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COC git reset / revert Let's UNDO Current state - The local repository is in-syne with the remote, we have 2 text files (demoOne & demoTwo) that already exsists on remote and our working directory is clean(no local changes at the moment). Let us learn, (master) er Se Cle ree a cee eae Date: Tue Apr 26 21:39:58 2022 +0530 Ce Coan eee Coreen eee eats eC es esas herr eerer) adding few Tines to demoOne file rset ace SUL ee berate eet CCRC ea a learn, Oro) cars Ce eens Sa Oro) eee eats aie en Rt ae eR acc t us learn Oro) Cad VOC Rn aera) forts] eect lon branch master rc Ue een MC yee nothing to commit, working tree clean Let's add a new line in each file and ereate a new commit for each change. eres (master) ee eee Coots eo (coe) re Let us learn, coe) ee OC eC eC eC) 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) are fore) Pe i a ee Cr acd oy cca) rae oa (coe) Case C CT Aunt Le (master) S$ git log een ener eens nee Pare pate: Tue Apr 26 2 eRrorietrrn This is how th pee ere meee is is haw the commits look like eee eee eee ren een eae now CC tat eee Set cee cce) Ce Ree aary Pec ornite i added in our local CUCM ae eee Re Cus eared elas DC eed ees Pree repo. adding demoTwo file We are actually eee eee ea now 2 conuuits elas a ees fh re Ee) ahead of the coe remote. ee eee Penta elas Perret Es EC ot aa mayank S git reset --soft Let om (2th eee ele eee er Cee i) eae rep) caer) POR eee eer aa ceec te L eare tea Tue Apr 26 21:39:58 2022 +0530 ee ea Se Cree eR ec ae Tue Apr 26 21:39:09 2022 +0530 CC a ea eee Ree eee Tue Apr 26 21:38:20 2022 +0530 Cr Cut aa Let us learn, cer) Peer Pu Nour branch is up to date with ‘origin/master’. GO Coe (use "git restore —-staged reset to 2 commit after current HEAD, HEAD~2 -> 2 commits after HEAD ete.) When you perform reset, it always undo all commits after specitied commit and not just that commit or a specific range. mayank_at a) git reset --mixed ee ee ee ieee oad In Cees Im Cees ey crap) est lon branch master ree ee ar re ae eee ese ect sd Cr ae as oe a Mn) (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory) ae cre] rae) Author: mydemo222 Conn seer re oraneLe Sean Mee reer Cee ce fo Ce ed seer Relea) Ce Re un Me eee Cee ese Ce ee oREL Eee eee) Eee aa What actually happened? When you pass the flag ‘mixed! (which is default), it behaves similar to ‘soft! in the sense that the changes are not lost from the local but are unstaged. So, you need to add thera again if you need them back before doing commit or may be stash them. Here we moved 1 commit ahead from prev HEAD. Or in other words removed all commits after HEAD-1 . > git reset --hard As in the last change we did soft reset, let's add back the unstaged files and also commit them. Added a new commit '8b2¢a... HEAD pointer updated [Crt s ia) ws Tear Crp] ECU Se ec Tue Apr 26 22:14:30 2022 +0530 Ce er eee aoe eae Sete Esme eerie tet) Se Now, when we use Deets eed in Tue Apr 26 21:39:09 2022 +0530 the flag ‘hard’ in Roe Cee ee eae the reset command, It vesets the Sere eee ener ee ea ence ee commit but also elas SCT es eee bear Lt) removes all Cm Cent aE changes from rer (master) local which where Feehan eee eC Coc naa part of those eae a) coop) commit(s). eat eee Working directory Your branch is up to date with ‘origin/master’. . is clean, Inathing to commit, working tree clean mw nk_ahu ja a og git revert This is the current state, we are in syne with the remote repo. Seer Coe) git revert command sounds similar to reset, and yes both are like performing the undo operation, but reset was much cleaner that revert. Why so? When you perfrom the vevert operation, it will undo the commit (or range of commits) but it also adds extra commits te perform this revert. So, basically git history would have the commit that had the change plus a commit which was used to revert the change. Let's see that in the next slide, what happened when we fired the revert, = > hen we fired the revert command in prev slide, it actually asked to add a commit message for the revert we are going to perform. With revert Sera en we can actually Eee eta ter undo any specific Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting commit or range eC UU me ae . . 2 . of commits. With reset it was resetting Om Pee ee are is Se 3 ad everything after the specified commit. We can't specify a range there. (master) ar Pe irre ec Reece eeece Date: Tue Apr 26 22:15:33 2022 +0530 A new revert a commit has been added. This is a Revert command demo ~ Reverting “adding demoTwo file This reverts commit ca54bc9c0486922e6683eaf8442d1 eSdea8Safb9. ee ree eer Rone Cae Tue Apr 26 21:39:58 2022 +0530 Se a Now, doa i ‘git push' ee ree aera Rene eee gt P ree eee eee) if you Want ee a this change to appear on the : mydemo222

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