.
The FT-IR techniques were carried out to study the physicochem-
ical interactions of f-rGO with PVC gel. The FT-IR spectra of GO, f-
rGO, and PVC/f-rGO composite gel are shown in Figure 3(A), (B). In
GO spectrum at 3394, 2924, 2850, 1722,1624 cm1 were attributed
to hydroxyl groups (-OH), asymmetrical and symmetrical stretching of
the –CH2 band, carbonyl group (C=O) and C=C, respectively, as
shown in Figure 3(A). Inf-rGO, bands appeared at 3431, 2924, 2856,
F I G U R E 1 Gel deformation and response time experimental
1729, 1649, and 1080 cm1 are assigned to -NH bending, –CH2
setup (A) self-fabricated setup (B) Schematic illustration of setup

F I G U R E 2 Raman spectra of (A) graphene oxide (GO) and functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) and (B) pure polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) gel and PVC/f-rGO gels

F I G U R E 3 FTIR spectra (A) graphene oxide (GO) and functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) (B) pure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel and
PVC/rGO gels

stretching, carbonyl group (C=O), C=C, and Si-O-C, respectively.36–38 PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO composite gels showed high absorbance in
The peaks shift in f-rGO was observed from lower to higher values, the UV regionas shown in Figure 5(A). The absorbance was increased
indicating the functionalization and reduction of GO. Figure 3(B) with increasing f-rGO content in gels as reported earlier.48 The optical
shows FT-IR spectra of pure PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO composite gels. bandgap of PVC and polymer nanocomposite gels was estimated by
The main characteristics bands were observed at 3448–3454, 2860– using Tauc's relation.49 The intercept with the x-axis estimates the
2970, 1740–1780 cm1, and 750 and 633 cm1 are attributed to optical band gap value. The values of optical band gap were found to
(-NH,-OH), –CH2, carbonyl group (C=O) of DBA and -Cl of PVC, 39–41
be 4.09, 3.97, 2.89, 2.56 and 2.62 eV for Gel 0, Gel 1, Gel 2, Gel 3, and
respectively. We found that by increasing the loading of f-rGO in the Gel 4, respectively. As shown in Figure 5(B), the band gap
PVC gel, the peaks havebecome broader and shifted to higher wave decreased with increasing f-rGO loading due to the formation of
numbers as shown in Figure 3(B). These changes in peaks indicated new levels in the optical band gap. The slight drop of Eg from 2.62
the presence of hydrogen bonding and dipole–dipole interactions to 2.56 eV at 0.04 wt.% of f-rGO loading was likely due to light
between alpha hydrogen of PVC and carbonyl ester group absorption by nanoparticles.50 It has been previously reported that
(RC=OOR0 ) of DBA. The carbonyl group (C=O) of DBA is the main the variations in the optical band gap changes the electronic struc-
group that polarized the PVC polymer.40 Besides, the other possible ture of PVA molecules and there was no effect of higher filler con-
interactions could be dipole–diploe and hydrogen bonding of -NH centration on band gap.49
(OH) group of f-rGO with alpha hydrogen of PVC as illustrated in Further, the SEM studies were carried out forcomposite gels
Scheme 2. From the FT-IR and Raman spectra we concluded that (Figure 6). Figure 6(A) shows the micrograph of Gel-0 withoutany
good physicochemical interactions were present among PVC, DBA, f-rGO as a control sample. Figure 6(B)–(E) shows SEM images of
and f-rGO, which resulted in forming successful physical blending. Gel-1, Gel-2, Gel-3, and Gel-4 with 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.03%, and 0.04%
Figure 4(A) shows the XRD patterns of GO and f-rGO, that rev- concentrations of f-rGO, respectively. We can clearly observe signifi-
ealed a strong diffraction peak (001) for GO sheets at 10.5 cant change in internal structure has occurred due to successful physi-
corresponding tofixed d-spacing of 0.8 nm.42 After reduction/modifi- cal cross-linking between f-rGO nanosheets and PVC gel as shown in

cation, the peak at 10 disappeared and a wide peak (002) emerged at Figure 6. As the f-rGO concentration was increased, interstitial voids
23.5 consistent with an interlayer distance of about 0.4 nm, revealing were created between the sidechains of PVC. As a result, the DBA
a well-oriented structure of graphene.42 The XRD showed a broad molecules in turn facilitated f-rGO particles to flow easily through the
peak at 20.10 for pure PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO gel samples. The PVC chains, resulting in more uniform morphologies for higher f-rGO
weak peaks at 40 have revealed the highly amorphous nature of concentrations. Moreover, Figure S2(A-D) shows lenticular images of
composite gels.43 As shown in Figure 4(A), when the concentration PVC/f-rGO gel, which can be easily observed from Figure S2(A-D) a
of the f-rGO in PVC gel was increased the peak intensity decreased. disordered network of f-rGO nanosheets within the gel matrix, which
The decrease in the widthand intensity of the peak at 20.10 was reveals excellent dispersion and entanglement of f-rGO and PVC gel.
attributed to the presence of amorphous regions in the samples. In
addition, this decrease was a result of gelatinization and cross-linking
during the gel fabrication process.44,45 The absence of small peaks 3.3 | Thermal and mechanical properties of pure
and reduced fluctuation amplitude confirmed the purity and good dis- PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO gels
tribution of f-rGOin PVC gels.46
The thermogravimetric analysis was carried outto understand the
thermal degradation behavior of gels. Figure 7(A) shows the thermo-
3.2 | Optical and morphological analysis of pure graphs of pure PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO gel samples with different
PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO gels concentrations of f-rGO. In pure PVC gel, the major weight loss was
occurred at 204 C, mainly due to the loss of HCl from the PVC
The onset absorption spectra of the fabricated gels in the range 200– chain.51 While for PVC/f-rGO weight loss was occurred at higher
280 nm was attributed to the π–π* transition of the PVC.47 Both pure temperature of 220 C–228 C, this was occurred due to the presence

S C H E M E 2 Schematics illustration of
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), dibutyl adipate,
and functionalized reduced graphene
oxide (f-rGO) possible interactions

F I G U R E 4 X-Ray diffraction patterns of (A) graphene oxide (GO) and functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) (B) pure polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) gel and PVC/f-rGO gels

F I G U R E 5 Optical properties of pure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel and PVC/functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) gels (A) UV–Vis
absorption spectra (B) Band gap energy plots

f-rGO, which also resulted in increased thermal stability. However, and strain were enhanced and these gels were highly flexible and
the total weight loss of all gel samples was observed at 481 C. Inter- could be suitable for actuator applications.20 Moreover, in order to
estingly, above 380 C there was not much change in terms of thermal quantitatively analyzed the interactions among PVC, DBA, and
behavior of the gels indicating good compatibility and better interac- f-rGO, the areas under the stress–strain curves were calculated,
tions among PVC, DBA, and f-rGO. that indirectly measured the toughness of the gel. We observed
Stress–strain curves are crucial graphical measure of actuator that the amount of energy absorbed by gel during deformation has
flexibility and mechanical properties. Figure 7(B) shows the stress varied significantly with the f-rGO contents. For example, for
and strain curves of different gel samples. We found that the addi- Gel-1, Gel-2, Gel-3, and Gel-4 the toughness, as a measure of the
tion of f-rGO has resulted in enhancing the value of strain with amount of energy absorbed before failure, was 46%, 80%, 262%,
increased stress-bearing capacity. As shown in Figure 9. Gel-1, and 588%, respectively, these values were dramatically higher than
Gel-2, Gel-3, and Gel-4 demonstrated higher stress-bearing capa- that of Gel 0. These results have strongly supported our earlier
bility with higher strain value compared to Gel-0. Gel-4 containing observation that hydrogen bonding and dipole–dipole interactions
0.04% of f-rGO has the highest strain of about 433%. The given among PVC, DBA, and f-rGO could easily enhance both stress and
results show that with the addition of f-rGO contents the stress strain simultaneously.

FIGURE 6 SEM micrographs of (A) Pure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel, (B) Gel 1, (C) Gel 2 and (D) Gel 3 (E) Gel-4 (F) Partial enlarged details of

F I G U R E 7 TGA and DTG thermograms (B) Stress–strain curves of pure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel and PVC/ functionalized reduced
graphene oxide (f-rGO) gels

3.4 | Deformation and response time of the applied voltage and polarized DBA easily facilitated the free dipole
electro-stimulated actuator reorientation of the PVC chains from PVC gel network.21 Whenever
voltage was applied, the negative charges of cathode passed from gels
The deformation act of gel samples was tested on a self-fabricated moved toward the anodeand caused bending deformation. This bend-
setup. Figure 8(A) shows displacement in millimeter of different Gel-0, ing deformation mechanism of pure PVC and PVC/r-rGO composite
Gel-1, Gel-2, Gel-3, and Gel-4 with 0%, 0.01%, 0.02%, 0.03%, and gels are depicted in Figure 9(A), (B). Moreover, we found that with the
0.04% concentration of f-rGO, respectively. Initially, the pure PVC addition of f-rGO displacements degree was increased with rapi-
(Gel-0) was tested by applying 800, 1000, and 1200 V, the resulting dresponse timeas shown in Figure 8(A), (B). The Gel-4 which contains
displacements were 0.5, 0.65, and 0.8 mm with the response time of 0.04% of f-rGO experienced displacements of 1.3, 1.5, and 2.7 mm
1, 0.9, and 0.8 s, respectively, as shown in Figure 8(A), (B). The defor- with response times of Gel-4 of 0.5, 0.4, and 0.3 s, at applied voltages
mation occurred due to the Maxwell stress effect and was attributed of 800, 1000, and 1200 V, respectively. The Gel-4 displacement was
to the fact that the plasticizer DBA molecules were charged under highest and response time was shortest as compared to Gel-0, Gel-1,

F I G U R E 8 (A) Displacement results of pure polyvinyl chloride (PVC) gel and PVC/functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) gels
(B) Response time of pure PVC gel and PVC/f-rGO gels

deformation of about 2.7 mm. Further, the physicochemical interac-

tions of PVC, DBA, and f-rGO was confirmed by Raman, FT-IR, and
XRD techniques. The SEM images showed that the f-rGO was well
incorporated with the PVC gel, andf-rGO contents on the surface of
PVC gel were also observed through lenticular images. The band-gap
energy obtained from UV/Vis measurements decreased with increas-
ing f-rGO content due to the charge transfer processes. Good thermal
stability, increased stress-bearing capacity, and the highest strain
break at about 433% were achieved. This study could inspire the
novel designs of highly electroresponsive, soft, and, flexible actuator
based on PVC/f-rGO gel for the fabrication of advanced artificial mus-
cles and tunable soft actuators for number of applications.


The work was supported by China National Key Research and Devel-
opment Plan (2016YFB0302000) and Guangdong Provincial Science
and Technology Project (2016B090915001) China.

F I G U R E 9 Bending deformation of (A) pure polyvinyl chloride

(PVC) gel (B) PVC/functionalized reduced graphene oxide (f-rGO) gels DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
The experimental data cannot be shared at this time because the cur-
rent research work is part of ongoing study.
Gel-2, and Gel-3 as shown in Figure 8(B).This high deformation and
fast response signified that there were strong interactions among OR CID
PVC, DBA, and f-rGO. Such a high displacement of Gel-4 is adequate Ahmed Ali
for actuators. Furthermore, this deformation makes PVC/f-rGO actua- Otavio Augusto Titton Dias
tor good candidates for artificial muscles and soft robotics. 4387
Zhang Liyan

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Supporting Information section at the end of this article.
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