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Over the past decades, fair trading has become an incandescent topic owing to the unfair

conditions on which farmers are working nowadays. It is no secret that food companies have
always made huge profits at the expense of producers’ sweat and ridiculous wages, and fair
trading was conceived to defy those bigwigs’ greed.

However, even though the purpose of this movement is praiseworthy, the fact that the size of
those earnings has not been diminished can raise some eyebrows. Whether these corporations
are really trying to make amends or only using the term “fair trade” in their products to boost
sales remains unclear. The associations defending this crusade should take this matter
seriously and make the heads of food enterprises empathise with farmers’ struggles. This is
critical to maintain people’s support and faith.

Despite fair trading associations have not entirely achieved its aims, they have managed to
accomplish important things. Nevertheless, it is a sad but real state of affairs that people are
losing their interest in these organisations. This might be due to the fact that their duel with
big food enterprises is now more equilibrated, and they do not see them anymore like David
fighting with Goliath, so the fascination is reduced. But farmers are still suffering and
impoverished, so the battle is not won by the slightness chance- and we must think about who
we are damaging when we turn a blind eye.

All things considered it can be stated that fair trading can be the solution to the forever lasting
problem of farmers’ pitiable earnings, but this has not been managed yet. For this to become a
reality, we must fight together, support these small organisations, and say no to exploitation.

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